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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. 12 A.M JST can't come soon enough... *stares at Itunes*

  2. Wow, with shipping prices like these it's even more clear to me that I won't be buying from the US again. $13,50 to ship one CD? Get out, USPS.

  3. New Heavenstamp = nice! <3

  4. First big announcement has been made, from today on wards V STAR PROMOTION will be working closely with Deviloof! However that's not the only announcement we have up our sleeves, please look forward to another announcement that will be made in the next few days.

  5. These new Licht:noir'e songs are leagues above the rest. I can't wait to finish this album and show you all! It's got all the old school vk vibes you would want to hear.

  6. Love the movie Amadeus. Mozart was such a playboy.

  7. You ever feel like you're just so close to losing yourself over nothing and yet if one thing happens it's just going to fall apart....

  8. Grow the fuck up.

  9. I wish that status from ignored users could be ignored as well...

  10. I got a peta from Cazqui o(≧∇≦o)

  11. Smells Like Virgin Spirit is GREAT! After two somewhat weaker singles, that's the SuG I like!

  12. I just got news about the death of a dear friend in my home country, I feel shaken and not in the best of shape, although today's meeting is relatively low pressure, I wonder if I should reschedule....

  13. Serious boredom, got tickets to WWE and can't wait to gtfo the office and see.

  14. Serious boredom, got tickets to WWE and can't wait to gtfo the office and see.

  15. for example you sell the sea has been around since 2009 but they only have one release? how and whyyy

  16. LOST's new album was worth the wait. ♥

  17. Came back from my spring break trip to a parking fine -_- ...

  18. I'm confused a bit - Satsuki is a 'special guest' at the anime party and I was invited to visit... eeh... this event. I'm too old for all this anime sh-t.

  19. its like 11 degrees celcius and im opening the windows and turning off the heating...freedom at LAST

  20. New York City peepz, would you recommend me staying another day after the GazettE concert to see the sights?

  21. y'all should take a minute to appreciate how nice is DIAWOLF's afterglow lyrics. Fucking motivational speech right there.

  22. y'all should take a minute to appreciate how nice is DIAWOLF's afterglow lyrics. Fucking motivational speech right there.

  23. Listening to a bit of Korean music. Taemin's solo stuff is pretty nice. Cool PV's too.

  24. Listening to a bit of Korean music. Taemin's solo stuff is pretty nice. Cool PV's too.

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