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Everything posted by Tetora

  1. Bah Gawd, want to make a thread and making a workaround for the lack of text options.

    1. Tetora


      If I knew how to make the top bar disappear and matched the background color to the MH bg it would actually look pretty slick...

    2. doombox


      The only way I could was write in a reply box, then copy paste it to the new thread.

    3. Tetora


      Ah, that does not work for me, also tried just pasting from Word and no luck. Ah well.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  2. So tempted to upgrade my order for SuG's new album to the limited edition box.

    1. kyoselflove


      Oh...yeah. Forgot to buy one. I was like...55$..hmm..that's a CD.

    2. Owl


      Stahp! Don't do it!

    3. Tetora


      Sakura, Hello.

      Kyo, ...

      Owl, It's too late to turn back now!

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  3. ... And now to wait for my DIV cd.

  4. To all my Russian friends on here, it is very unfortunate that in less than one hour's time Rusev, the hero from Moscow will be CRUSHED by John Cena.

    1. Tetora


      'Currently residing in Moscow' and endorsed by Putin so he tries to represent Russia more than Bulgaria now.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Yes I know ^^ Don't like this fact of the storyline. This is his career match, best opportunity to become more important with a win against Cena... but I think Cena really want to win this title.

      All my focus will be ... around the ring on Lana =) !

    3. nekkichi


      what the hell is this didn't we just talk about important things like the other day

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  5. Phew, finally decided on a new Avi for the time being. I also found out that Tequila Tokyo will be a much more serious project than I initially expected, and the live shows will involve members flying around the stage? Can't wait to see and hear it.

  6. Tetora

    Just LOL at anyone who calls themselves an old-school VK fan but doesn't browse the site in Windows 95 mode. And if you watch PV's in anything other than Realplayer I seriously have to question your legitimacy. The other day I caught a supposed old-school fan listening to an mp3 using their iPhone. They started sweating and turned the other way once they saw me pop a Malice Mizer tape into an original Sony Walkman and start rewinding. Totally bogus.
  7. Fuark, the synths on 「INAZUMA??sound so good.

  8. Yeah, the label has a talent for not picking the actual hooks and catchy parts of a song to put into the preview. Hard to tell what the actual song will be like. But anyway, Codomo is one of the bands that I set to auto-buy, since I have enjoyed all of their previous releases. I just watch the previews to try and get pumped for the release; the SPOT could be Hayato making fart sounds with his armpit and I would still buy since the band has not let me down. But again, hopefully next release is a new album. (Teenager's Dope?)
  9. Thinking of trying Chapter One of 「Life is Strange?? later tonight, hope it is enjoyable.

    1. Xerath


      I saw some LP's of the first chapter and it seems really promising if you decide to try it I wish you a lot of fun :D

    2. kyoselflove


      I already played it all and I enjoyed it!

    3. Tetora


      Thanks. Starting it now.

  10. Stocks at 15 year high, Sony recovering, JPost buying Toll and going public, Samurai Blue being revitalized, and DOG dominating. Things are looking good, now all we need is a little more baby-making, and Square-Enix to make a comeback. #日本

    1. Biopanda


      Whatever they do, it better not lower the USD/YEN exchange rate because I'm loving the hell out of it ;x

    2. nekkichi


      didn't sony like make millions of billions of yen from insurance which covered the shitty electronic division revenue and everything else?

  11. Current clothes I want from band's: The footwear the singer from アルルカン has on in their latest look, and the last two jackets the singer from RAVE has worn, esp. the colorful camo one. (Also he looks so fresh and supple all the time, what's his cosmetic routine?)

    1. Tetora


      I know a few ppl who use Ue. Pretty pricey. I just use a Biotherm set for keeping my face healthy. Only time I wear actual make-up is when I am acting or doing a photo shoot, which is not often and someone else puts it on so I don't know about it too much. For RAVE I think besides effects (which they do a good job on, their promo material is always attractive), his skin looks really good and healthy, even legs and so forth so there must be good rest and diet involved as well.

    2. nekkichi


      shu gets progressively more expensive with anti-aging lines, but their makeup is on par with western brands of the same grade. (quality is much much much better tho). doesn't his skin look healthy because he's, like, young? and I mean, you don't necessarily notice all layers of foundation and powder involved, people ask me if I'm sick if I just get out to grab a coffee barefaced lol.

    3. Tetora


      I dunno he just struck me in particular. Though I will continue investigating and get to the bottom of this so the case can be closed.

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  12. In. Repping: Cena Okada (Rainmaker) Tanahashi Daniel Bryan Seth Rollins Ziggler Miz HHH Orton Enzo Amore And more... Pumped for Fast Lane, can't wait to see who Main Event's WM and how much of a beating Rusev receives.
  13. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

    1. Tetora


      Now debating next week... Already got DIV and RUVISH, might add something else...

    2. hiroki


      ??週????アンフィル??デモ音????オススメ??ん??????ZEAL LINK????手??入ら????????ょ??????倒??も(´Д`;)

    3. ricchubunny



    4. Show next comments  33 more
  14. Too epic, wish I could be there. DOG and Moran members together!? Only pairing I also wish for is Taizo from Kra (and Zoro) being included. Like: Haru, LiN, Taizo, tatsuhi, teruki. I also wish that more sessions like these result in original songs being recorded.
  15. Anybody listen to Crystal Lake? I tried to get into them but did not warm up to their 2014 release `Cubes`. Are their other albums different?

