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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Weird, I am of the complete opposite side with opinion on this album. I tried that album earlier this year, and despite of my love for Dance With the Dead, I thought this album was trash. Absolute garbage! Weak, shitty metal mixed with bland electronica. The metal riffs are the worst. That's the kind of shit I wrote as jokes when I was 13 years old, and I am not kidding. They're that bad. I couldn't even get through the album.  I can totally understand why these song were unreleased up to this point, and they still should've been. They just started dragging their own name through the mud with this embarrassing release.



  2. bmsskd_zpsob6lbhnb.jpg




    New Black Magic SS is up for listen at their bandcamp. Sounds excellent as usual. This will with no doubt be up as there as one of the very best releases of the year, just like all their previous releases did. One of the best active bands out there. A mix of psychedelic and occult rock, doom metal and black metal with a strong occult vibe. I just can't get enough of these guys. One of the best bands out there, as previously said.

  3. Lunar Poetry is a fantastic demo, and essential black metal as far as I am concerned. Far from their best, but amazing nonetheless. But its sound is a lot more cheesy and sugar-coated in lack of a better word. I think they got a bit rawer, yet at the same time way more bombastic with Goat Horns, and they kinda got more of their own identity with that release. But like I said, you can't go wrong with any of their releases even though I find Мировоззрение/Weltanschauung and The Voice of Steel to be less good than everything before it. Still good releases, though, especially The Voice of Steel. But it's not really a black metal album and has way more folky sing-along cheese to it. It's clearly inspired by Moonsorrow, but you'll also hear progressive elements, especially from Pink Floyd and such. It's an album that'll get them a much bigger following because it's more catchy and easy-listening than their black metal stuff.


    But anyway, godly band!

  4. I just watched the danish drama-thriller Kapringen (A Hijacking), a most thrilling and intense film, beautifully executed and superbly acted. Really intense film that comes off as very realistic and gritty, dark and tense. I highly recommend this!


    How come the danish and swedes are so much better than norway when it comes to film? Scripts, directors, actos. They're better at everything. Why the fuck is it like this?

  5. 6 hours ago, Visutox said:

    It really does. Never bothered to dig into Nokturnal Mortum's huge discography but now that they're releasing a new album I might as well do. But before that, I still have to check out some Zuriaake.


    That is shocking, because Nokturnal Mortum has released a bunch of classic and brilliant albums. I like their entire discography, but Twilightfall, Lunar Poetry, Return of the Vampire Lord, Goat Horns, To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire and Nechrist are releases that I believe should be a part of any black metal fan's collection, with To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire and Nechrist being my favourites. To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire are one of the top 10 symphonic black metal albums ever and Nechrist are one of the 10 best folk black metal releases ever (althought it could be called symphonic black metal as well). What really makes these stand out are how agressive and brutal they are compared to most other albums in a similar style.



  6. Watched Curse of the Crimson Altar, late 60's horror based loosely on Lovecraft's The Dreams in the Witch House. This film isn't Lovecraftian at all, though, it's pretty standard mid-60's gothic horror with the usual ingredients. But holy cow, what an underrated film! It's one of Boris Karloff's last films, and it also stars Christopher Lee, and Michael Gough and Barbara Steele in some minor roles. Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee steals every scene they're in, and when they're on the screen together I am close to exploding. Can't handle that much awesomeness!


    Anyway, the plot is not all that and the direction is a bit messy, but its atmosphere is great and it's visually stunning and superbly acted. I just love the colors in films like this. So bright, so strong... it just looks like the color is about to pop out of the screen. Looks amazing!


    And this quote was exceptional:

    Girl: It's like a house from one of those old horror films.

    Man: It's like Boris Karloff is going to pop up at any moment.


    Awesome! Very underrated.

  7. Been spinning both that Joel Grind - Memphis Devil Shit mix tape and 3 Memphis Kniccas' "Kill 'em Dead" a lot since yesterday. Loving both the mix tape and the 3MK tape. I just love that raw, dark, gritty sound of the majority of these artists.


    Gave Criminal Mafia - Tha Crucifixion and Manson Family - Heltah Skeltah a spin at work today, too, and they both seem really damn good too. Especially Criminal Mafia is exactly what I am looking for at the moment. That raw production is just top notch.

  8. I haven'tt seen it yet, but isn't Get Out a horror comedy? The few people I know who's seen it seems to agree on this, as they all called it a horror comedy when recommending it to me.


    Really looking forward to it. Looks neat.

