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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. naega michin inhyeong iya michin inhyeong iya , naega michinnyeon iya

  2. Royz about to do it again. All I need is a killer track like 疾風迅雷。

  3. Happy birthday kyoselflove <3

  4. Taking the day to practice for my audition next week (gotta sing a capella, get ready to cringe). Then I am going to finish youtube'ing everything I am not familiar with in the yearly lists.

  5. Taking the day to practice for my audition next week (gotta sing a capella, get ready to cringe). Then I am going to finish youtube'ing everything I am not familiar with in the yearly lists.

  6. There was this girl in the Ruido who asked me if I came to see a friend in concert and if I had a band. Because I'm 'ikemen' and guitarist are 'generally full of tattoo'. Damn girl, I have more boobs than you.

  7. Fuck yeah, I just got my ticket for The GazettE! Now to put in for the time off! Can't wait to go back to LA!

  8. the GazettE creates such elitist phenomenon among their fanbase. And it's all based on how much money the fan is willing to pay for such status.

  9. Happy birthday fitear! Are YOU having a good day so far?

  10. I'm still in my holiday mood. Not ready to work at all. D:

  11. The magical 2015 music tour is done. Feel free to enjoy the ride~ Thank you everyone for their support and sorry it's so huge...

  12. lists everywhere

  13. Can confirm: Best not to view list's on mobile devices, my chit is exploding, be back later.

  14. Tempted to do my own 2015 list but that would require remembering what was even released last year...

  15. I want to make scones, but I don't know how to make scones... when life gives you scone baking powder

  16. seeing so many great best of 2015 lists makes me happy :)

  17. 2015 list should be done either today or tomorrow. at the latest tuesday depending on how bad work is over the weekend.

  18. 2015 list should be done either today or tomorrow. at the latest tuesday depending on how bad work is over the weekend.

  19. Okay, time to work on some of the backlog of games I didn't get everything in: http://imgur.com/wJs4Gya Start the new year fresh.

  20. seeing so many great best of 2015 lists makes me happy :)

  21. seeing so many great best of 2015 lists makes me happy :)

  22. Little compilation of some of my instruments: http://s.ameblo.jp/tetorabmx/entry-12112901537.html Hopefully link works.

  23. Little compilation of some of my instruments: http://s.ameblo.jp/tetorabmx/entry-12112901537.html Hopefully link works.


  25. Aki's new mini is just AMAZING <3 I just can't stop listening to "In Vain" <3

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