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Posts posted by Bear

  1. On 31.10.2016 at 6:45 AM, plastic_rainbow said:

    Updating some movies that I saw.


    I watched Insidious: Chapter 3 with my sisters and it seemed like a total waste of a sequel. I felt that it led more questions than answering them. Also, it's supposed to take place before the first film, but the connection felt so weak and pointless I kept getting confused. @Bear I think I know what funny scene you were talking about. It came out so randomly my sisters and I laughed, ahaha. xD I couldn't take the movie seriously and it was just a bad sequel imo. I hope they don't make another one.


    They are making another one, but this time Adam Robitel is in charge. That's got me excited for sure, because his first feature film The Taking of Deborah Logan was very, very good. I'm interested to see what he'll be able to do with this universe.

  2. That the new Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski flick? I've got my expectations up high for that film. Very promising directors, and The Void looks to be the film to take 'em up where they belong. Looks neat as fuck.

  3. Don't shoot me because of this, because I usually don't follow politics. Don't care about norwegian politics and don't really give a fuck about foreign politics.


    But I've read about the american presidency over the last few months and this is what I've gathered:


    Trump equals plague

    Hillary equals cholera


    Is one of them really any better than the other?


    Now, I'm done with politics for the next 10 years. Spent way too much time on this shit over the past two months.

  4. I am currently 6 episodes into The Expanse and I am currently loving the shit out of this series. It's a beautiful mix of melodramatic space opera and dark, gritty and grim neo-noir, and unlike most space operas I've seen this is actually R-rated, with some stunning violence and use of blood. Unique cinematography (for a TV-series), classy set-designs and so far an interesting story and nice characters. So far, so fucking good!





    Holy shit, this sounds so different from Quintessenz' earlier Hellhammer/Celtic Frost/Venom/Bathory worshipping stuff. Much more speed and traditional heavy metal in the sound. Can hear some viking-era Bathory, Manowar and Thor influences here for sure. Especially on Endless Night, while Zeitgeist sounds way more speed metal influenced.


    Sounds so much better than the rather disppointing Back to the Kult of the Tyrants. While a good album, it lacked the magic from Okkult Metal Spell and Über Metal.

  6. Man vs Snake: The Long and Twisted Tale of Nibbler - This is basically The King of Kong with Nibblerbut it lacks a proper "villain" like Billy Mitchell and the memorable moments and quotes, and with less interesting drama. But it's fun, it's interesting and it's both sad and heartwarming.


    Love me some Billy Mitchell. Shame he didn't play a bigger role in the film, though. He's so fucking awesome!


    Anyway, recommended!

  7. 47 minutes ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    Till then, all I can comment is HELL YEAH, that new Hail Spirit Noir album hits the spot! I'm not even through my first listen, but I already know this is one of my favorite things this year. I'm just here listening and grinning from ear to ear, it's so much fun. I gotta listen to these guys more frequently.


    Nice! Are you familiar with their two first albums? Both great, but the debut is an absolute masterpiece. It sounds a lot more laidback and amateurish, and the mix of genres doesn't sound as tied together and well thought out as on the two others. It's a bit all over the place, but that's half the fun of the album IMO, and it's what makes it superior to the two others.


    But all three albums are great. 10/10, 8,5/10 and 9/10.

  8. 608689.jpg

    Hail Spirit Noir - Mayhem in Blue

    Psychedelic rock/progressive black metallers Hail Spirit Noir continues to blend psychedelick and progressive rock with progressive black metal, and they do it in a most unusual way, this time adding some carnival-esque elements to their music. You won't find a single band out there that sounds like these guys, and Mayhem in Blue is surprisingly a step up after the excellent Oi Magoi. Not quite as good as Pneuma though.


    I Mean You Harm

    The most straight-forward and easy-listening song on the album, but brilliant nonetheless.



    Furia - Guido

    Guido is Furia's 9's proper release, and their best one yet. It's experimental and far from straight-forward, but it's still fairly easy on the ear. Great release!


    It should be said that the EP is recorded live 320 meters underground in the old coalmine "Guido" in Zabrze, Upper Silesia.





    Urfaust - Empty Space Meditation

    I haven't followed Urfaust too closely after the phenomenal Einsiedler as the following release Der freiwillige Bettler never caught my attention. But Empty Space Meditation sees Urfaust returning to form, and it's an excellent album. Reminds me a lot about Einsiedler, especially the use of synth, but without copying it. The vocals are better than ever before, and this might be Urfaust's best album so far.


    Meditatum II

    Listen to those clean vocals that kicks in about 3 min into the song. It's just too good!



