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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    dammmm so close bellemy was so about to die but nooooo. i dont care for that guy though cause that outfit is not worlking.
  2. thank goodness someone isn't a selfish ass

    (sorry if it's mean but it's them here)
  3. blackdoll

    WTF how did i miss this. great song and great news!
  4. blackdoll

    got7 i can't deny i like them, even if i'd prefer not to. bambam's a uniqe rapper i think because he doesn't get all tough when doing it, he stays cute. on the other hand mark is the manliest rapper i've herd, gets all deep out of nowhere. http://youtu.be/2sAoKmg7qPI?t=3m49s (one after the other). jr & jb are really nice singers too. they could improve though. other news: i think rapping is like harsh for k-pop since the stimulation is similar.
  5. blackdoll

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal II dubed got real good. shark got a upgrade in badass
  6. blackdoll

    I'm not sure i follow, but we are good right? lol i'm out
  7. blackdoll

    when i say core it means alot of things (hardcore, post-hardcore, metalcore, deathcore(even if its more death metal), beatdown, electrocore, nintendocore, djent) because of the common riffage. i never mentioned screamo.... so they are just some j-metal band work for you? also don't stick core in a box because they can mix shit up. http://youtu.be/trPcGFcPASo?t=36s http://youtu.be/mYdqbittzpk?t=25s http://youtu.be/F_q5hSyufTM?t=1m28s <===== sounds like core to me btw
  8. blackdoll

    i'm done with them now, since they are just another j-core band. and coderebirth was better even tho the harsh was boring. would have been good if he kept his original harsh, cause his "OHHH *OH*" sucks. and can he even do lows? *listening to GOKU (NOW)"
  9. Yuuki-sama is always there for me, but I'm over here having a disgusting feeling/thought that he's going to do basic vk unclean on the album(which there is no evidence for). fucking doubts, it's the whole obscured thing.

  10. blackdoll

    ROTFL https://twitter.com/iDntLuvHoes/status/514882140270788609/photo/1
  11. backing my broski up, the joker (clown for yall) theme for me is what separates aki from the other vocalist. and if you look at his face, it's meant for him.
  12. thank you! everyone is like this is gold. i kinda don't wanna try the album now since it could be boring too. also feel like raven(song) and killing me(2014) set this up to fail flat.... and that's not a good thing.
  13. won't be listening to PSY though. gangnam style is only good because of hyuna and is only listenable when she is singing.

  14. blackdoll

    link is in edohsama chatbox. it's so vk with the riffage.
  15. blackdoll

    so what, you are the prized guest!
  16. Lycaon is out in one month and i'm not even freaking out, thanks to my real #2 and SK. hopefully it will last.

  17. blackdoll

    yeah i saw it in the thred, that was yesterday
  18. blackdoll

    so deduction shows are trending right, house , sherlock and now forever.
  19. blackdoll

    where the fuck is mejibray, ughh fuck them! the pv should be out!
  20. finally fall show time. kicking off with gotham and SH. will watch that 2morrow

  21. blackdoll

    i wanna say something but then its like i'm supporting what ppl say which i don't entirely. lets say I'm mad a band for not being as sweet as __________________
  22. Wow growling. is that mashiro doing it?
  23. OMG YES, IT WORKED WOOOOHOOOO! YaY me. now what 2 do about these other guys. fuck...

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