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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    i stay in the friendzone, relationships are too much and a turn off. after a while the silly crush dies. also it's fun if you know what your doing. it sucks though when you slip "like fuck what am i doing." its like a game nothing serious.
  2. I like the second one more, and Kaya is kinda hot in black
  3. blackdoll

    the song is not bad, but i hate the pv
  4. instead of faning out. Lycaon - Dahlia hmmm reminds me of grieva, is it part old school? if soo hahaha. anyway another connection between the 2 bands. Lycaon is really is it for me. *goes to reply the awesome pv*

    1. blackdoll


      got it confirmed. all that's left is a traditional song, and their claim to the vk throne (per say) is 100% solid. murufufu

    2. Elazmus


      Samurai spirit and traditional dong.

    3. blackdoll


      i see you not going to forget that -___-

  5. blackdoll

    fuck yeah!
  6. ^right pretty weak the fuck? metalcore to power or speed metal, ok. anyway dont feel no XodiacK, this is them. better be some growls and high screams tho
  7. even without it they are the best vk core band. jp too for me with metalcore
  8. i think this might be their heaviest song/single yet which is good. he needs to bring out the lows and highs though like in zou.
  9. https://vine.co/v/MxX0XZU3PM2 ppl from the crowd or the next band to play?
  10. blackdoll

    straight up badass!
  11. blackdoll

    Tetora yesss #teamcats
  12. New live video, so fucking ready for this! yesssss

    1. blackdoll


      suck tease, only one new song :(

    2. Tetora


      Hope you enjoy it.

    3. blackdoll


      some what did

    4. Show next comments  375 more
  13. this the shit, no pun intended

  14. Lycaon's secreat mv

    ? lmao
    1. togz


      all the awards

  15. blackdoll

    Shingeki No Kyojin so far its not all that. and what the hell is up with not really showing the kill. i swear anime is for rabbits fuck it im done
  16. that filtered solo pic with the hat! (not in the mirror)
  17. reminds me of sadie but maybe he wants to be kyo?
  18. i agree except if you listen to pathos logos you would know mashiro can freaking sing, i think in his old band and beginning to idk mid paradeis he wasn't so good. also he has an epic creepy singing voice (Senjo No Requiem) + sick screams (PINNOCHIO to Sunadokei)
  19. blackdoll

    since this isn't about arguing ill reply. Yo, you could have just said it like that and not all mean, that way this convo could have been avoided. anyway cool
  20. blackdoll

  21. blackdoll

    I so doubt that BLACK DOLL ever has seen Calmando Qual live. or did listen through there whole discography for at least 50x. From 2001 until now. Beause then you truly notice how variate the guys are. EVEN if they are already OLD. but AGE doesn't matter. since they truly know how music instruments work. They only need a sound check of 10min if time is short. no even 5min is enough. If u could only live in that dream world forever, but since Rentrer en soi died, i think they they will too some day to be honest i wasn't impressed. he maybe ok technically but I go by what within. and oh yeah i can still hear the mucc in that voice about CQ your right but in there case i really dont hear how thats needed. Yuuki live doesn't really try except in like a few songs like take this 2 min song (marigold is gone) http://youtu.be/CnF3IRlGCRc?t=5m43s it may be shit technically but it is him, not the "i have a good voice so i'll sing" that why i dont care if people dont him or his band just only when they insult them. i will let her do the talking for Lycaon I'm done(dont get me wrong im not in love with them, but they do wonders) and all the shit sayers probably love a shit band so im good
  22. blackdoll

    I think there were a few girls there but idk
  23. blackdoll

    but i said "i guess" meaning extra addon meaning they could be counted in your reply since you didn't exclude them till later. anyway can we get back to the subject before a mod slaps us. by "a certain vocal sound" do you mean style, a way of singing?
  24. blackdoll

    ok here No, Im not just a Lycaon fan, im also a fan of Grieva and Brutal deathcore (which Lycaon could pull off (it would have to be technical because satoshi likes his guitaring), while CQ would fail at it), DM, and some core and weaker metal. You know nothing about Yuuki he can sing with raw emotion and feelings which you can feel once you let him into the driver seat (compassion, anger, rage, sex, lust, desire, sadness, ect.), you can tell he knows what its like to live but also what its like to be in despair bring joy and relief to his true listeners. its natural though that not everyone hear this, but Hibiki sounds like another mucc and merry vocalist as i said before being nothing special at all. success has to do with looks a lot yess but not here CQ just is not that good and they're are better "modern old schoolers". Ichiro might be hotter than yuuki but we will see
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