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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    listening to the album and it seems pointless. bondage wasn't as good as it could because reload's clean vocals would have been better, kept think he kinda sounds like shit. I prefer the older verions of the songs except [baiser]. and the mini track at the end was the only new thing that was fully enjoyable.
  2. Not bad for their first japanses song. Japan should feel honored they didn't bust out moves like that for their other mvs.
  3. blackdoll

    need to recalculate some ppl
  4. blackdoll

    always nice
  5. blackdoll

    can they get a vocalist already.
  6. sounds better than the last single.
  7. blackdoll

    This is what I'm talking about, this is what i like to hear from sadie. it's like The black diamonds with classic sadie riffs thrown it. the teruku rapping was a lil awkward but i don't mind. The electronic sounds were ok, didn't fuck anything up. better than MDM and other recent albums by other bands I've herd. bet it will better than meji's from how that single went. I'm now on good terms with sadie again. and YAY fuck dir en grey inspiration! ok guys, when someone says jump, jump!
  8. 22 more days tilll shadow comes out still feeling cool. 5 months till they split me open and i need bed rest for a couple of days. anyway can they hurry up with the new look, i need to know if yuuki got it or not?

  9. blackdoll

    aint go no imagination.
  10. blackdoll

    wow nick getting avatar over with. haa i remeber waiting for ever for the org. totally team korra though i think
  11. blackdoll

    upgraded, as in good deathcore . they could use a brutal track so they cant be seen as punks. Lycaon: "we could be brutal if we wanted to," "see." person: "ooooooooo shit that was sick." "ok guys, you got it"
  12. blackdoll

    hopefully they heard nocturnal bloodlust's Pleasure Of Torture or Disaster and decided to upgrade it. as for a ballad like song I'm down they always slay them, and yuuki.............................
  13. i liked some FEECHE so i'll try to remember them
  14. blackdoll

    be cool if the album fixed the problem's with their shit earlier and they disband with a bang.
  15. blackdoll

    Eternal started of really good, was even impressed, but of course they couldn't follow it up and deliver. lmao all parts in To Heart previews sound the same *bad sign*
  16. 01.Bondage ok 02.最後ノ晩餐-黒イ百合ノ花ト××× version- cleaned up the guitars 03.相剋ノ[baiser]-黒イ百合ノ花ト××× version- umm better quality? 04.退廃的狂葬-黒イ百合ノ花ト××× version- better screams 05.wish-acoustic version- no! the fast singing aint working 06.Diary-unplugged version- meh
  17. blackdoll

    if only anima turns out brutal...... anyway i guess they had enough covers for this year. *music slut level rises*
  18. First week premiere goes to "How to get away with murder." That show had everything including bonus content. wooo that was fucking good. I wonder if this week's Stalker can top it? (counting season premieres too)

  19. babygirl is so badass

    , fucked that song up. Didn't know sailor was heavy tho.
  20. blackdoll

    talk shit about this, then you go and like that
  21. blackdoll

    yay it's the 2012 sadie that left too early. i like it, but some of the line sound paraphrased from their other sound. Where there anymore tracks leaked?
  22. i have a feeling ppl "hear" the popular top vocalist like this http://youtu.be/Pjg4I-s53hw lol

  23. blackdoll

    statuses get covered so to those who couldnt go. shadow is like at 41:00
  24. what? talk about a big start off. ughh please let them find something good and at least half unique
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