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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Damn, why do I have to always cry while credits play after finishing a Kingdom Hearts? :')

  2. I fucking made it, my first apple pie! bitch is in the oven (crust fucked up but who cares). No to shine my teeth with Yuuki-sama

  3. I fucking made it, my first apple pie! bitch is in the oven (crust fucked up but who cares). No to shine my teeth with Yuuki-sama

  4. Hmm... french Hardcore-Crossover meets JP...? Not too shabby... I bet the lyrics are pretty obvious tho :P

  5. Hmm... french Hardcore-Crossover meets JP...? Not too shabby... I bet the lyrics are pretty obvious tho :P

  6. I fucking made it, my first apple pie! bitch is in the oven (crust fucked up but who cares). No to shine my teeth with Yuuki-sama

  7. Forget what's on my mind- what's on yours, darling?

  8. I fucking made it, my first apple pie! bitch is in the oven (crust fucked up but who cares). No to shine my teeth with Yuuki-sama

  9. ?????????を殺?? my song . . .

  10. Jamming to some Hollowgram, …。【サイレンス】, and Madame Edwarda tonight. ♫

  11. That feel when you spot a MH member on Youtube and look through all their video history... Hehehe, I see EVERYTHING.

  12. That feel when you spot a MH member on Youtube and look through all their video history... Hehehe, I see EVERYTHING.

  13. THE GOVT. KNOWS !!!

  14. That feel when you spot a MH member on Youtube and look through all their video history... Hehehe, I see EVERYTHING.

  15. So Kyouka (Aliene Ma'riage, Insanity Injection) follows back on Instagram. A couple days ago, he liked a photo of mine. Which one, you ask? Well... https://www.instagram.com/p/xnroz-Ouxm/?taken-by=messiah_bat

  16. ??公平??。Don't want to cut my hair, gonna lose some VISUAL POWER. But it is that time again... And will get it colored. Scoping out new styles to put in.

  17. can't stop listening to CiTY COLLECTION v/a...

  18. cheacked aint nothing there

  19. o instead of buying a media rack, I ended up buying clothes. Fuck you amazon and your amazon deals on G-Star and Diesel.

  20. FUARK! My phone is blowing up with my boys telling me the news, big return on RAW tonight, a true hero.

  21. FUARK! My phone is blowing up with my boys telling me the news, big return on RAW tonight, a true hero.

  22. FUARK! My phone is blowing up with my boys telling me the news, big return on RAW tonight, a true hero.

  23. FUARK! My phone is blowing up with my boys telling me the news, big return on RAW tonight, a true hero.

  24. "If it go down in your DM then baby [..], you lucky Cause 99.9% of these fuckboys can't fuck me"

  25. i feel a little better now ^__^

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