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  1. Like
    blackdoll reacted to kyoisKILLINGME in random thoughts thread   
    I wanna listen to a different song but lycaon shadow keeps popping up in my head x__x what is happening to me... and of course I play it over and over and over... that song is a drug that's what it is!
  2. Like
    blackdoll reacted to VkBrutaliaN in REDRUM will disband & departure of Gt.kaname has been rescinded   
    meh... i was hoping for a new release anytime soon cuz i really like their new vocalist...
  3. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from beni in General KPOP Thread   
    benibana thanks alot for mentioning BEG, abracadabra is so addictive, they have the best hip rocking. were they first to do it?
  4. Like
    blackdoll reacted to PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    Forget it.
  5. Like
    blackdoll reacted to allisapp in random thoughts thread   
    I really want to bitchslap myself many times over ruining my sleeping pattern and not reading enough to an exam and not making homework early enough AND NOT STARTING SCHOOL PROJECT EARLY ENOUGH. Fuck you, allisapp. T_____T I am so angry at myself.
    *bitchslaps herself*
  6. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from paradoxal in MH FEATURED POLL #10: Would you ever want to get married?   
    better be Lycaon at the bachelorette party. and you have the first dance to Love song or marigold at the wedding.
  7. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from kyoselflove in MH FEATURED POLL #10: Would you ever want to get married?   
    better be Lycaon at the bachelorette party. and you have the first dance to Love song or marigold at the wedding.
  8. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Tetora in Visual Kei "Jazz" discussion   
    Lycaon - Nibanme no onna
    Lycaon - kuroneko
    Lycaon - memai
    i think others too
    oh yeah sadie Parasite scene i think
  9. Like
    blackdoll reacted to Lestat in Femme Fatale new album "ARCANA" release & Dr.Chargeeeeee will depart   
    Totally agreeing with blackdoll here. What have they done to his voice?!
  10. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from jduv86 in MEJIBRAY - THE"420"THEATRICAL ROSES   
    Im not surprised that Raven album ver was the best because that song just shitts on everything they done so hard excluding Gaichuu as i said  before. The only thing i wish they would have done was unfilter the growls at the background to make em brutal like gaichuu as i said on edohsama.
    other thoughts
    Cristate: wow sounding like satsuki nice (not that, that, goes far anymore for me)
    Mr.rain wa shindafuri: nice main riffage (first time around)
    SERVANT: like the beginning growls kinda sick could have been brutalized. the whiper deg ones sucked though and were not needed
    and yeah they recylced riffs and not in a "ahhhhh" way either, even ripped of few of their own i think?
    first listen: its good not great, second: whatever.
  11. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Aferni in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    dragon ball z sucks balls!
    dragon ball z games and naruto games are really enjoyable unlike the animies (the ones i played)
  12. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Visutox in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST new album "THE OMNIGOD" release   
    nocturnal pooplust
  13. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Elazmus in MEJIBRAY new album "THE "420" THEATRICAL ROSES" release   
    its ok, the vocals could connect more.
    lol at the random kyo/mao growl
  14. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from kyoselflove in random thoughts thread   
    yuuki's blue hair is awesome but he is totally not rocking it, which is a dam shame. he needs k-pop in his life. i nominate G-dragon to mentor him on looks.
  15. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Visutox in I think I'm Getting sick of Visual Kei bands   
    never feel bad for not giving a shit about the gazette anymore, they are just a starter band with a few songs here and there to headbob to. as for looks ................
  16. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Elazmus in new band "DADAROMA" has formed   
    me and vocalist are cool, im ready for him. now i'm not surprised he is from since 1889 (one of the best)
  17. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Tetora in LM.C new album "PERFECT RAINBOW" release   
    as always LM.C is top notch! i like how like Lycaon when they used core they made it their bitch.
  18. Like
    blackdoll reacted to Rosebetz in LM.C new album "PERFECT RAINBOW" release   
    FULL PV!!
    Excited about this song ! ^^ Cant Wait for the full Album!
  19. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from kyoselflove in random thoughts thread   
    Respect, they killed it!
  20. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Elazmus in BORN new maxi single "Son Of A Bitch" release   
    byo is is fine and adds/goes to/with the song (not including calavade bsides). ryo aint doing shit. so yeah B > R.
  21. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Elazmus in BORN new maxi single "Son Of A Bitch" release   
    sounds llke screw with dry vocals < screw
  22. Like
    blackdoll reacted to Zeus in #12: ニア・イコール by アルルカン   
    Artist: アルルカン Album: ニア・イコール Score: It's called near equal because all the songs are just as good as one another.
    In life, the first impression is everything. This applies even to music, doubly so for visual kei bands. The first visual kei band in a long time able to combine metalcore with dubstep in a way that didn't make me want to smash my head against a wall, アルルカン's single 墓穴 left a good impression on me. With all their ducks in a row, the announcement of their first full album piqued my interest. I was curious to see what direction this nascent band's first full-length would go in, how many risks they would be willing to take, and how far they bend their approach to music before something gives.
    However, the second impression is just as important. アルルカン play it safe with near equal, opting to neither amaze nor disappoint. Previously released singles 墓穴 and Eclipse hover a cut above the rest, but there's not a gulf of difference between the old tracks and the new tracks. If anything, they all sound interchangeable. This is both a good and a bad thing.

