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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Some links and shit:


    The Rise of the Synths


    The natural way of the cultural wave: we generally experience that musical and cultural trends shift from an outstanding position within public opinion to near utter rejection, refusal and ridicule, through an ever-shortening period of time. However, if that period of time is extended, to often several decades, we can witness a renovation, a new heightened recognition – the rebirth of the wave. Through today’s global reach, powered by the internet, cultural waves and fascinations can resurface and manifest themselves, with an even much bigger fan impact than the original source.


    The film is a travel in time towards the roots of a worldwide grass-root music scene known as Synthwave, an irresistible blend of modern electronic composition with 80s pop culture’s nostalgia, that over the last two years has transformed from a whisper on selected internet hubs, to an ever-growing scene, expanding rapidly as we speak. Accounting millions of plays on social media, devoted fans are legion, but nobody in the mass media knows about them.


    Thousands of synthwave composers around the world are living out double-lives. Away from their normal everyday life they spend another half-life behind a faceless musical avatar, creating and uploading their own renditions of 80’s-styled film scores, sharing them with the world – surging the wave. They belong to an endless army of watchers for the master’s legacy: the sound that Edgar Froese, Giorgio Moroder and John Carpenter created in the late 70s.


    A time travel into the universe of creating sounds. A love letter to human fascination and the collective memories of an universe that never existed.




    The Rise of the Synths is THE DEFINITIVE DOCUMENTARY about '80s retro and electronic music, the synthwave scene, and '80s nostalgia and audiovisual collective memories. If you like the Stranger Things score, this film is for you! We've hit our main goal but WE STILL NEED MORE FUNDS in order TO COMPLETE THE FILM. Let's do it together!











    Inspired by the spirit of the 80's films and music, BLOOD MACHINES is a 30-minutes science-fiction short film written and directed by Seth Ickerman, scored by the synthwave artist Carpenter Brut. BLOOD MACHINES is the sequel of the music video TURBO KILLER, their first collaboration.




    And the amazing song and video Turbo Killer:



    One of the best music videos ever. So fucking cool!



    Interested in both. The posters looks absolutely brilliant. Fantastic! Would love to have both on my wall.

  2. There's nothing wrong with plot holes and Harry Potter fucking rules. And I am not one of those who originally loved the shit out of Harry Potter. Thought the two first books were boring and fucking hated the first film. Haven't read the books since back then but I've watched the film and while it holds up better today than when it first came, I still don't consider it a good film. Mediocre at best. Second is decent, but the third however kicks off a lovely franchise with a fantastic universe, great, well-acted characters and a cool story.


    Go Harry, go!

  3. I rewatched The Rundown (aka Welcome to the Jungle) with The Rock, Seann William Scott, Rosario Dawson and Christopher Walken yesterday and this film is really fucking underrated. First off, the chemestry between The Rock and Seann William Scott is incredible and they both have great comical timing in this film and it feels very natural, especially the comedy provided by Seann William Scott, and second off the film looks stunning.


    The highlights of the film? Christopher Walken'smonologue about the tooth fairy and Seann William Scott thunder and lightning.


    And tin the end this there's just something very Romancing the Stone-esque about this film and that is something I always say in the most positive way as I fucking love Romancing the Stone.


    The Rundown is smart, it's witty as fuck and it's exciting. It's an adventure that feels real. Excellent film!



  4. Yeah. There is, of course, fanboys who didn't like the film, just like there's non-fanboys who didn't like the film. But the overall reception's been great, and the new twist on the saga has been much appreciated.


    The thing I've seen the most complaint about is the lack of an classic opening crawl, a thing that really gets you in the mood from the start of. But other than that it's been well-recieved.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    Last movie I watched was Rogue One and I loved it. 


    Hardcore Star Wars fans can hate me all they want, the movie is still great.


    Eh. What kind of drugs are you on? This move has gotten a fantastic reception among the Star Wars fanboys. And for good reason as the film was brilliant.


    I've never been big on Satanic Warmaster, but this album is really good. I think the album sounds very Norwegian and Swedish, unlike his previous albums which sounds closer to the finnish style. Some clear homages to bands such as Dimmu Borgir and Dark Funeral, and I also spot on clear influences from Gehenna, Old Man's Child and more.


    Dimmu Borgir - Broderskapets ring


    Satanic Warmaster - Nuin Gaer Faun


    I like a band who so clearly dare to show his influences and even borrow great riffs and make something own out of it, if not completely unique or anything. But it sounds pure and nice.


    This band just knows how to do a cover, don't they? The cover of Grave's Soulless is also really fucking good, although not quite as good as this. This sounds 100% Moonsorrow, but those of us who are familiar with the original will also be able to recognize the track. Just how you're supossed to do a cover. It sounds so huge and epic. Class!


    Moonsorrow is one of those very fre bands where I'd love to hear a full cover album.

  8. Here's what I do not like to do on mondays, and even less on the first day school is back to regular after most of the kids have been on/had a vacation: having to clean up an insane amount of piss from the floor, a chair and up the table legs. And I mean, it was A LOT. From the amount of piss out on the floor and shit I am sure he's not had a piss for a week. Jesus.Fucking.Christ.


    What hapened though was that my little friend, an autistic boy, was back at school after a week off. And that's hard, because changes ain't too easy to handle in situations like this. His father struggled to get him up and into the classroom to begin with, but after a while it went really good and we did lots of work and shit. Way more than usual. Then came the break and time for some food. He wanted to eat along in his room which he usually does, and is allowed to do. I checked in on him 2-3 times during the first 20 minutes. Then I finnished my food and went back to look at him and there he stands: pants and underwear around his ankle's and a river of urin all over the place.


