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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    Funny because Lycaon themselves are a drug, that's why they use it as a theme too. its like you get a sample and you go fucking nuts until you have it, which was the case for this release and the others.
  2. O-ho Lycaon was the best as always. I guess they felt like putting the "hard/metal" bands in their place before they thought they forgot who the rulers were. The cover shits on the original as always. His majesty sounds refreshing as always.

    1. Gaz


      gonna give them last try. RIP if they wont meet my expectations ;v

    2. kyoselflove


      Yay, now I don't have to wait for my copy, thanks! This is awesome, god I love them.

    3. Show next comments  393 more
  3. blackdoll

    so are they 2 balls, or a strap on pack?
  4. blackdoll

    can someone explain how his fake boobs work?
  5. blackdoll

    [post=http://fuckyeah-avelcain.tumblr.com/]Karma is the 2nd hottest[/post]
  6. blackdoll

    deathcore too. for me if its good brutal idc, and its not like its the exactly the same. With vk you just have to find what you like and not give a fuck. oh yeah guys grieva is on the modern team.
  7. blackdoll

    hey little playback too and the other members can scream and growl too nevermind its standard
  8. blackdoll

    At first i hated them for giving up on reload, and just used them for their reload-ish songs like dead end. Then i herd the shuuen samples and they seem pretty modern to me which made me go back to their other stuff i skipped and noticed there is modern vk in there. but idk what is old school? anyway I'm liking them because they are fun with the instrumental and have a great vocalist(love him). I like them for them not because they are doing old school. I like the way the fuse both schools, and even though they recycle riffs its not annoying. Also think they are better than those old people they copying, making that fact nothing. they are my non official #2 looks i don't pay attention to with them, but kyouki should work on his lip singing. oh yeah he can look funny dancing/acting too. he should also pay attention to his hair more because it can make him look not so good. oh yeah i think they would do a better job than diru at current/later diru too (abyss) edit: Changed the pic because they are modern and look badass
  9. blackdoll

    yeah ran was bad at lip singing in that one, but he got so much better. My favorite is the pv and song is sir demon, its so energetic. though i think i'll love lost eyes better. oh yeah ran is one of the best singers!
  10. blackdoll

    you lost me in the last part. cause their is still some old Lycaon in them, which i good because i dont like band or new bands that forget their roots. and they've showed that with Pink milk, mary, jesus, rose, uragi no b*something*, ect. yeah put from the interview i read it seems he did change his voice to be eroctic which fits the music but i just hear love. and the moans are not everything he still sings most. I love yuuki voice still because its still has the same effect on me, just out off this world. i admit sometimes i wonder if its the same vocalist, lol. but and i can he the drums good. and even with all the sounds going on yuuki's still the spotlight. karma is great but Yuuki (talking after style change but really both) has done a lot more his singing because the band has done alot going from one type of song o anther even on a single release. Plus yuuki's emotional depth is massive compared to karma's. and yuuki and the song always fit, karma messed up a few times. yuuki knows when to do this that and that. its like yuuki can do anything while karma no. Yuuki's singing from the soul sparking warmth, love, fun, and sometimes yes it's sexy(really bringing life into his singing). oh yeah karma screams are basic and not unique like yuuki's. I know I'm the only one that probably hears how truly valuable Yuuki and Lycaon are.
  11. blackdoll

    I liked them too from the beginning with arrow of the light which he sounded like yuuki. Its not as deep as he was 蛇と姑獲鳥. still i think karma was always singing in the way yuuki' s does cause it still had that feel to it. also they are friends in life too, but idk iff that has anything to do with it. and i like his soft side too i think it wouldn't fit with that single but the others yeah it works. I thought that too at first but if you really listen there is a clear difference. Lycaon was more uniqe while avelcain is more basic. plus avelcain has this old school thing going on. Lycaon had that solid sound in their metal(i dont know how to describe it) avelcain not so much. also since some avelcain's songs are not that hard you could compare them with Lycaon now since they have their harder moments. and karma is no where as good as yuuki harsh or clean. smh this has become a compare thred
  12. 1) they dont want to be brutal just cool (like the gazette said in their mtv8 interveiw). Its all about appealing to the fans, and most people cant handle brutal. If they did want to be brutal there would be no clean singing, step up their harsh vocal game x100. look at coderebirth like 90% metalcore on the instrumental but the harsh had nothing going on. nocturnal blood just is just a joke with "are you ready to party," "jump around" and how they act in pv's and with most of their songs. brutal just isnt a part of vk 2) when has grieva even showed signs of becoming a metalcore influence vk band even counting reload?
  13. does anyone know if that's the final cut the quality is not good like in shuuen? and suck it old schoolers, grieva will always have a foot in new school. next step for the is more songs like dead end and bondage!
  14. Lycaon is called Lycaon because they are curse. its cool to have superpowers but it sucks having bones break. Its great to listen to their out of this world music, but it fucking sucks waiting. and i dont have any distractions with xepher realease on the same day, grieva far off, and avelcain sounding normal.