    Gatecreeper - Sonoran Depravation

    Gatecreeper brings nothing new to the table, just good, ol' swedish death metal worship to the fullest. Think old Grave, Dismember and Entombed  and you're there. Good album, if far from excellent.


    Craving Flesh



    Agatus - The Eternalist

    It's been no less than 14 years since Agatus released their last album, and with only two short EPs inbetween I was not quite sure what to expect here, but I expected black metal at least. But that's not what we got, no, because in the 14 years of silence Agatus have changed into a power metal band. But it's not usual power metal. It sounds like a Hellenic black metal band playing power metal, which is what it is. Sounds like epic USPM with a Hellenic twist.


    The Oath (of Magic and Fire)

  9. Cool Air (1999) - Nice, haunting and very faithful adaption that really hit the nail on its head. Superbly directed, very well-acted and a great atmosphere throughout the film. It's really slow with lots of dialogue, but it nicely takes its time to build its aura of eeriness and suspense. I give this 9 out of 10 tentacles. Excellent!


    Torrented it. There was only one seed, but it's worth the time. Excellent! Excellent!

  10. Because of the lack of H.P. Lovecraft adaptions I figured I'd have to see some of the short films made, and I started yesterday:


    Nyarlathotep (2001) - A very good and unusually faithful Lovecraft adaption that reallt hit the nail on its head. It's only 13 minutes long, but it does the job.

    Available on youtube. 8/10


    The Music of Erich Zann (1980) - It's only 17 minutes long, but this atmospheric piece is one of the better Lovecraft-adaptions I've seen so far. It's not the most faithful adaption out there, but it doesn't leave the trail either. The atmosphere is incredible, the actors does really, really well and it's all over really awesome. Really, really awesome! 9/10

    Available on youtube.


    The Music of Erich Zann (2010) - While not bad, this film is a bit lackluster. It clocks in at 27 minutes, is a B&W silent film with only young faces. Which is a problem for two reason: they're not talented enough as actors to drive the film forward by themself, they're not talented enough make-up artists, so the young man playing Erich Zann looks like shit. It's not bad, and I don't regret spending half an hour on this, but I wouldn't really recommend it. On the positive side it's got a bit of a campy feeling, though. I liked that. 6/10

    Available on IMDB.




    Will watch more today.

  11. Alcest - Kodama

    Hexenslaught - Demo 2016

    Abigail - The Final Damnation

    Cradle of Filth - Dusk... and Her Embrace - The Original Sin

    Satan's Vomit - Back to the Beginning

    Ithaqua - The Black Mass Sabbath Pulse

    Moonsorrow - Jumalten aika

    Blood Ceremony - Lords of Misrule

    Ripper - Experiment of Existence

    Uada - Devoid of Light
    Occult Burial - Hideous Obscure
    Vektor - Terminal Redux

    Hail Spirit Noir - Mayhem in Blue

    Demon Bell - Steel Sorcery

    Nuctemeron - Knights of Hell


    I've probably forgotten a lot of great albums, but I'm pretty sure I'll keep listening to these release for many, many years from now on. Awesome stuff!

  12. Yes, the Furia EP was very good. Might be the best they've done so far.


    I think the Cultes des Ghoules album might end up as the album of the year for me, at least based on the two tracks released. Two tracks, 30+ minutes of crazy good black metal. Still got four tracks to go, and I believe one of them is something like 35+ minutes long as the release is a 2xCD release and this is placed all alone on CD2. Gonna be a massive album!




  13. Only a few releases remaining? Are you a total madman, my friend? I'm still looking forward to so god damn many releases. Here's a list of albums I know will be released bewfore the year is over:


    Cultes des Ghoules - Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love

    Obscure Evil - Void Fumes

    Quintessenz - To the Gallows

    Ash Borer - The Irrepassable Gate

    Mortualia- Wild, Wild Misery

    Vader - The Empire

    Downfall of Nur / Selvans

    Rudra - Enemy of Duality

    Saor - Guardians

    Furia - Księżyc milczy luty

    Blazon Stone - Ready for Boarding

    Black Hole Generator - A Requiem for Terra

    Antaeus Condemnation

    Hellripper - Complete and Total Fucking Mayhem

    Gotsu Totsu Kotsu - Where Warriors Once Dreamed a Dream

    Fetid Zombie - Epicedia

    Master of Cruelty - Archaic Visions of the Underworld

    Scorched - Echoes of Dismemberment

    Root - Kärgeräs - Return from Oblivion

    Sarkom - Anti-Cosmic Art

    FromHell - March on Gravitation

    Revel in Flesh - Emissary of All Plagues

    Ranger - Speed & Violence

    Arma - Rock n' Roll Murderers

    Isengard - Traditional Doom Cult

    Primitive - Negro Metal da Morte

    Venefixion - Armorican Deathrites

    Sacrificio - Guerra eterna

    Witchtower - Hammer of Witches



    So of these have leaked and some are up for streaming, but I have yet to hear 'em, and no one are officially out yet. So I have a lot to look forward to, that's for sure.




