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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Dad has to stay longer because during one of his cardio tests, he felt the same pain again, so it wasn't just a one-time thing.

  2. Am I doomed to be forever lost in this fucking life?

  3. Just heard my Dad was admitted to the hospital for possible heart problems...

  4. Enjoying my sunday with MBHI DVD, can I ask more? <3

  5. Happy Birthday, Champ!!! May you party with the gods and drink mead aplenty! \m/

  6. I think Mi'ihen's birthday broke the site, what is this chit all over my screen? http://imgur.com/BLGlkT0

  7. Happy Birthday Mi'ihen \o/

  8. Fallout 4... Game of the year ^^ !

  9. I'm gonna hide for a while...

  10. This year i'm buying so much CDs , i'm feeling so happy in help the artists that i love (mainly Plastic Tree). I will love see my collection become more and more big :D

  11. Got a bass (Ernie Ball Musicman) and 12 string (Godin). Now all I need is an electronic drum kit (I have drum machines but it's not the same).

  12. Got a bass (Ernie Ball Musicman) and 12 string (Godin). Now all I need is an electronic drum kit (I have drum machines but it's not the same).

  13. I AM BAAAAACK !!!

  14. Rip Tzk's Instagram :/

  15. i can't even watch my favorite band pv fuck you youtube red

  16. Finally cracking on this review of D.A.R.K. -thanking for patience-

  17. need to finally actually organize my music collection and record what I own -_-

  18. Someone managed to send a mass email to all the students at my Uni with Guy Fieri pics. I'm dying, lmao.

  19. Huzzahhh, One Ok Rock was magical and I got autographs. Life is complete... until coldrain in December.

  20. New DIV is hot fire. On a side note, cd tray in PC wont open at all, going to have to take it apart and put it back together Wright Brothers style.

  21. New DIV is hot fire. On a side note, cd tray in PC wont open at all, going to have to take it apart and put it back together Wright Brothers style.

  22. New DIV is hot fire. On a side note, cd tray in PC wont open at all, going to have to take it apart and put it back together Wright Brothers style.

  23. It's done, next tatoo will be lightsabers !

  24. Top all time favorite games: GodHand, The World Ends With You, MGS2, Resident Evil 4, FF7, FFX, Dissidia, Mother 2, Shenmue.

  25. ..... So did anyone else hear about Sony and that new YT restrict?

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