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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. Starting watching Wangan Midnight anime (one episode every time I eat at my house). They really messed up the narrative, especially by condensing it so much. Would have loved if they gave it a proper push with faith like they did for Initial D. Though I know D was always more popular.

  2. Some cunts used my credit card to pay the toll just behind me, I want to cry...ToT thankfully it's not pricey (31,70€, but -4,70 --my price-- : 27€) but still, I'm so done with the world. I hope I will not have another bad surprise...

  3. ughh, i need a phone but i don't wanna get one....never been much of a phone person

  4. suggestions on a name if I start a makeup themed instagram thingy... when hannahbanana, hannabanana and hananabanana are all taken you turn the the people who know you as muma :P

  5. suggestions on a name if I start a makeup themed instagram thingy... when hannahbanana, hannabanana and hananabanana are all taken you turn the the people who know you as muma :P

  6. ughh, i need a phone but i don't wanna get one....never been much of a phone person

  7. darn it, left my rice spoiled...

  8. Amazon.co.jp can go fuck themselves. My copy of DOGMA was originally supposed to arrive on Saturday, NOW, the shipping estimate is indefinite. FUCK!

  9. Week for BFN new single *o* <3

  10. the amazing moment when the keyboard isn't working properly anymore -_-

  11. Week for BFN new single *o* <3

  12. :/ Sucks how Macs don't have CD/DVD drives

  13. Week for BFN new single *o* <3

  14. Even though im on a different grind, still waiting for the day Price Yuuki makes me climax agian.

  15. the amazing moment when the keyboard isn't working properly anymore -_-

  16. :/ Sucks how Macs don't have CD/DVD drives

  17. Stephen Amell become my favorite wrestler xD !

  18. First day of classes at the university. Let's do this!

  19. Every social media outlet is gonna break, over DOGMA today...

  20. F*** YEAH! I was waiting for dis!

  21. "These hoes couldn't test me even if their name was pop quiz"

  22. Kinda concerned about the USDJPY. One week ago, it was 124.41, now it's ~119 and has gone as low as 116 today.

  23. I've heard 2 anime openings, one from "FLOW" and one from "Spyair". Are they good bands?

  24. Jon Stewart my darling<3

  25. SummerSlam.... what the heck was that...

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