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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    mainstream really? They have a little more fans, but not much. the bands you want are Mejibray and diaura and as i thought Lycaon is now losing with the voting. greater vocalist when he not really doing anything? while yuuki has been expanding what he can do and experimenting from day one, same goes with the bands really. the success here doesn't have to do with appearance its more like Avelcain and and grieva are where its at for that stuff and this song pretty much dismisses everything your saying Can someone make a poll for Avelcain vs Grieva next?
  2. blackdoll

    wooo all of royz is hot looking for a change. they need to keep that make up artist but because my only real interest in them is kuina ill go with kiryu. Roys wins with the member pvs for kuina egoist tho. looking forward too royz next look now
  3. blackdoll

    well yeah you can. by "a certain vocal sound" do you mean style, a way of singing? if so i agree with that and i guess we can end it here, though i'm kinda of lost now. well i did put gacharic spin at the end. and to be fair you said "any of the vocalists" not "any of the vk vocalists."
  4. blackdoll

    feel free too ignore my hangouts if i piss you off so much lmao
  5. Fuck i cant stop, damm Lycaon. Its all that new topic fault. Hopefully only 5 more songs.

    1. paradoxal


      listening to the whole discography? i feel like listening to it too but i can't stop listening to royz :(

    2. blackdoll


      kind of yeah

  6. blackdoll

    I'm aware of the casual ones who could go either way.
  7. blackdoll

    When you go into vk you can totally expect those vocals for power metal or whatever. and that girl's vocal you can find others like her. This! This! I wasn't aware of a Lycaon fangirl army on here. where they at? And its way to early to say Lycaon wins.
  8. blackdoll

    ichiro Calmando Qual(as i said before), sel'm, juka, kamijo jupiter . Gacharic Spin too but i guess they don't count since they are in "general".
  9. blackdoll

    Really who sounds like him? while cq vocalist sounds like mucc gara vocalist. lol
  10. blackdoll

    what do you mean by that?
  11. blackdoll

    ^ where did this come from(the bands are nothing alike)? a lil shocked at the current results. anyway Lycaon of course because they are endless, and you cant beat that.
  12. blackdoll

    What would you suggest to them so they wouldn't need that "bit of trying harder." ?
  13. blackdoll

    Thanks for the info bro EDIT: after seeing yuuki new look close up as his twitter pro pic. yuuki is hot. its still a close one with ichiro
  14. blackdoll

    ohhh, but couldn't he just have dyed the pink pink again? maybe he was feeling nostalgic. ang with the 2 month single they switched up the looks that's why i ask. anyway i'm hoping he post some hot pics on twitter or in a mag and the scans get shared thanks.
  15. blackdoll

    so is yuuki blonde again?
  16. blackdoll

    I love all em but Dead[en]D, 侵喰-shinsyoku-, amai unou akai sanou, 刑法第39条第1項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」, doku, 悦楽的自虐妄想癖な僕の事情, Diary, 罪-tsumi-, another pain, kuro no jubaku, 罰-batsu-, keppekishou no boku, alkaloid, taihaiteki kyousou, kodokuningyou shoukougun, Kairi Seidou Itsusei Shougai, Kikei, Saigo no bansan, and Genkai Haretsu (hide Cover) (way better than the orig and other covers) are my go to's. problems with them: kyouki cant bring me to tears with his voice, i cant remember the lyrics like i do with lycaon or did with avelcain. I cant remember the other one
  17. blackdoll

    If yall could fill this out? Mine
  18. blackdoll

    yall didn't know mao rapped? lmao
  19. blackdoll

    good job byo
  20. cant tell if its a step forward or not. Hope they make it tho
  21. Lycaon and Grieva sitting in a tree, EL EE AYE DE EYE EN GE, first come the crowns, then come the army, then come them riding in your town in cinderella's pumpkin carriage.

  22. so much for Kyoka being old school haha! ha the other member look old school too!
  23. lmao he sounds just like ruki, at least my bitch was smart enough to have his own singing. so is this what old school gazette sounded like?
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