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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Blackdoll working hard to keep at least 3-5 Lycaon threads on the front page at a time: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/53899d01jw1eovdjy4jmgj20hs0npaeh.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. nekkichi


      I think they use this for have a 10/10 of a boring album ^^ [2]

    3. ricchubunny



    4. hitsuji-hime


      10/10 best status

  2. Anybody using new Nintendo App???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Tetora


      Battoe: Battle.

    3. colorful人生



      Cool. Twitter is literally the only way, for the many who've abandoned FB. Everyone's throwing up their names on the Miitomo subreddit, lol.


      You can use Miitomo on Bluestacks if you really wanted to on PC.

    4. colorful人生


      Actually, MEmu is better than Bluestacks. Same process though: http://www.memuplay.com/

  3. Oi, so I am guessing Imgur makes all uploads automatically public, I had thousands of views on some pics, lulz. Most popular were screencaps of my friend texting on my phone and a picture of some books I read...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Tetora


      It's too late Lestat, the damage is done. Also CK, is Gyazo on mobile?

    3. Tetora


      Just checked: Private pic - 1.2k views (゜_゜;)

  4. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tetora


      Now debating next week... Already got DIV and RUVISH, might add something else...

    3. hiroki


      ??週????アンフィル??デモ音????オススメ??ん??????ZEAL LINK????手??入ら????????ょ??????倒??も(´Д`;)

    4. ricchubunny



  5. So tempted to upgrade my order for SuG's new album to the limited edition box.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. kyoselflove


      Oh...yeah. Forgot to buy one. I was like...55$..hmm..that's a CD.

    3. Owl


      Stahp! Don't do it!

    4. Tetora


      Sakura, Hello.

      Kyo, ...

      Owl, It's too late to turn back now!

  6. Ahhhhh, let me just equip a new avi real quick, hehe, how you like me now. New release next week, this band and Smileberry are on my radar.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tetora


      I just have one cd by Smileberry. The other band LOG:

    3. yakihiko


      Lol they don't fit on me, too much happy probably xD

    4. Tetora
  7. Anyone else keep getting Mejibray, Born and Gazette porn every time CDJapan sends them something?

  8. Replayed Resident Evil and my friend kept yelling I am a greedy sonofab#tch because I use no ammo, herbs or saves and try to run by all enemies. Got 100's of ammo, nine ribbons, and twelve herbs. Feels good.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. plastic_rainbow


      Yeah, Evil Within was a good game! I played it a few months ago. I'd like to replay the first two Parasite Eve games too. Need to refresh myself on the storyline~

    3. yakihiko


      Tets, I stopped RE4 when I was without ammo when facing that bitch monsters which stay on the ceiling.

    4. yakihiko


      Do you know what should I do?? XD

  9. Feeling guilty taking some time off working to play 'The Evil Within'. Especially due to it not being good so far...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. beni


      Oh no, Tets, I didn't mean you! I meant people in general when they only see the flaws in things, giving games just 1 star. I understand how hard the creator must have tried in making this stand out. It certainly got attention though right? (Going by YouTube)

    3. Tetora


      Oh, lol. Can't remember many games I would give 1 star if I had to rate.

    4. Tetora


      Getting better the further I get.

  10. Top all time favorite games: GodHand, The World Ends With You, MGS2, Resident Evil 4, FF7, FFX, Dissidia, Mother 2, Shenmue.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. yakihiko


      Shadow of the colossus and Journey, I forgot those :)

    3. yakihiko


      I think FFXV and World of FF will make a join in your list. Those are the most interesting coming out "soon"

    4. Tetora


      Oh yeah Shadow for sure. Never played Journey brah, what am I missing. Also have high hopes for FFXV! And Last Guardian.

  11. FUARK! My phone is blowing up with my boys telling me the news, big return on RAW tonight, a true hero.

  12. Going to listen to more from Ruvish, Blitz, and maybe TK, hehe.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kyoselflove


      Don't know them.

    3. Tetora


      Try Idolize by Ruvish, Twilight by Blitz, and Unravel by TK.

    4. anakuro


      Out of curiosity, why Idolize?


  14. Just saw the new LOG PV on the BPR channel. Quite different from the label's usual offering but I will pick it up as Bandsaid always brings something fresh.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mihenno


      wait are they with BPR or did they just hire for the video?

    3. Tetora


      Bandsaid supports some bands temporarily to give them a push. They helped Black Gene with a couple of singles, and they did the same with Codomo Dragon but Codomo convinced BPR to add them to the label. They originally only wanted to focus on building Kiryu and Royz so Codomo may be the only exception.

