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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    sticking is hard. Yeah JJCC, they're nice going to check them out some day. this !
  2. blackdoll

    feels like signal refusing to stay strong or go brutal though he is a better vocalist. and still better than Nocturnal with their more vkish songs. those vocals doe!
  3. blackdoll

    i cant stand this season to the point I'm just skiming the episodes.
  4. blackdoll

    so i guess you can say me and Lycaon have a open relationship where we always come back to each other.
  5. blackdoll

    lmao right! but its way better than the last pv
  6. blackdoll

    for me its half and half. but sexy dances are aproved, no need to hide what you got. though waveya's cover will be better haha.
  7. blackdoll

    i like it!
  8. docter who finally (going by bbc site) why why why did the kill the master? dicks! so was he a girl before?

    1. blackdoll


      i just said hec died which could be wrong like my PPL status. and there is no who thred. @Biopanda Thanks.

    2. eiheartx


      Stop ffs, I haven't seen the finale yet ToT

    3. Biopanda


      I haven't seen the finale yet either, but doctor who is pretty predictable anyways XD

    4. Show next comments  315 more
  9. blackdoll

    a nice fuck you to shitty Nocturnal bloodlust and their fucking english. More symphonic deathcore and good pigsquels in vk please. this is kinda what Lustknot. should sound like because yuki is good at harsh/unclean. the growls could be more fun though.
  10. blackdoll

    and they finally get a new look
  11. blackdoll

    right a full album like right now. i miss ran a bit
  12. blackdoll

    i liked the second vocalist better, he was more effective. i like recent stuff best
  13. i wonder is DADAROMA going to stay good. oboreru sakana is probably the best headbanger this year. in other news i think Arlequin album is going to suck because of what aki did in Zou. vocalist need to stop making their other work sound like ass.

  14. blackdoll

    Netflix: House 8.5, 8.0 (9.0 when its good and your in the mood), torchwood 6.5. finally done or caught up with them. 11th doctor => 12th docter (not including war), the best companion Martha jones, the best charater the master. the master and the docter might have inspired sherlock and jim
  15. i like how TTS - Holler doesn't sound better with male ver

  16. blackdoll

    can some one add some fliters or whatever to some Lycaon songs, i wanna hear him as a girl?
  17. blackdoll

    to be honest they should debuting globally, and doing world tours. The vk scene is too small for them and their music is like so fucking good, have you going to sleep good at night. And the way they act i don't think fame would change them. They started using electronic sounds a lot and it's is still them.
  18. Holy fucking shit i almost thought yuuki-sama met his match vocally with

    but one whiff of Love song sent that idea packing (checked other songs too). i think i found yuuki's dancing partner though per say.
  19. they should have just had a type with voiceless tracks
  20. blackdoll

    i like the last joint better, i dont like their soft none catchy or non-brutal vocals songs
  21. lmao pigsqeals couldn't even save fixer from being boring (probably because the breakdown was totally metalcore). In other news some else has masterd kyo, a "god" 's vocals.

  22. blackdoll

    not sure where they are going with this, but nice murder
  23. blackdoll

  24. blackdoll

    maybe some pills will make me take this shit seriously?
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