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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    ughh painting sucks dicks when it's confined. listening CO made it bearable. Painting again this week.
  2. blackdoll

    the gazette sister was too far, sorry i had to say something
  3. blackdoll

    listen to it for a bit of exercise when i woke up, then while re watching the first half of bitten. skipped gypsy and anemone now while I'm painting.
  4. blackdoll

    buffy the vampire slayer, which should be called Buffy the shit slayer! Just finished it and i can say it's highly watchable but in truth it sucks balls. The only good parts are angel s1-s2 and spike, but spike got repetitive tbh. the main charcter who highly annoying with her attempt at having an attitude which is suppose to be cool but instead is very jarring. plus it makes no sense that she is suppose to be the one with power when the humans can fight the monsters just as fine really. That being mentioned the fight are basically all the same but not horrible (and she had the nerve to make fun of bruce lee). the only power she has is the healing faster. it went from goosebumps to sex and the city Charmed which is from around the same time ans is similar is way better, they do have the power, the girlyness is not annoying and plots and eps are way more fulfilling.i can see why they got a 7th season!
  5. blackdoll

    ok so I think I need a good instrumental but the vocals have to be great or catchy. and who every has the best vocal is the one i want to listen to, but their instrumental cant suck though
  6. blackdoll

    well fuck you all!
  7. blackdoll

    jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
  8. blackdoll

    constantine => grimm => allegiance allegiance.............. I like !
  9. looks like just promo music for their stuff to me and not a preview
  10. blackdoll

    marionette while waiting for my fucking food!
  11. Lets see who can listen to Camera obscura for the longest. it doesn't have to be every song. Everyday you listen to Camera obscura post here. if you miss a day then you are out! last one who doesn't miss a day wins! No sense anymore in confining it only one album now.. Ill start, I kicked ass working out to this. Liar had me the most pumped!
  12. blackdoll

    fuck it, I'm going to be honest, I'm cheating on The Prince with Tamer. With Tamer it's so hot, and I know getting everything he got instead of some scrapes Yuuki decides to throw me. also 180 darga is very close in greatness to CO but CO is better. The Princes have BTS whooped though and the Prince is better that any kpop vocals. Lycaon > tamer > yuuki = nancy
  13. blackdoll

    I hope you are joking because you are way of base, i cant even. the gazette's sister (you mean master)? yuuki sound like ruki? really when the hell in their metal era did the do gaztte, the vocals and sounds are way different. rose and monrou had like the same similar riffage to chizru and derangement and someother riffage it part of other song but going for different vibes. i never herd something so ummmmm... i done and if i happen to have missed a huge chunk of the gazette i am sure Lycaon was still on top
  14. blackdoll

    Lycaon 10 new songs were shockingly all so fucking good, like OH MY GOD!
  15. blackdoll

    from that era and you know who else
  16. blackdoll

    you never herd of 'making fun of someone' its like teasing. example: oh their shoes make them look like clowns. in this case it's EYA music well if the worth of the disco is 0-20 out of a 100 then yes
  17. blackdoll

    i wanna see yuuki cover this in his gossip outfit
  18. blackdoll

    Yuuki did say in a interview about a new sense of self, my guess that self only includes some screams here and there. not as powerful either as shown melancholic. I think Lycaon's doing the whole "we are moving on" since the screams could have came back in 2014 with dogra magra. btw who produced this golden album? its so good, i feel like a women who has always wanted a child and finally i pregnant. also is it bad that i want a single at the end of the year, i just wonder what next?
  19. All hail the half incubus princes of light Yuuki-sama, Satoshi-sama, Zero-sama, Hiyuu-sama, and Ichiro-sama and their glorious victory. Lands they have conquered/destroyed: Arlequin, femme fatale, megaromnia, malice mizer, the gazette, and their kind. Finally Rentrer en soi name is in the dust. (incubus breed

  20. blackdoll

    damm another live pv dvd ughhhhh
  21. blackdoll

    well actual it was 14. anyway it's cool because "Honestly there's no way in hell that I could ever take" what you are saying about One Piece seriously. Well if you'd have followed my words or looked into me you would have known that i was scared this album was going to suck and kill the band for me. It's not "oh it's Lycaon, so the new album is going 10/10 and the best." Yes it's known how much i love this band but the 10/10 is because of the work this blessed album had. The praise, love, and respect i give them is only because they earned it. also if i was so foolish i wouldn't have dissed Yuuki like that. disclaimer: i might have let the other slaves here get to me and say that it was going to be the best, but i didn't really think and was in the moment Thank you for you words. I'm confident in my opinion but not in my writing, i find it difficult to get my thought into words and the word choice too is tricky.
  22. blackdoll

    i just realized that ichiro is dressed normal (fashionably of course)
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