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Posts posted by Bear

  1. 22 minutes ago, Atreides said:

    I'd prefer if an artist release an album that all the disc space is used up. Please no 35 minute "full length" albums.


    If the 35 minutes are great, what's the problem? I'd rather have 35 perfect minutes than 50 where 5-15 minutes are less than perfect.


    I could never imagine Slayer's Reign in Blood (28 minutes), Framtid's ‎"Under The Ashes" and "Defeat Of Civilization" (27 minutes and 21 minutes), Extreme Noise Terror's "A Holocaust in Your Head" (26 minutes) or Repulsion's "Horrified" (29 minutes) being any longer. They're all perfect as they are. And I'll gladly pay full price for all of them as they are brilliant and totally worth it.


    But at the same time I could never imagine or want for Cultes des Ghoules' "Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love" (100 minutes) or Reverend Bizarre's "III: So Long Suckers" (125 minutes) to be any shorter as they are perfect as they are.

  2. That depends on the genre, the type of music the band plays, how good the songwriting is and so on. But there's no such thing as a perfect album lenght, but a general thumb rule for me is that the more agressive the music is, the shorter the album should be. There's always certain exceptions of course, but just in general.


    But for agressive music such as grindcore, thrash metal, death metal, hardcore, crust, "war metal" (aka really violent brand of black/death metal) and so on I prefer it to be between 15-50. For other genres such as ambient, (slower/symphonic/more atmospheric) black metal and doom metal I'll easily take 80-140 minutes playtime.


    But it depends on how well the album is set up, how good the songwriting is and all that. So for me, the perfect album lenght can be anything between 10 minutes and 140+ minutes.


    Number of songs however doesn't matter. If an album has 25 songs and play for 60 minutes or have one song and play for 60 minutes has nothing to say. No difference whatsoever. It's about the styleof the music and the songwriting. The general quality of the music.

  3. How I spent my day at work today:


    07.15-09.00 - watched people play Mario Maker on youtube

    09.00-10.00 -  spent this hour lying on the couch doing nothing

    10.00-10.30 - in the gym all by myself, shooting football into the wall.

    10.30-11.00 - walked around outside the building

    11.00-12.30 - took a break. Had a couple of cups of coffee and watched people play Mario Maker on youtube

    12.30-13.00 - played 2048 on an iPad

    13.00-13.45 - played drums and guitar all by myself

    13.45-14.10 - was playing cards with some of the kids



    Easily one of the least productive days on work ever. Well, the entire weekl has been a lot like this. Only difference is that I've spent about an hour a day cleaning a huge, dirty shed. With music on my ear of course. Tomorrow will be much of the same. It's a decent way to earn some money. It's only four days until all hell breaks loose again, so I gotta be like this now that I can. :D

  4. Quote

    Greetings Vektonauts. With sadness we must inform you that we, Blake, Frank, and Erik, are all departing from Vektor effective immediately. It has been a completely incredible 10-ish years that has brought us all around the world and introduced us to so many super generous, passionate, friendly people and produced three albums of which we are extremely proud. Seeing the reception for Terminal Redux in particular after all of the hard work put into it has been very humbling. Sadly we've reached a point where we can't continue with the working arrangement we have, for a number of reasons that we find unnecessary to discuss publicly. There's no big story or drama, people and personalities simply change and drift apart and we've reached our limit.
    The three of us are lifer musicians and will continue to be. You'll be seeing us in other contexts, other bands, recordings, tours, and more. Our time in Vektor has been a major part of our lives and parting with that will be a serious adjustment, but ultimately we're excited to see other new ways we can put our ideas to use. We are -hugely- grateful to everyone that came out to shows, picked up merch, listened to the music, showed us a great time and kept us going. We accomplished more than we ever thought was possible when we joined and we hope you'll stay tuned for what we do next - you have certainly not seen the last of us.
    We don't know if this means Dave will seek new members and continue Vektor or not, that is for him to decide and announce in his own time.
    Given that it's the holidays and the future of the band is out of our hands, we'd appreciate some space for the time being as we enjoy time with friends and family (please don't message our personal pages about it, we won't reply). All the best and we'll see you down the road.
    -Blake, Frank, and Erik


    Well, that sucks. They finally reached up and reached their potential with Terminal Redux and I was very excited to see where they'd take it next. Doubt they'd manage to top it, but still, would've been interesting to see what they were gonna do anyway.