    I'm leaning back to the table behind me, looking in the window and struggling not to break into laughter by covering my mouth with my hand. Because it's a hilarious scene no matter how fucking wrong it is.


    He then pulls his pants back up and looks at me through the door-window, laughs, then starts to threaten to step into it. Of course, he doesn't do this and is actually far from doing it. He just wants me to give him a reaction, wich I do not. The teacher gets something to clean with and we both step into the room, ready to clean it up with him. What does he do? He fucking steps in it and I am not joking. He steps into the piss. Holy shit. Have to get his socks off and then the cleaning starts. Who knew piss could be this fucking awful? Mainly because of the amount, and the fact that it was everywhere. :P


    Monday's, man. It ain't easy. Cleaning rivers of pee ain't funny. But life is fairly good, and this kid is actually amazing. Funny little boy with lots of love towards others, even though he's got a weird way of showing it at times. But that comes with autism I guess.

  9. To save way more money than what I did in 2016. My goal as it stands now is to go out of 2017 with $8460 saved up in 2017, plus whatever I've already got on my account now.


    I think this will be fairly easy though, so I am currently going through things to see if I might have to double it or something.

  10. So has anyone here digged really deep into the Tokusatsu films of the 50's, 60's and 70's? I've always been really into Kaiju, but I want to dig really deep into the non-Kaiju Tokusatsu films of the 50's, 60's and 70's. I don't care if it's sci-fi or horror, if it's good or bad as long as it's drenched in special effects and is fun as fuck.


    It can be Invasion of the Neptune Men, a film so fucking bad it's amazing, or something way better like Matango which is a truly brilliant film.


    Very interested in diggin' deeper into the Kaijin sub genre too. Supervillains is often fun, but they tend to be underdevelpoed as fuck and with far from enough screen time. But as far as I've understood Kaijin usually have a supervillain as a very central or main character? Sounds awesome.


    I really want to watch Kamen Rider Amazon (74-75) which looks absolutely sick and twisted too. Seems to be quite different from other Kamen Rider series, with lots of creative monsters and special effects, and even a nice amount of blood and gore. And this is supossed to be a childrens series. Looks crazy as fuck!

  11. Let me guess: you're also among the group of people who think the altered "special editions" of the original trilogy that the cunt that is George Lucas consider the ultimate versions are better than the originals too. I hope I am wrong, but if you like the prequels I'll be very surprised if I am in fact wrong.



    Watched Chappie today. A bit disappointing, but a lot better than its reception gives us the impression of. Not a masterpiece, and the happy ending was kinda lame, but other than that I had a good time. Solid and fun, if nothing more.


    Also watched Ted 2 which was total fucking dogshite. I liked the first one, but this only made me smile once, and that was the semen-scene. But even that scene, which was by far the best in the entire film, didn't make me laugh. Crap film.

  12. Rewatched the original Star Wars trilogy, the The Star Wars Holiday Special and The Force Awakens. I was a bit afraid that The Force Awakens wouldn't hold up after seeing what a new Star Wars film can actually be like in form of Rogue One, but I was not disappointed at all. Rehash of Star Wars? Sure it is, but I don't care. Still think it was the right move to be honest. Bring back the true feeling of Star Wars for the old generation, but modernize it to please new, younger minds. Still love the film! Time for a rating:


    1. Star Wars (10/10)

    2. The Empire Strikes Back (10/10)

    3. Rogue One (9/10)

    4. Return of the Jedi (9/10)

    5. The Force Awakens (8/10)

    6. The Star Wars Holiday Special (1/10, so godfuckingawful it's good)

    7. The Phantom Menace (4/10)

    8.  Attack of the Clones (2/10)

    9.  Revenge of the Sith (2/10)


    I thik all three prequel films are horrendous. Just godfuckingawful. The reason The Phantom Menace gets a higher score is ONLY because of the pod race which is pretty cool. But other than that I can't really find anything decent about any of these three films. Awful characters, poor story-telling, really fucking shitty CGI and so on. They're basically big lumps of bad CGI. I really hate the visual style they've gone for in these films too. Looks way too polished, pretty and artificial. Shite films, and I hate every single human being who enjoys any of these. Death to all!

  13. On 30.11.2016 at 8:05 PM, StriderSubzero said:


    He can't blast, or at least we've not heard him do that, and as such would never be able to play in a death metal band...


    Wait, what? You have to know how to blast to be in a death metal band? I didn't know that and I've been into death metal for 15+ years now. There's a shitload if mid-tempo and slow(er) death metal bands out there without blast beats and god knows what where Shinya would do just fine. Technically speaking of course.


    But as a drummer and band member I've always looked upon him as the weakest link in Dir en grey, especially in recent time with Uroboros, Rinkaku and Sustain the Untruth. I don't hate the drumming on these releases and I'm not really annoyed by it, but I've always felt like it was just there, and he does these things just for the sake of doing them, not because it adds anything cool/interesting/special to the songs.

  14. I'll have to go with the first wave. I just love that raw and wild thrash/speed metal a lot of them bands brought to the table in their early days. The first few releases by X Japan and Aion, Rosenfeld, , Gargoyle, Harkenkreuz, Mein Kampf, Rommel and so on. The visual kei metal scene wasn't very big at this time as far as I know, but the few thrash/speed metal bands I know of from this time rules.


    Following that I'd probably go for the fifth wave because of Kagrra and Heidi.

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