    1. Tetora


      Ah I see. I think I will wait for their next release to see if I can start to get into them. Thanks.

    2. Elazmus


      I would actually recommend Into the Great Beyond(2010)

    3. Jigsaw9


      Their older albums are more solid iirc.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  16. Upcoming Calendar Events: Fourth from the top. ;)

    1. Tetora


      This album will be a lot like Lycaon's. How, you say? Well, because it will be another 10/10. Put down the whip, it's time for DOGGYSTYLE!

    2. blackdoll


      I'm telling mp you aren't being unfateful. you finally found 5 nice guys and you gonna cheat on them with 5 other guys. what slut.

    3. Tetora


      Loyal to DOG first and foremost. Lycaon is in good hands with you.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  17. Well, the new ALSDEAD sounds EPIC: http://youtu.be/TAI9q3DDo6I

    1. Tetora


      They cut off right when a possibly epic solo could be starting.... Grrrr....

    2. kyoselflove


      They always do that. Got to make you buy it to hear that epicness.

    3. hiroki


      had this preordered since a month ago. looking forward to it ^^

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  18. I am guessing only VK bands use ????, considering they took over the whole site: http://now.ameba.jp/now/curiousRanking/

  19. Blackdoll working hard to keep at least 3-5 Lycaon threads on the front page at a time: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/53899d01jw1eovdjy4jmgj20hs0npaeh.jpg

    1. nekkichi


      I think they use this for have a 10/10 of a boring album ^^ [2]

    2. ricchubunny



    3. hitsuji-hime


      10/10 best status

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  20. Who here listens to Crossfaith? Any recommendations for favorite or most catchy songs? They seem to go in-between the electronic feel and a more straightforward sound.

    1. Tetora


      Okay I'll check all the PV's from those albums and see which one I would like to buy first. If you have any PV's in particular that I should see let me know. Also Kyo don't worry, I will force you to listen to them.

    2. doombox


      Zion is a mini album so that might also help sway your decision. I think they did a video for 3 of the songs. Monolith is probably the most visually interesting.

    3. Jigsaw9


      Check out the whole of the ZION EP, their strongest and catchiest release imo.

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  21. 'Go Visual or go home.' - Pawzord speaking the words I live by.

  22. Tetora

    Seems to be a misunderstanding, I didn't conflate anything. You stated VK is unoriginal, I disagreed with that. I think there are good original / unoriginal, and bad original / unoriginal bands in the huge list of diverse 'VK acts'. I found both of the statements I quoted to be unnecessary negative generalizations. Edit: To Traxan, I think part of it is the natural progression of time, as it is much harder for any band to make an impact now. There has been a bunch of really influential bands since, but right now I am waiting to see who will be the next monster game-changing band which we are due for.
  23. Tetora

    Anyone else disagree with pretty much everything said? What`s with the cartoon-ish simplification and generalization of everything, and why is that expected to hold up in a discussion with another human who has their own views and tastes? I usually avoid reading Youtube comments as it isn`t exactly the best place to have riveting discussion, but: Here we already see the poster making their words very hard to take seriously. Is there some magic spell that makes any `Vk band` a sell-out? Even the ones who played their biggest gig to an audience of 5 people including the bar-staff? There may be a list of `typical images`but there is no one typical image or sound to VK bands, unless you think that Malice Mizer and LM.C are exactly the same... Either they think it is cool to hate VK (this is somewhat popular, right?) or a VK band ruined their life and they are on a journey for redemption, somewhat like in Kill la Kill or OldBoy. I could pull up a huge list of people degrading themselves or doing something they don`t want to do for money, but I think the argument that poster was making is already moot enough. Not really, being VK itself is not exactly mainstream, hence the argument that a band is `selling out` by changing their music to pop music. Even big acts like Versailles weren`t exactly mainstream, unless old time France and long orchestral concept pieces are a big thing and I didn`t know about it. The biggest band from VK in years and years is SID, and they never changed, never stopped playing with VK bands, and their jazz, bossa-whatever sounds are far from mainstream. Same rhetoric argument always shoved down our throats. They changed, okay. They could have made a better move and went to a more popular genre if all they wanted is money (and VK isn`t exactly a gold-mine considering bands more popular then them don`t make much either), but the main point is that claiming a band sold out by changing their sound or look is conjecture and shouldn`t be expected to be held up as fact, even if by ad populum it seems to be taken that way... Not even close to 50% of VK bands fit this description from what I see. Unless they have some Japanese Census to show us... Plenty of much worse albums if one bothers to listen to more than the most popular download files before acting like they can judge every single release in a year. In response to Zess: Is any of this exclusive or consistent with all VK fans? Can`t say that I see how VK as one lumped together mass would be any more unoriginal than any other area of music. I find plenty of `originality`in it myself. But anyway, agree with some of the other stuff you said. The argument OP featured is so convoluted, generalized and skewed that I normally would just ignore it but felt like expressing myself. But even though I disagree with so much, I think Traxan makes some interesting threads for discussion.
  24. Their last two singles have been so good, and I think so much better than the two before it that I am worried the older tracks will bring down what could be their best album, unless they re-recorded the songs or placed them in a fresh way. We shall see.
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