  15. blackdoll

    hahaha i agree it was as boring as vivid's latest album just boring old music with no how you would say "backbone." to me there was no life in the music.
  16. blackdoll

    OMG OMG OMG OMG thank you so much im so glad i check this topic out. ahhhhhhhhh its great but no where on Lycaon's (new or old) level. i think ill leave rank #2 open.
  17. blackdoll

    Left to right: dr 截-setsu-, Ba: 陽菜-hina-, Vo: 爛-ran-, Gt: 朔羽-sakuha-, Gt: 艶-yoshi- At fist i brushed them off cause they were not hard enough with my skim, then i saw ran's last look and i want to hear the single that went with it and i liked it and then i herd ran's voice forreal and now i kinda love them. He like Kyouki (grieva), mao (sid) + a little bit Yuuki-sama all together. Their flaw is that they kinda are generic but they do it really well. anyway their new song/pv has me hyped out like i would for My #1 Also like that not only is the music is good, but all the members are good looking and can dress, which rarely happens. Could they become my #2 hmmm?
  18. blackdoll

    Thanks now i dont have to try to like NB
  19. Once again Lycaon makes music its bitch, now i really know what the whip&chain are for. Long may they reign.

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      yass preach that good word sis

    2. paradoxal


      For Lycaon so loved the world that they released Bakane, that whoever listens to it shall not perish, but have eternal life. Amen.

    3. Tetora


      I would trade my own life to hear just one more track put onto this glorious single.

  20. blackdoll

    ^ ummmm you forgot to leave a video, but his screams are cute now in grieva not harsh, so reload got that. Growls yeah dead end was better, singing is not better for me, i miss less manlier voice from relaod, now its less emotion. anyway ill go again since you missed the video part of the game.
  21. blackdoll

    megaromania just took over haha, now i can be a fan of this band! I cant wait to here sui again. synk:yet was a good stand in though.
  22. blackdoll

    6 really didint do anything for me.
  23. blackdoll

    1)Yuuki (Lycaon) There is no one that makes me feel alive and warm like he does, and I like that he always sounding different being able to adapt to any sound in the instrumental. 2) Angle satsuki (Rentrer en soi only) he would be #1 but he lost his wings sadly. 3) karma (avelcain) Like Yuuki he sings from the heart i can feel it 4) Ren (dali) Very loving soft, i have my sparks with him 5) aoi (ayabie 2004-,2005+cubic L rock, 168) Very sweet also sparks life. 6) Maya (LM.C) so sweet and loving 7) kyouki ( reload, grieva) best in reload but still so love 8 ) haku (raddock, XI~サイ~) also love also really love jin (nega), mashiro (paradeis, vow), Ryuka (depain, savage) sui (megaromania) Mao(sid), ai (memento mori), yuki (Lustknot.) emiru (aicle),高橋 尽 (hero), piko, ran (xepher), and tsuzuku(mejibray olny) when he goes in. I like alternative vocalist that are not full of shit, that sing from with in, not just because they have a good voice and are emotional available without getting annoying or trying too hard.
  24. blackdoll

    Didn't i say "taking from and making better" or did you not see that. I'm well aware that other bands have used the riffs they used. Probably every riff in rock and metal has been done before, the best example being yummy Brutal death/core. The trick is to use them make the song your own and Lycaon owns that (example: rose single or anyone of their covers). But i guess to you everyone who has the same shirt wears it the same. But yuuki's EXACT voice is original no one else has it harsh or clean. Because they dont have his tone or pitch, or able to do the "whinny" single without the annoyance to the point where it is just yuuki who do this, as well as his other vocals. they may use the same style but they wont sound the same(cant say that about most others like royz bands, kyo and his followers). also lycaons tuning can be unique too. and its not that, you seem like a person that prefers the old style but keeps it in, and yet you are on "the street team." Like if Yuuki-sama was to become king with the others you would totally betray them. you claim that they are your favorite band. is it because you can talk the most shit about them? "oh this sucked, they totally ripped that off, this is so much better," blah blah thats just fake and or gets you off. FYI anyone touched by Lycaon is blessed. They go in through the ears and touch the soul making you feel good in this shitty world Replace the end with boku ga Lycaon-fan da
  25. blackdoll

    their is a big difference in taking from and making better and worshiping. in otherwords he may use Kiyoharu's style but he took it to its max potential. there is a crystal clear difference in between them. if there wasn't i wouldn't bother with Yuuki-sama or Lycaon because individuality is everything. if you cant understand let me put it like this, K = busted up prototype and lycaon = flawless model with mega upgradeds and clear differnces -Lycaon's LOYAL TRUE fan
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