    Dave will continue Vektor, though. That's good at least. But I wonder how much if an input the other guys had on the band's sound and songwriting. I'm pretty sure Dave is the main songwriter, but I am not sure.

  5. Syre you didn't, but a twist can make or break a film, and a twist in itself is usually considered a huge surprise. It should be something totally unexpected. When you know there's a twist you know something else will happen, and that things isn't what they seem to be. That means that even if you don't know exactly what is gonna happen, you know something is gonna happen. And that is in fact a huge spoiler. Revealing that there's a twist is something that will make a lot of people look for the twist (because we already know its coming), which again makes it easier for us to reveal and see the twist before it's actually appeared.


    A spoiler can be a lot more than just revealing an important plot element. A spoiler is synonymous with "something you'd like to find out yourself", and a twist is exactly that to me. The best twists are the ones I don't see coming at all, not even knowing they are about to come, even if I know nothing about what.


    But anyhow, that's just my opinion. Like. Yeah. Mine.

  6. Nothing wrong with generic as far as I see it. You're talking to someone who loves 49/50 slasher movies made back in the mid-/late-70's and 80's. And as we all know, 98% of these films are generic as hell. Which is not a problem for me at all.

  7. Why would you be looking forward to a new Sigh album if you only like one our of eleven albums, and that was the debut album released 23 years ago?

  8. a4113580328_10.jpg

    Thangorodrim - Taur-nu-Fuin

    Do not be fooled by the cover, this is not black metal. Thangorodrim plays something we've come to known as dungeon synth over the years, a subgenre of ambient closely related to black metal. Thangorodrim plays dungeon synth similar to what Mortiis did from 93-96, and he does it really well. Taur-nu-Fuin is the best dungeon synth since Mortiis' Crypt of the Wizard. Highly atmospheric album that would be the perfect soundtrack to an evening with Dungeons and Dragons among friends, or something along those lines. Or just alone with lit candles on a dark, quiet evening.

  9. Anyone seen Lights Out yet? I've only seen the short film which was great. David Sandberg is set to direct Annabelle 2. Annabelle was utter fucking garbage so I remain sceptical, but Sandberg looks like a very interesting director so I am interested.


    And The Spierig Brothers who made the great sci-fi thriller Predestination are directing the upcomming Saw film, Saw: Legacy. I can't say I dig the Saw franchise, but the first one is excellent, the 2nd is good and 7th are decent too. Not really looking forward to it, but I'm interested for sure.


    And talking about upcoming horror films, I am really looking forward to God Particle, the third installment in the Cloverfield franchise. I rewatched Cloverfield yesterday and I gotta admit it's aged very well. Works really well as both a found footage horror film and a kaiju film.

  10. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale is something of a modern classic and a hidden gem imo. Imagine John Carpenter, Tim Burton and Joe Dante making a film together. It's like a mix of Carpenter-esque horror, Burton-esque fantasy and Dante-esque comedy. An instant classic!

  11. So, top 10 Christmas horror movies, guys and girls? I'll start. (all movies are the original ones, unless other is stated)



    Black Christmas

    Rare Exports


    Silent Night, Bloody Night

    Silent Night, Deadly Night

    Tales from the Crypt - And All Through the House

    À l'intérieur

    Dead End

    Night Train Murders


    Anyone got any other films that's top notch and as good as these? I doubt it, but I am interested.

