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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. what genre is rose noire Lascia ch'io pianga cover?

  2. blackdoll

    if only yuuki could find his way back to the pic in my sig.
  3. blackdoll

    my fault for not mentioning instrumental in the first post. I'm picky about ballads, well non Arabic ones at least. gotta be Yuuki, karma, ran, or angle satsuki. not sure about kyoki anymore. by "rock you to bed" i meant freya, or something jamming like afterglow.
  4. blackdoll

    lmao love that post though kaya slayed both kamijo and assagi. Jester: sounds like current diaura. Kurumeku Taiyou: the singing was dead and song was kinda boring Burn: afterglowish sound , nice singing, meh with instrumental Stardust: whinny voice that came of as trying to hard to be cute Hermit: the end of the riffs sound like xepher -raven Faust: ok Mephistopheles: nice playfulness with the instrumental Perverted Martyr: rentrer en soi-ish song not as strong RES though (avelcain yoriko drumming) Kaiserin - Rosenkreutz -: afterglowish Chariots: similar to アルルカン Apoptosis Moon: pass Grim Reaper: aikaryu like riffage without the kill Judgement - The Die Has Been Cast: ok, the opening riffs remind me of some breakdown. last song: meh conclusion: kaya isn't all that, and Ran(xepher) is a much better vocalist(this may have something to do with my dive into pop). lemme fatal = xepher riffage + current diaura + old school. the heavier stuff maybe weaker unsraw. I don't hate it, i don't love it anymore either. they were nice while it lasted. you lieing if you think they are original or fresh anymore ROTFL PIMP. Edit how could i forget one of the best. kinda similar
  5. i would say i'm dissapointed in Femme Fatale but im not lmao. i would say its >/= ニア・イコール by アルルカン, but no greater than the neutral zone of avelcain - avelcain. waiting for a review therd

    1. nekkichi


      ask and you shall have one

  6. blackdoll

    2013 infanite challenge for gd and don. my cheeks hurt from smiling
  7. blackdoll

    LMAO at ko's heels too funny. i wanna hear raven. doesnt look like yuuki to me.... no skin
  8. blackdoll

    * 4-8 any albums for the great bands and artist because i want more. single and eps/mini for the ok to some good songs bands/artist (also for those who dont know what they are doing).
  9. hey, now matter were you go, the soul boys are Lycaon, ah ha, you know, i know, their good, their hot, their fresh, their fly, real sound. (their = their music) meow. reference:

  10. blackdoll

    OH MY FUCKING GOD, HOLY FUCKING SHIT 10 SONGS OF THE BAT! im not ready............. HELL YEAH I'M READY FOR THIS FROTHY PLEASURE! i'll be waiting like a good bitch slave....
  11. my faith has been restored. two great mini albums in a row.

  12. blackdoll

    just finished peaky blinders i was soaking with entertainment. tommy 2nd best tv character ever, would be #1 if he didn't have a heart. now marco polo. Lets gooo
  13. finally listen to lovely-mocochang.com's new album and their is no question why they are one of the best, loved all of it. could be best japanses album this year.

    1. lollipopmonstar


      I totally agree! Also I find it one of the best of the year ♥

    2. blackdoll


      maya voice in キミヨサラ?? at the beginning <3

  14. wi arae wi wi arae wi arae wi wi arae

  15. for vk, id say grieva shuuen is def better so far. for japan it could be Artema STARGAZER
  16. hold the phonem shameless and the musketeers are about to come back on.

    1. eiheartx


      yay for the musk, can't wait to see le Comte de la Sass again!! <33

  17. blackdoll

    the final was ok, kinda cheesy/nothing new. reminded me of Justice leuge and the incredibles. also just noticed but is the fighting stances influenced by mortal kombat? overall not counting this show as one the best non-adult cartoons because of the last season. was not feeling it.
  18. for now its "mehhh, whatever" the basic vk riffage with little to no difference in sound, and the constant revisiting of Afterglow from the previous release.
  19. what the fuck is up with having great MV's songs but the rest of the album sucks or is really lacking. got me like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLQCo-4uMWU

  20. blackdoll

    i take it back, fuck sistar as a whole they only have 6 songs, including 19, which i like and they have ass kicking vocalist. even more disapointing than suju. how do i like more songs from GG ughh. they should have stuck with alone, GITM, TMB, and i swear kinda stuff. cause they are not flexible. 4minute for the win so far for girls. big bang up next. I hoping for mostly yess
  21. snsd sucks, tts mehh better, f(x) similar style at points hell yeah. holler tho

  22. blackdoll

    oh ok. make sense now
  23. i kinda agree it's odd, yes, but kaya fits to me
  24. blackdoll

    what a loose connection, how does she
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