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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Spending more time on keyboard is paying off, able to improvise much more complex stuff and play different species of counterpoint off the top of my head. Now trying to plug different styles into more modern music.

  2. Spring makes all the music sound different. Old feelings arise, new memories will be made.

  3. Start cleaning my house, sweat pouring off of me. Decide to turn A/C on and set it to low... Ten minutes later icicles are forming around my nipples.

    1. Mihenno
    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      The adventure of iced nipples man, based on a true story

    3. togz



  4. Starting to get more into Black Gene, I like the new sound they have.

  5. Starting to get night coughs like when I was a kid. Can't sleep because of them. Watching the night, all I see is dreams people don't believe in.

    1. Spectralion


      Get well soon, dude...

    2. Tetora


      Thanks bro. Kinda sad to be up but too tired to be productive, listening to sad music imagining stuff.

    3. Spectralion


      That's better than being up but don't know what to do.

      I'm just blank staring at my notebook screen right now.

  6. Starting watching Wangan Midnight anime (one episode every time I eat at my house). They really messed up the narrative, especially by condensing it so much. Would have loved if they gave it a proper push with faith like they did for Initial D. Though I know D was always more popular.

    1. Tetora


      Car scenes are over way too quick and most of the actual show is just talking about the Akuma no Z. As opposed to D which had races that lasted several episodes DBZ style. The animation is also like a young boy`s Slice of Life show or something. Why.

  7. Still hard to believe the standard quality of PV's with modern technology. Even the small bands often have great images.

  8. Still trying to learn harsh vocals. I sound like a homeless ojiisan...

    1. paradoxal


      i don't even dare to try... XD

  9. Stocks at 15 year high, Sony recovering, JPost buying Toll and going public, Samurai Blue being revitalized, and DOG dominating. Things are looking good, now all we need is a little more baby-making, and Square-Enix to make a comeback. #日本

    1. Biopanda


      Whatever they do, it better not lower the USD/YEN exchange rate because I'm loving the hell out of it ;x

    2. nekkichi


      didn't sony like make millions of billions of yen from insurance which covered the shitty electronic division revenue and everything else?

  10. SuG has done it again!

  11. SummerSlam is upon us.

    1. Tetora


      And now I am gonna be depressed for at least the next month...

  12. SummerSlam.... what the heck was that...

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Terrible PPV.

    2. Tetora


      Elazmus you seriously enjoyed that.

    3. Elazmus


      I didn't say I enjoyed it XD

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  13. Taking the day to practice for my audition next week (gotta sing a capella, get ready to cringe). Then I am going to finish youtube'ing everything I am not familiar with in the yearly lists.

    1. Tetora



    2. yakihiko


      Good luck practicing bro, I want to see that!

    3. Tetora


      Thanks dude, working hard to not embarass myself, hehe.

  14. Teddyloid mix of girugamesh: https://youtu.be/vGbcnr4GzmI

    1. yakihiko


      I heard it on Rockaholic's video event. It sounded amazing.

  15. Tequila Tokyo playing Kung-Fu Lady live: https://youtu.be/LC9OR1KQv-0

    1. Tetora


      Taizo is still the GOAT on guitar.

    2. lollipopmonstar


      Thanks for share ♥

    3. yakihiko


      Just a fabulous music performance. Are they hiring for dancing pandas?

  16. That feel when you are listening to music in bed but want to get up and do something, but dont want to put on clothes so you tuck your phone into your underwear.

    1. kyoselflove


      Is it pulsating in your underwear?

    2. Tetora


      No, that would be weird...

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Careful with that :D

  17. That feel when you decide to take your dragons up to the next colliseum difficulty to play with the Big Boys, and get REKT.

    1. Tetora


      Add me so I can attack you Hiroki. My dragons are hungry.

    2. hiroki


      my username there is hiroki as well, if anyone wants to add me ^^;

    3. Spectralion


      I need to pace up my game. All I do is just mini game. I don't even know how to leveling my dragons. X(

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  18. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

    1. Tetora


      Now debating next week... Already got DIV and RUVISH, might add something else...

    2. hiroki


      ??週????アンフィル??デモ音????オススメ??ん??????ZEAL LINK????手??入ら????????ょ??????倒??も(´Д`;)

    3. ricchubunny



    4. Show next comments  33 more
  19. That feel when you spot a MH member on Youtube and look through all their video history... Hehehe, I see EVERYTHING.

    1. doombox


      What a rebel. XD

    2. Tetora


      Prefer to stay Indie, too much politics and responsibility when you get on a big label.

    3. doombox


      Stay cvlt. Never forget your roots. Tetora can't be bought with a flashy pink name. ;D

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  20. That feel when your boys at CDJapan come through and ship an item that says「may take 5-7 day ?? in one day. Clutch.

  21. That new Rono Cro. They coming for that V Neu spot?

  22. The feel when you are in 'THE ZONE', and watching PV's on Youtube feels so much better than the hundreds of hours listlessly going through tracks in yoir day-to-day life.

    1. Tetora


      Big difference from the reason I love music, to the way I usually use it.

  23. The fella from DOF is reminding me of the little one from that Zelda game, I think it is Midna.

  24. The Interview online now, could the movie industry be changed forever?

    1. Tetora


      With a brand new distribution and marketing system never before seen for a major film.

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