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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    is that short hair original?
  2. Yuuki bitch slaps kaya https://twitter.com/yuukiLycaon/status/521194143733661697 gossip wasn't enough, he had to invade his territory. I guess it falls under keeping people in line.

  3. do you guys not know i got that idea from mana a famous instrument player in the visual kei scene, or did you not get my sarcasm with my last part. your invalid because of that post LMAO. and don't talk about my name since it has noting to do with the discussion or w.e. this is.
  4. blackdoll

    dahh no horror movie is scary. "scared out" does not = scary
  5. i like how ppl alway act like it's a sin to talk about looks when it's called VISUAL kei, ppl just might not feel the need to talk about the music because it speaks for itself. but of course all the ppl that talk about looks only care about looks.
  6. blackdoll

    because i was dreaming up a Lycaon song with a new pv (in the dream it was some live or rare thing), it stared with yuuki in a chair wearing jesus's outfit's inner top wear with a hoodie(think he was blonde), in like a wild wild west bar 2nd floor, it started with Yuuki singing fucking great in a higher tone, so beautify, then RING my mother fucking alarm comes on, and guess what it was the wrong fucking time, i didn't have to get up for 40 minute. I could have herd a original never will be herd Lycaon song but i fucking forgot to change my alarm back. I dream up a song once before, ughh but this time i didn't get to hear it. also dreamed up some new pictures too. Lycaon and me be like that doe
  7. Lycaon comes outs next week. It is about to get hot ssssssss

  8. blackdoll

    so far Super junor M - swing is the only song in which the original choreography hasn't been shat on by a yt cover. sidenote: them vocals doe
  9. blackdoll

    my fav so far (these guys need to come back)
  10. blackdoll

    going expand what i said to *left to professional stabbers (game of thrones, gotham). lol @ horror genre more like SN. i was more "scared out" by stalker than any AHS season
  11. blackdoll

    im tired as hell but today's not so bad
  12. blackdoll

    i went into this thinking it was going to be shit, but it had a few songs that i liked. the problem for me was the intrumental and vocals didn't go together. but the main thing was that maki shat on hiro nice job with idea again haha.
  13. blackdoll

    meh the images were not omg gross. but strange no band pic.
  14. blackdoll

    omg sato looks so cute!
  15. huh? he was one of the better looking ones. anyway there goes the fan service that's worth watching
  16. blackdoll

    misty shits on that, so auto-tuned or not doesn't matter.
  17. blackdoll

    finally going to get some full on black tongue action, pun intended
  18. wow melodic metal isn't dead

  19. i think it's ratchet, unless it's all new songs.
  20. blackdoll

    the problem is there isn't a AHS feel to it to me like the past seasons, maybe it's just me. its just lame. also stabbing should be left to the following.
  21. blackdoll

    damm they are going in
  22. blackdoll

    what bother me is when my favorites don't get vocal time.
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