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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. Visual kei total cross dressing slayed

    I never expected that from S-Korea
  2. blackdoll

    WoW yuuki looks so pretty in his new photos "big sun glasses, big" awwwwwwwwwww. not going to lie he reminds me of yahio
  3. Lycaon fantasy, Brutal technical deathcore: Satoshi technical riffs, Zero heavy riffage, hiyuu solidifying the heavyness. Yuuki is the tricky part because there is a lot to choose from. growls: spining finger part in red rum/opening of genocide/"miss evil inside" part, gutturals: 1:12 mark in mental#help(R-shitei cover), mid screams: insanity, High screams: "yes sir" part in **88**, Pigspeal: end of **88***. Lyric theme: getting sexual plesure from pain.

  4. looks like they went heavier
  5. old news, but i'm kinda pissed nbc cancelled Dracula, because he was the last good Vamp on tv. (Kluas being a hybrid and fake.) Well atleast they're making up for it with constantine which better be good.

    1. blackdoll


      mehh i like it. its was a bit slow for me at first. about costantine its not hbo or a channel like that. and smoking is bad so that's a good thing!

    2. Bear


      It's not a good thing when the smoking is such a huge fucking part of who Constantine is, and plays a huge role in the comics. Also, violence is also bad. Do you think it's good to remove that from all films and series as well? Jesus. You cannot be serious.

    3. blackdoll


      I doubt they are not trying to follow the comics which isn't a bad thing. but violence doesn't stink, yuck Good riddance.

    4. Show next comments  339 more
  6. haha i just remembered piko (wherever he is). anyway sounds nice.
  7. blackdoll

    *less hotter karma
  8. blackdoll

    Super Junior M is great at least the ones with video. and badass dances in swing. I checked them out because i saw Henry on weekly idol and i couldn't resist.
  9. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x26376m_eng-140911-bts-american-hustle-life-episode-8-abs_fun Last ep :( but lmao at rapmon&jimin chant: "i wont give a f about you" *crowd stops orgasming and acts like thugs* ...... *dance performances start* crowd: OMG I CUMMING AGAIN EVEN HARDER!
  10. blackdoll

    1) satsuki 2) satsuki&kyo 3) mao 4) wataru 5) kyo..... overall Rentrer en Soi swaggg
  11. blackdoll

    second one! i have a thing for lipstick, and you look hot.
  12. I had to stop my way home and switch from my metal to Lycaon. weirdly only their metal songs came on. Anway their music still came out on top with my new boys who also have lycaon (as in "a kind of music"). But I would never have thought that i would find lycaon, what i was looking for, for a while, in that music scene, let alone that style music. oh yeah Lycaon isn't combining old and new because His Majesty isn't sceaming. So much for my Neo-Lycaon idea...... :(

  13. OHHHHH YES! give it to me! Arlequin, Grieva's mini, now this and most importantly Lycaon Lycaon Lycaon!!! My team putting out! i dont trust mejibray Lycaon tho !
  14. blackdoll

    I really don't understand why they can't just keep the visual kei make up for cos play. he looks feminine enough in Jesus. its like they are saying girls are ugly or something? i gett gossip didn't come out yet but ughhhh look at yourself in the mirror.
  15. waiting on Lycaon's releases and new look.

  16. blackdoll

    well i give up. back to Lycaon only
  17. blackdoll

    tried their hand at Plug in into the socket with "powder man" and failed
  18. blackdoll

    oh, the word 'converted' confused me then. anyway all this talk of shadow got me all like this
  19. blackdoll

    the new ep today was ok.
  20. blackdoll

    Yessss i get another chance wooooooo, hopfully it goes smoothly and i don't fuck it up. isn't that a good thing, you want him looking ugly or bad like the devil one? but yeah it was hot
  21. blackdoll

    I could totally slit my throat right, how can i be so fucking stupid!
  22. blackdoll

    YaY! I love this! So your team new stuff too?
  23. blackdoll

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