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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. that hot shitt

    ahhhhhhh no pussies allowed *cough cough* nocturnal poopeatingsluts *cough*
    1. JRD


      That 028 Hate band shout in the beginning <3 Thanks for adding a new band to my library!

    2. blackdoll
  2. blackdoll

    anime. eveytime before she about to cry she like im going to win for the toy soldier and beat don (who told her she has no chance). agree to disagree
  3. blackdoll

    she's the one who thought see could win, then "oh shit im dead"
  4. blackdoll

    late but i guess because he is an original member or last. anyway forming a new band without him would work too since they are no longer worthy of having death in their name.
  5. blackdoll

    lmao rebecca got her head busted it ROTFL
  6. blackdoll

  7. finally getting into this

    1. blackdoll


      reminds me of Lycaon
    2. blackdoll
  8. blackdoll

    of course it is, and it's only fitting since one of lycaon's major themes is drugs.
  9. except for distasteful hook and close to the end chorus nice job. i use the word "nice" because it felt choppy with the singing and riffage like they didn't blend or come together. I'll probably get used to it though. Conclusion i'm still frustrated, so i'm hoping they finish me off with the rest of the non-instrumental songs on the album
  10. blackdoll

    lmao at the word "brutal"
  11. blackdoll

    ha i like the song except cl's first verse. lmao it was so ratchet tho about cl i find this way more listenable , this or watching waveya shit on her good pop rapping
  12. I miss archer (miss archer really) so much. last season was on point. I'm ready for chosen too

    1. nekkichi


      chozen is my forever guilty pleasure tbh, rip 2nd season, we never have nice things

    2. blackdoll


      *chozen.. and what the fuck that show was funny as fuck, reminded me a bit of the best adult cartoon drawn together. i could have sworn it was coming back. oh well atleast i didn't get to attached to it

  13. awww they just gotb listenable, boo hoo
  14. blackdoll

    Lycaon - love song, marigold, candy candle, hi ame, mayaku.
  15. blackdoll

    oh cool. for me its like i like pop and k-pop's rap/hiphop, just cant stand it from america. there are kinds of songs i just skip and i dont expect to like everysong from a release because they be all over the place. put the scene has got me. I also love weekly idol and stuff and i love that there are translations hehe. but i was asking if they were the first group to do the hip rock in their choreography (t-ara sugar free, hyuna blacklist ect.) ? but i guess you don know.... speaking of 2ne1 they opened for ANTM final runway, btob was also there and on ep as a challenge.
  16. constantine is good!

  17. blackdoll

    benibana thanks alot for mentioning BEG, abracadabra is so addictive, they have the best hip rocking. were they first to do it?
  18. blackdoll

    i thought i wouldn't like my new avi but i love it
  19. blackdoll

    right their accent but thats even cooler. thanks for the info
  20. The Gallo's album > mejibray's album

    1. beni


      GANGSTA FOR DA WIN. *braces for hate* It's just a joke too, there's been way too many great albums this year all round.

    2. blackdoll


      opps, i get really defensive when deg is put over everything. but best albums should go in the best of 2014 thread

    3. beni


      Unfortunately, all albums spoken of right now, in this month, have missed out on the ChristMHas countdown, but I totally agree being on the 'best of 2014' thread. There's a lot of love for these albums.

    4. Show next comments  300 more
  21. blackdoll

    well cheers to a new distinction from Lycaon that gallo cover wasn't all that, where as Lycaon always murders it raping the original, making the song belong to them. So basicly avelcain is limited in adaptability. going backward it seem like for a momment karma was trying to do yuuki's 2011-present scream. I did like the effect put on the "welcome to my freya." the gallo's cover was better, the only thing was the singing got awkward with the way he does the sqeak in his notes. love the energy and effort. and is it "My name is blake" ?
  22. blackdoll

    Xenon - 心像 (Shinzo) the Raid. - REBELLION both good but X could work on harsh
  23. the flash sucks balls, dare to come on arrow lookingg like a trashcan talking about heros what a pussy

  24. blackdoll

    someones mad cause they are not the shit. funny how they keep wearing makeup anyway and sound boring. sound is supposed to have meaning fuck lyrics
  25. hello Dorian Gray, penny dreadful ver of course

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