  9. I can get you a premium membership right away if you want, but it'll cost you. Give me a shout if you're interested and I'll PM you how I'd like the money transfer. But like I said, it'll cost you. Most people won't have the money to afford this, but if you have a lot of money and you really want this then I'm your man.


    Also, don't tell anyone about this. Gotta be our secret as only we two can view this post. ☺

  10. I'm a bit surprised you recommend Urd (or anything post-Empiricism) over the far superior albums Borknagar and The Olden Domain as both are, as already said, superior to the rest of their discography and way more black metal. Could also throw in The Archaic Course, Quintessence and Empiricism, but neither are close to the quality of the two first albums. And The Olden Domain's by far the best. Such a masterpiece. Huge!

  11. So here's the albums you should start with:


    Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable

    Autracie - Horizons funestes

    Sale Freux - Crèvecœur

    Baise Ma Hache - Bréviaire du chaos

    Lugubrum - De totem

    Urfaust - Empty Space Meditation


    I actually think some of the earlier Urfaust releases are more similar to the style and feeling of Ungfell with its drunken sound, but it's a bit harder to get into due to the ambient tracks and more than anything the vocals. But check THIS fantastic song out for someo f their earlier, less controlled and more drunken sounding stuff. It's got a bit of everything as far as the vocals goes.

  12. I coumd go on and recommend black metal of alk tyoes for days and days with my knowledge if the genre, but I'll keep rhis simple and recommend bands based on the band you list here:


    Peste Noire


    Sale Freux

    Baise Ma Hache




    On ny phone so I won't point out the albums to check out, but I can fix that when I getdag home.


    But Peste Noire is the obvious and best answer as Ungfell is total Peste Noire worship from A to Z. Just pure and total Peste Noire worship!


  13. I must be the dumbest fuck in the entire universe. Ever since my big, decent TV died I've watched less movies, which is like for the last half a year. Because this old TV doesn't have an optical cable input, so I haven't been able to watch anything with my surround unless I've used my PS3, because that actually has an optical cable input. Anyway, I tried to "stream" films from my PC to my PS3, but I couldn't get that working. And I tried my USB after googling a bit, and I couldn't get that working either. However, I just googled again and on my first try I found out you just have to create a folder on your USB stick called Video. And voila, it works. Jesus, that's so dumb. Can't believe I missed that the first time I tried. :P


    Anyone know a decent tutorial to add subs to video files? Prefer watching films with subs, but I am not sure how to do this. Haven't tried just adding a subtitle to the folder like I would do if I plugged the USB right into the TV, but I assume it would not working on the PS3. Does anyone know this?



    I've been a fan of Zuriaake for years now, and I really need to see these guys live. They seem to be an experience live, and a real force of power and emotions. And visually they're among the most impressive and interesting ones alongside Cult of Fire and Mgla. They way these bands capture the atmosphere and sound with how they dress, act and appear on stage and pictures are fantastic.


    Be sure to check out their entire discography if you're into bands like Drudkh, Sad Legend, Downfall of Nur, Walknut, Ygg. I'll even throw in some Summoning and Moonsorrow to the mix. Speaking of Summoning, the last track on the video is a Summoning cover. And unlike the majority of Summoning covers, this one sounds great, even if they don't do too much with it. It's just pure magic. Those clean vocals are as bad as they are amazing, powerful and emotional.



  15. lead_960.jpg?1487875212


    Macon Blair (Blue Ruin, Murder Party, Green Room) debuts as a director with I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore, neo-noir comedy that is as smart, funny and goofy as it is dark, brutal and gritty. Some lovely characters, and the two leads, Melanie Lynskey and especially Elijah Wood, are fantastic and their chemestry are amazing throughout.


    I love how Macon Blair doesn't try to hide that's he's both a good friend and have worked quite a lot with Jeremy Saulnier, because this film reeks of Jeremy Saulnier, and the violence is like taken straight out of a brutal Jeremy Saulnier film.


    I expect this to be among my top 3 films of 2017 as we enter 2018, if not the very best one of 2017. This is pure brilliance!

  16. On 23.2.2017 at 11:17 PM, orange~ said:

    Few people outside Finland know that there is actually another big contender in dinosaur-kei:




    They happen to look exactly the same as HeviSaurus, because why not?




    They happen to look exactly the same as HeviSaurus because they're almost the same band, just under a new name due to a disagreements with Sony. And another vocalist. They had to pay up for this shit, though.


    And while we're on this, Sharky Sharky deserves a mention:





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