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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    take away the black, silver, and green marks woohoo visual kei. and they are now embracing them looking sexless japanses guys.
  2. blackdoll

    Well i assumed that people knew i was talking about looks because that what i was what i was reply too (vk having 2 fronts). the comment being "This is what visual kei is supposed to be." And exactly "WAS" meaning they finally realized how dumb they looked trying to imitate the west and instead embrace their Japanese characteristics highlighting what they already got. Music wise did you not see my earlier comment about old school that sounds like RES is good(later baiser, maybe SHAZNA) or did you miss that on your rage. oh yeah and Aliene Maφriage 21st Century had some nice tunes. but yeah mostly "shitty." but not pointless because newer vk can take stuff from back then and make it better or good. I will keep fangirl/fanboy about Lycaon lmao as if a old skewl fanatic would stop me. but don't get me wrong newer vk has its crap too, just like everything else (listed in that one thread). And I'm always on the look out for crap in the bands i like/love now because nothing is promised. and i could ask you so its not really about the band, its about copying old school and preserving what little you have with old times?
  3. blackdoll

    That pic looks like glam more than vk. lmao thank goodness they do look like that anymore (wanna be kiss). At lest now when they wear different clothing they look good which is the shock because you didn't know guys could look like the or rock make up. good vk now looks hot. and wasn't it always a job in vk to bring in girls
  4. blackdoll

    so vk is not dead. Oh yeah so later baiser sounds like rentrer en soi, so any old school like rentrer en soi is good.
  5. blackdoll

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pu6w-ZNAeE was boring compared to the the others
  6. blackdoll

    So Zess-sama what do you think of Mio bassing for Born? lmao! Do you still consider him backbone?
  7. blackdoll

    Last update, I just think these bands deserve some love too. @ 2:15-2:30 @1:45-2:43 @ 2:35-3:51 1st@ 2:00-2:22 2nd@ 2:55-3:23 @ 1:50-3:37
  8. lmao naruto sucks so bad! they were talking about trash when the whole show is trash. I'm thinking Ulquiorra should Lanza del Relámpago and cero that whole anime to nothingness.

    1. blackdoll


      lmao and gon should go kill himself

    2. blackdoll


      fairy tale has been boring too. I miss gintama

    3. blackdoll


      Orochimaru saves the show for now atleast

    4. Show next comments  390 more
  9. blackdoll

    Slow and steady wins the race, lol look at alsdead now. Someone call the European modeling agencies and alert them that a hotass model is coming (Yuuki). oh and videos and pictures of Lycaon there would be greatly appreciated!
  10. blackdoll

    didn't know they were doing that good. Anyway lucky fucks. Hey can someone interview Lycaon while their over there?
  11. yay ren-sama is back. but i dont think i'll like em as much as dali
  12. blackdoll

    Ichiro just standing there looking awesome. they dont seem to have a video of him modeling but whatever.
  13. blackdoll

    It was more like he was playing the role of a fragile female, notice his stepping though out the video, not to mention he plays live in the. so yeah he own those shoes. I also i think is was to show girls how hot he is "in their territory." personally i think he should marry jorgina alexandra and have two kids one boy, one girl (cool if they were twins). Her looks are on par with his looks and they would look great together. -sorry for getting of topic.
  14. blackdoll

    lol as if Lycaon is one for following tradition. but yuuki can do better than this though and the preview was so not as bad. In gossip his gazes definitely went is right and his expressions in plug into socket went vocals. It could be that yuuki wasn't feeling it and instead was focusing on baka ne (going by how he acts in the pv). akujo no hohoemi was just a miss. oh yeah chain of collar was good in that department, just felt yuuki could have looked (like in the pics) better and eve just looked horrible
  15. blackdoll

    I like zero's wig, it adds to his persona. What sucks here is that they fucking recorded the pv before the final mixing of the song was done causing yuuki-sama's lip singing to look weird and yuuki is usally good at lip singing ughh. I thought chain of collar was the worst pv but this trumps it doesn't matter that they looked good. Where's baka ne pv at?
  16. The cursed ones laced with grieva = goodass high

  17. blackdoll

    ok ill edit, i think i had a bad day.
  18. blackdoll

    -oz- deathgaze the gazette dir en grey born D diaura sadie alsdead sid DAZZLE VISION signal awoi bioshpa galeyd Deulhi lynch existtrance here name in blood FALILV next band might be rentrer en soi if baiser turns out to be better. (satsuki sounds like that guy and i dont like twin vocalist enless there in the same band)
  19. blackdoll

    Karma modeling, i think he did a good job of staying in character. Hiyuu sucked though, tried way to hard. should have been Yuuki-sama out there with him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaxqIA6645k
  20. blackdoll

    he doesnt look bad in 甘イ右脳、赭イ左脳。 and in some pictures. he just need to be more careful with his make up and hair, know what looks good. Still even if he did that i dont know if he can be really hot. right know my avatars are #1 Yuuki then karma. I'm scouting kuina (royz), ichiro (Lycaon), and ran (xepher). and By avatar i mean someone i could see myself as.
  21. blackdoll

    awww i like the raid.'s vocals. Yuuki-ama (Lycaon) First it is his brutal squeal scream i just cant figure that out, than its how raw and unique his scream. 2nd song: how he singing but its like he is talking than switches to that lovely voice and then the like girl squeal. 3rd: song the "oww" too hot! i was like ok oki. **88** got me off guard with how sick he was in it. yuki (lustknot.) inhales pig sounds and shrieks on deck my new bitch Kyouki (grieva) took the old school screaming to the next level with the first video "genocide". 2nd i dont get how he does 0:40 part it's cool. dont know his name but was surprised that he could do proper deathcore inhales
  22. blackdoll

    i wish kyouki was hot so i could claim him as an avatar, i feel great with his voice but not body.
  23. blackdoll

    "he sounds like he's trying too hard to sound sexy" wrong he just playing trying to be free and do what he wants. cant you just say you dont like him anymore? like you dont know his mind set or have you tried too.
  24. blackdoll

    So with both singles out, i can say my position on Lycaon stays firm, and i don't feel frustrated or the need for a distraction(wonder how this will effect other bands). Baka ne was such a good pop song, totally down for more songs like that. Also loving the new ways they are using the electronics and Yuuki's new playing style. I kinda feel though Yuuki is running away from screaming, like Dogra Magra, Akujo no hohoemi, and especially Dorei to kubiwa could have had some screams. i guess it could be because the surgery? The screams are not needed but you know there are nice. to some up I loved everything they did this year and they are the best releases. looks: I'm starting to notice that hiyuu is not that hot (or is slacking), ichiro to me is second best behind Yuuki-sama, followed by zero (i like the darkness&cute contrast). connection: Akujo no Hohoemi i picked up a few guitar parts remind me of redrum and 1st degree. then with the rebing ambrozia. also notice yuuki is using his high voice with the la lalala la la, and whooooo parts. but that started i think with chains of collar with the kiss me part and in the part near the end of who's psycho disco. Yuuki's the best. -Lycaon beyond music -- supernatural!
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