    4. paradoxal


      LOG is awesome :D

  15. That feel when you decide to take your dragons up to the next colliseum difficulty to play with the Big Boys, and get REKT.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tetora


      Add me so I can attack you Hiroki. My dragons are hungry.

    3. hiroki


      my username there is hiroki as well, if anyone wants to add me ^^;

    4. Spectralion


      I need to pace up my game. All I do is just mini game. I don't even know how to leveling my dragons. X(

  16. Has a recent slew of disagreeable posts been getting you down? Tired of those pesky haters? Try Monochrome-Heaven's new 'CNN Mode'. To activate it , simply block all members except for Trombe (and me of course), to enjoy a peaceful stream of news involving your favorite artist's, without the risk of randomly encountering enemies which will undoubtedly wear down your endurance, and perhaps drive you mad.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. paradoxal


      ^ did you just compliment the staff

    3. nekkichi


      I did!!! I honestly enjoy all the recent spring cleaning here, had to block only like a couple most persistent l'trolls.

    4. paradoxal


      wow, the staff thanks you :D (i'm not taking any credit since i have been a mod for like two days)

  17. I would like it if more people posted their favorites in the monthly thread as I would like to see them, or if there was a recommendation box that worked like the status updates but said "「Username?? recommends: 「凛 - Memento Mori??「 Why: Because it's etc, etc...?? " But to say that, I guess I should contribute as well when I have the time.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CAT5


      Definitely, I feel like ppl probably feel the BNT threads are a bit too intimidating? I'm not sure, but i'd love to see more ppl post there!

    3. yakihiko


      I always bring my monthly's best new tracks :)

      I'm not good when writing big texts in english(not my native language), so I try make small ones with my very best.

      I not very intimidate CAT5 XDD

      But I want to see more users doing it too. I have discovered one of my best bands after reading this kind of review from you guys.

    4. beni


      ^ This has made my day. <3 I also wish more users would respond.

  18. New TMR album comes with a complimentary folder. Seems like all his release bonuses are giving out school and office supplies. How thoughtful.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tetora


      Yeah it seems his vocal style and the way they mixed electronic music with rock sounds as well as his visuals influenced many bands. I know they also influenced DIV and Shou from Alice Nine as well as some others.

    3. Tetora


      Also that sucks Yakihiko, are they blocked on his actual channel?

    4. yakihiko


      The vevo works well, the old not :/

  19. Kamijo: Too BRUTAL for Brazil tour 2015.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tetora


      Sepultura is pretty heavy, but not enough blood sucking. That's where Kamijo has them beat. Brazil is still dealing with a Draculaen outbreak after VAMPS played there.

    3. Licio123


      LOL Tetora rulez

    4. Tetora
  20. Ah nice weather finally. Thinking about my bike and what I will listen to while riding. Codomo Dragon, girugamesh, SuG, maybe some Radwimps.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tetora


      Too many polar bears on here! Where are all the sunbathers?

    3. Owl


      All hail winter or cold weather at least! Agree on any temperature between -20 and +20 C

    4. Tetora
  21. Partybus, stop at sugar shack, Wiskey and Vodka Unlimited supply, twenty girls, ten of them with fake boobs, then on to Wrestlemania in thirty minutes. Now this is how you do SUNDAY.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. yakihiko


      I can do an exception for a shot made by Tets

    3. Tetora


      Just opened up your BORN thread, goodnight sweet bandwidth.

    4. Atreides


      I'd prefer 20 chicks with 10 fake boobs :/

  22. No matter where you are in life you are going to be handed Chicken Sh!t and have to turn it into (soy) Chicken Salad.

  23. Someone staying at my house has shown me some t.v. shows; Breaking Bad, How to Get Away With Murder and Orange is the New Black. Hmmm....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tetora


      I usually never watch t.v. besides wrestling.

    3. Shir0


      is OITNB really that good? D: I'm hesitating whether I should watch it or not..

    4. paradoxal


      @Shir0 it is!! you should watch it :D

  24. It all kicks off in one month's time with back-to-back-to-back albums by DOG, DIV and SuG. The only problem? Have to pay shipping three times if I want them all on release. Mon Dieu!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tetora


      Please don't be hurt by this. It's not Lycaon, it's me. I'm just not ready to start a new relationship now. But Lycaon is a really nice band and I hope we can be friends.

    3. kyoisKILLINGME
    4. kyoselflove
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