  12. MV5BMjk0MjMzMTI3NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODEy


    This film sure lived up to my MASSIVE expectations. It's a very 80's film and it reeks of Joe Dante, and more than anything Gremlins. Which is great of course. It's a nice blend of creepy, amospheric and tense moments, some funny ones and some heartwarming ones. Just like Gremlins in other words, just not quite as good. The special effects are mostly practical, but a few times they've gone with CGI and it's understandable. But it's decent CGI and doesn't take anything away from everything else. The cast is great, the film looks beautiful and it's simply a very, very good film. And Krampus looks amazing, and he is amazing. Real creepy, much because he's so darkly playful. Did I say that he looks amazing? The decision to not show his *beep* (that's a spoiler) is brilliant. Just gives him so much more aura and charisma.


    There's also a small animated flashback scene that was insanely good. Absolutely stunning stuff, and a real treat to the eye.


    And all this is topped off by one of the best endings I've ever seen. Perfect ending!


    So yeah, what a fantastic film!


    It's a shame about the PG-13 rating, though. This film would instantly have been much better with an R rating and more blood and gore. But it doesn't matter as this is brilliant nonetheless.

  13. Quote

    I was hoping to finish recording the new album "Heir to Despair" by the end of this year but the things have been moving much slower than we thought. I have been taking a lot of time to learn flute etc. Anyway our 2017 will start with Blastfest then we will finish up the new album for sure.


    Holy shit, YES! Does that mean we get a new album around July/August next year? Hooooooooly shit!

  14. I've never actually gone out the night before christmas before, but I tought I'd do so tonight. I don't celebrate christmas so to me this is an almost regular weekend. The only difference I won't go out tomorrow night. It's the only difference to me. No idea if people tend to go out on the 23rd, but I'll try and see if there's someone out. If it isn't I have about 65 0,5l cans of beer in the fridge. I'll be allright for the next 3 days. Don't have any food though, but as long as I got beer, gin & tonic I couldn't really give a fuck.



  15. I haven't made a list yet, but I'll try to get this thread started by posting one album (I'll just add more later on).



    Cultes des Ghoules - Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love

    Cultes des Ghoules have worked their way up to some kind of a cult status in the metal underground, and with good reason. Before the release of this album the band had two brilliant albums, two brilliant EPs and some good split albums and another EP to their name. And when everyone thought the band were dead they announce out of nowhere that they're about to release a new album. And it's not just an album, it's a double album. We're talking 5 songs and about 100 minutes of music, and despite the lenght it doesn't feel a second too long. Music'vise they've gone a bit backwards to the style they had on their debut album Häxan, with Mortuary Drape, Necromantia, Samael, Beherit and more as obvious inspirations. Dark, evil, mystic and occult black metal. It's straight enough, but it still sounds very unique and original. Which is pretty amazing, because musically it kinda isn't. Now, I am not saying this is my favourite black metal album ever, but this is one of the most impressive one. It's massive in every way possible.


    This is my album of the year by a long shot. It's something truly special.

  16. Hey @Gaz, have you seen The Expanse? Space opera, often compared to series like Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Star Wars and so on. In other words, classic, space opera. But this has got a twist, it's half neo-noir. One of the best series I've ever seen. Absolute brilliant! Only beaten by Stranger Things post-The Wire.



    Currently watching Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency which is loosly based on Douglas Adams' (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) novel by the same name. From what I've read, this isn't a very faithful adaption, but adapting Douglas Adams is kinda hard ain't it? Anyway, it's got a Douglas Adams feeling to it. The absurdism, the weirdness, the different-esque story and characters and so on is on place. The series stars Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood with Hannah Marks, Fiona Dourif, Jade Eshet, Mpho Koaho, Aaron Douglas in some of the bigger supportive roles. In other words, the cast itself isn't very impressive. It's not exactly brilliant actors, but they've found someone who are more than able to pull this off, and more importantly they've found a cast with AMAZING chemestry. Absurd humor, silly action, some great bloody action and lots of fun. This series is A LOT better than what I expected. I expected something decent, but this is excellent! Truly great! Two episodes left, though. Excited!

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