    This is a good thing because it shows that the first few releases weren't a fluke. Their overall sound remains the same, borrowing elements from their peers while also excelling at what they play. 暁-aki- has nice growls with a penchant for catchy hooks and the guitarists have an ear for good riffs. Many of the songs give off the same vibe and toy with the same ideas in a different way. I understand that they are a new band still finding their way, but their bag of tricks is small. They've already recycled such ideas like the dubstep sample over a breakdown, or the overused aggressive verse/uplifting chorus dynamic. As always, the melodic parts kick ass, but it wouldn't hurt to let in a few more influences take over during those moments. The melodic bits are 90% of why this band sounds as good as it does.

    We can break up the songs on near equal into three categories. The first is the energetic metalcore numbers that form the backbone of their sound, such as opener 暁 and single 墓穴. There are some more electro rock oriented tunes such as Alive and あの窓に教わった事. Then there is アルルカン's softer side with ending track clepsydra and カレイドスコープ, where one can catch some power chords and piano on display. One look at the track list and it's clear that similar sounding tracks are close to one another. Thus, this album flows in phases instead of hopping between all the different approaches. Whether this is intentional or not I do not know, but it wouldn't be wrong of me to say they had three ideas going into this album and they made those three ideas work as best as they could.

    This also leaves me with little else to say about any song in particular, as all points of praise or criticisms noted apply to most of the songs equally.

    Does アルルカン miss the mark? While I would have been pleased if they had exceeded my expectations a second time, they delivered at the level I expected them to. It's an enjoyable, but forgettable album. That's not to say that near equal is bad. It's all rising action and no climax, and the abundance of familiar tracks don't help any. There are also moments in individual tracks where the transition between two phases of the music aren't as clean as they could be. There's an undeniable feeling of dissatisfaction at the end of the album, as if the blistering pace and raw energy teased at with prior singles doesn't translate well into a full album. Next time around - and there better be a second album - these rough edges should be polished up.

    This is a contender for one of the top visual kei albums of the year - although that's not saying much - and アルルカン has set the bar for visual kei at a comfortable height. If this band continues activities at their current rate and find some way to make their sound more memorable, I can see them gigging at Budokan in a few years.

    Three cheers to no tragedies and more music from visual kei's new poster boys.
  23. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Elazmus in アルルカン (Arlequin)   
    idkb if i was expecting to much but the album was nothing special. for now i blaming DADAROMA and Lycaon - anima (since it's up arq's ally). also his voice aint doing much anymore.
  24. Like
    blackdoll reacted to ricchubunny in アルルカン (Arlequin)   
    Yeah, the album is kinda boring tbh.
    The songs are all like "i heard it by them before".
    They must find new elements too use on their sound, or they gonna be boring and repetitive as fuck, what would be pretty sad cause i really like them...
  25. Like
    blackdoll got a reaction from Elazmus in new band "DADAROMA" has formed   
    Right, like how dare they, went into the song thinking it was going to be badass, not that this is something new with vk.
    gazette might not have made it, but the riffage aint new (doesn't sound new, can't put my finger on it though). and if your going to do something that's not new it might as well be badass since he he can be a proper badass. like vk need this lol
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