    Will come back with a top 10 later.

  14. I'm a bit late to the party, but Tales of Halloween is a nice Halloween-themed film. Anthology consisting of 10 shorter films, where no less than 9 are good. Which is quite sensational as anthology films with 5+ tends to be very, very uneven. But this worked well and is a future Halloween classic.

  15. Saw two films yesterday:




    This film is quite often mentioned among the very worst horror films ever made, and it's hard to disagree with that. We're talking The Nail Gun Massacre- and Redneck Zombies-bad. In other words, the ultimate SO BAD IT'S GOOD-films. Apart from a couple of cheesy but good practical effects, this film is a huge turd entirely. But it's entertaining. It's dumb, stupid, slow, cheesy and awful. The direction, cinematography, acting, dialogue... it's all übershit, and it's all so great!


    What makes this film so god damned awesome is the mixture of awful dialogue, acting and beyond awful voice acting (it's dubbed alright!)




    This brilliant clip sums up the film. Watch it!



    I am talking about the original one, John Carpenter classic, and it's brilliant. Top 10 horror movies ever made. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is pitch perfect.

  16. The Romanian found footage film Be My Cat: A Film for Anne looks really fucking awesome, and a lot of people claim it to be the best and most revolutionary found footage film since The Blair Witch Project, which does say quite a lot. Adrian Țofei directed, starred in and produced the film, and he seems to have done quite the job as all three, along the rest of the cast. Can't wait to see this flick!

  17. Since this thread has been evoked back to life let me inform you about the films I've seen this weekend:



    Demons 2: The Nightmare Returns

    Lamberto Bava would never go on to become as great as his father, Mario Bava, but he never had any problem impressing. While not his best films, but are highly entertaining euro-splatters full of cheese, poor acting and lovely special effects. Demons is better than Demons 2 which is more or less the same film with a different setting. Great soundtracks to with Claudio Simonetti, Pretty Maids, Billy Idol, Accept, Saxon, The Smiths, The Cult, Fields of the Nephilim, Dead Can Dance and more spread over the two films. First one is a bit more metal.


    Night of the Demons

    Night of the Demons 2

    Cheesy, over the top and great horror films set at Halloween. So over the top, but perfectly executed with amazing special effects and lots of fun. The sequel is a bit campier and less serious in tone, but I dig it slightly more. It's more of a teen horror with silly jokes, great nudity and more humour, but it truly pays off. And who's unable to become bewitched by a beautiful girl dancing retardedly to old Morbid Angel? Holy water!

  18. 2 hours ago, Biopanda said:

    Gonna check out some of the reqs y'all have suggested for CAT, but I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for good atmospheric horror films? I absolutely hate jump scares(they seem way too cheap anyways), but love movies that rely more on atmosphere and suspense. Already checked out The Babadook and It Follows and loved both of them. 


    You won't find horror films with more atmosphere than those made back in the 20's through the 70's. There was no such thing as jumpscares back then, and it was all about atmosphere and suspense. Jumpscares didn't really come along before the late 70's/early 80's, even though there was only a small amount of films like Carrie and When a Stranger Calls that used/tried a form of this technique before the 80's. So checking out horror films from 70's and backwards won't hurt if you look for horror films without cheap jumpscares.


    You won't find a single film with better atmosphere than Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens. The atmosphere is so thick you can smear it out on a piece of bread like butter. Same goes for other 20's horror films like

    Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

    Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


    Orlacs Hände

    The Phantom of the Opera

    Faust: Eine deutsche Volkssage


    Or from the 30's:



    Bride of Frankenstein

    The Black Cat


    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    The Old Dark House

    The Hound of the Baskervilles


    Just to mention a few. I could go on, but these are all films that are as atmospheric as possible. Especially the 20's horror films are beyond what we can atmospheric. It's incredible. Add The Call of Cthulhu (2005) to the 20's list too, as it plays along like a film of tat era. Excellent film!


    But if these type of films for some weird, unexcuseable reason ain't your thing, then try some newer films from the 2000's like


    The House of the Devil

    The Witch: A New-England Folktale


    We Are Still Here

    A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

    Eden Lake

    Lake Mungo

    The Conspiracy

    The Blair Witch Project

    Bone Tomahawk (western-horror!!!)

    The Others



    These films have none or close to no jumpscares in them. It's about atmosphere, suspense and more atmosphere.

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