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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. it's amazing how changeing the pitch on a song can make it so fucking good and sexy!

    Othernews: Buffy the vampire slayer and Charmed are one in the same, all thats missing is for buffy to get pregoo.
    1. MaikoMizu


      Do I become scared or amazed at this? o_o

    2. blackdoll
  2. blackdoll

    glad that was only yesterday, gosh that was scary.
  3. 24 hours, full moon, number nine, miniskirt, something, expectation, alone, one way love, volume up, fxxk you. would love Lycaon to release an album covering them.

  4. blackdoll

    i'm looking forward to yuuki's next ballad, should put things into perspective...... number nine
  5. blackdoll

    son of bitch, i really liked their one release
  6. blackdoll

    shameless ep if you want to watch it ^ lmao angel stalking then popping out to punch buffy in the face then get his ass kicked then run away
  7. blackdoll

    i dont have one either My Lady. thank you.
  8. blackdoll

    and 'opinion' for you too right, since that's all you gave?
  9. blackdoll

    lol tryna get that cash. can you record it and put it up on your yt? i wanna Yowza.too
  10. finally found a link for Nakka - Электродофреник http://www.mediafire.com/download/j7qch5k4xfa80zp/Nakka_-_Elektrodofrenik_2014.zip ... so happy!

    1. blackdoll


      femme fatale's album was dry as fuck same blah blah nothing going on. while nakka got grind, death, and core clashing. simple but great. learn not to hold onto false idols.

    2. nekkichi


      I've seen who you worship henny, that alone is enough tbh

    3. blackdoll


      ill throw that back with I've seen who you worship [2] and that's enough to not take you seriously tbrh.

    4. Show next comments  285 more
  11. blackdoll

    that why i said maybe. i wasn't sure if old school is thrashy or not with the riffage. and it was only a suggestion. and it's more likely they want some clean singing. and isn't their black thrash or whatever
  12. blackdoll

    Why don't you just listen to black metal.... maybe thrash metal? problem solved.
  13. grieva is the only band that isn't annoying or comes of as pathetic when reusing riffage. I would say Lycaon too but with the way they do it and put it together it doesn't feel the same.

  14. blackdoll

    what the fuck man! watching shameless and best on screen couple is fucking in the trash. i mean you could say its not his fault but he could just fuck his man. otherwise nice ep consistent with the title. I sense a rape/gangbang rape and a dislike of one's home coming. now time for my boys musketeers . another great ep, the kings a little bitch. and i love that sly lady
  15. blackdoll

    nope talking about the foursome
  16. no it ties i back to his hair, and they are cute on him too
  17. blackdoll

    avelcain, and new Lycaon with ichiro
  18. 95% of j-metal and j-core bands need to watch and learn from this

    so they can stop being a stick in the mud.
    1. Shmilly


      all of my yes.

  19. blackdoll

    just one thing. BEST SEX SCENE EVER! and thats the guy from HIMYM right?
  20. blackdoll

    Andromeda was great even if the acting for some was low. love the humor. fav characters are both rhades (s3-s5). fav qu 'Keep your friends close; Keep your enemies under constant surveillance.' now im watching Buffy the vampire slayer, even though i dont approve of this kind of vampires. like doctor who its a different kind of goosebumbs. this time being with fighting and more adult stuff. i like so far
  21. you gotta work me baebe work for me work for me

  22. blackdoll

    *2013 (MRC) anyway yuuki reverting back to memai, and the other a continuation of shadow. anyway please let yuuki bring out his gutturals and screams
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