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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Dread-Sovereign-For-Doom-the-Bell-Tolls-




    New Dread Sovereign is very welcome, and this sounds good as expected. For those who doesn't know, Dread Sovereign is a doom metal band consisting of A.A. Nemtheanga of Primordial, Johnny King of Altars of Plauge and some guy I'm not familiar with. Sol Dubh of Primordial used to be in the band as well. Fairly traditional doom with yet another strong performance by A.A. Nemtheanga who don't know how to do anything but sing amazing.



    Checking out some asian metal with folk influences, and my newest discovery is Taiwain's Bloody Tyrant who plays a form of melodic black metal with lots of traditional folk influences, as well as touches of symphonic black metal. I've only checked out this album, but this sounds really good after one listen. It's hard to talk about a band like this without mentioning other Chinese bands like Chthonic, Deep Mountains and Anthelion, and even South-Korean melodic black/death metallers Oathean could be mentioned.


    Looking forward to hearing the other albums. Really appreciating the folk influences on this album.

  3. I just watched High Risk aka Meltdown with Jet Li and Jacky Cheung. This is a high-octane action comedy that manage to balance perfect between brilliant martial arts, hardcore action and crazy stunts, and hilarious comedy. This is basically Hong Kong's own Die Hard, a film which obviously have been the biggest inspiration on making this film and it surpassed all my expectations. Fantastic film!


    It both spoofs and pays tribute to classic Hollywood action like Die Hard and Speed, as well as classic stuff by Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. The latter is also spoofed in this film in a tremendous performance by Jacky Cheung who acts both as the comic relief and action star, and Jackie Chan was very offended by this. But Jacky Cheung owns this film. What a performance! Had me in tears at times.

    Some of the stunts are crazy as fuck, the action is brutal, the martial arts scenes are amazingly choreographed by Corey Yuen and the comedy is hilarious. This film has it all!

  4. Just watched Keanu and this was a huge surprise. It doesn't offer anything new top the action-comedy genre, but its absurd premise, the brilliant chemestry between Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key, non-stop, fast-paced comedy and surprisingly good action makes this into something great. Had me laughing out loud for huge parts of the film, and it had me in tears of laughter a couple of times as well, and that says it all. I really liked it. Highly recommended if you want something easy to watch.

  5. I'm almost finished with Love season 2. Where the first season was fantastic, season two just turns everything up by a notch or two. It's fun, it's charming, it's dramatic and it's warm. The warmth of the entire series just rules . Top this with some fantastic charachters, both leads, supporting and cameos, and you've got yourself a real treat. The flawed characters and their lives feels super authentic and a lot of the episodes could so easily have been a day or two in my life, or your life. I do think that this series and its characters are that authentic.





    Also, I usually don't give a rats dick about critics, but their panning of Iron Fist is worrying. Because they all seem to have the same issues with the series, and one thing that really goes again and again is the action scene. Bland and short fights is not exactly what you want when you watch a TV-series about a man with some mystic powers and some incredible martial arts skills. And this could become a real problem as I am a martial arts film/series nerd, and even if the rest is good this could be enough to turn this into something uninteresting to me. Uh, not looking forward to this anymore. Afraid of being disappointed, especially since they have four amazing seasons behind them with Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, and I was really looking forward to this and The Defenders. Still have hopes for The Defenders, though, no matter how bad this might be. But still. Fuuuuuuck!!!

  6. Never really understood the thing about Havok. I was really into the whole "retro thrash wave" and I am still into a shitload of the retro thrash metal bands that formed around 02-05 or something, but Havok never managed to stand out in my eyes. Just one out of an incredible amount of bland bands with no identity or anything going for them at all. Havok, Evile, Bonded by Blood, Lich King, Warbringer, Fueled by Fire, Thrash or Die, Gama Bomb, Terrordome, Suicidal Angels, and so on. The majority of these bands are just living off old riffs packed in a disgusting production that sounds so artifical and plastic. The production just doesn't fit the music at all.



    This is what retro thrash should sound like in my eyes. Not only do they have the riffs, but they have the raw production and that raw, uncontrolled feeling of it as well. It just sounds so pure and real. No gimmicks, just pure thrash.



  7. Liege Lord rules. Classic USPM! I gotta say that the USPM scene from the 80's are very underrated. So many good bands from that time and era. Attacker's Battle at Helm's Deep, Savage Grace's Master of Disguise, Helstar's Nosferatu, Jag Panzer's Ample Destruction, Griffin's Flight of the Griffin and Protectors of the Lair, Dark Age's Dark Age, Omen's Battle Cry, Manilla Road's Crystal Logic (and the majority of albums they released between 83-05), Medieval Steel's Medieval Steel, Abattoir's Vicious Attack, Iron Cross' Iron Cross, Brocas Helm's Into Battle and Black Death, *Crimson Glory's Crimson Glory and Transcendence, *Fates Warning's Night on Bröcken, The Spectre Within and Awaken the Guardian, *Warlord's And the Cannons of Destruction Have Begun...., *Savatage's Hall of the Mountain King and so on. Yeah, I think I'll stop now, but I could go on forever here. I love this scene to death.


    *The majority of these bands are what we nerds refer to as "blue collar" bands, which is much dirtier and grittier sounding than the traditional European PM bands of that time, but the bands marked with * are what we call white collar bands. They're often much more progressive and melodic than the blue, and a bit flashy at times.

  8. I'd recommend trying the two other Portrait albums, especially the debut. It's an album that could've had the Mercyful Fate logo, and the only thing anyone would ask is if Kind Diamond had a cold at the time of recording.


    And I forgot Oz. Fire in the Brain and Turn the Cross Upside Down are must haves for anyone into heavy metal. They had Quorthon as a cover desinger, and the hand on Fire in the Brain is none other than the hand of Quorthon himself.


    I guess you already know Angel Witch, but they're worth a shout anyway. Classic band. Their two first albums and the stuff before the debut are amazing.


    Witchfynde's debut is really good, too.

  9. I sure can do, good sir.



    The debut is pure Mercyful Fate worship with shabby vocals, but the second and third album has a more steady vocalist. The albums gets a bit more progressive and more King Diamond-esque too. The debut is my favourite, but most people seem to prefer Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae.



    One of the best heavy metal releases in newer time. Occult with a strong Mercyful Fate and Angel Witch vibe. Just listen to that opening riff. Magic!



    The First is a fantastic album. A strong Angel Witch vibe, but a bit heavier. Lovely album!



    Another band with a strong Mercyful Fate vibe, but this band sounds a lot more progressive IMO. They have a new album around the corner too.


    Metal Grave

    This fantastic band sounds like the love child of old Mercyful Fate and Running Wild.



    I love this band, but they sound almost campy at times. Strong Mercyful Fate vibe, but with a high camp factor. I love it!



    The first Japanese band on the list and they're exceptional.



    New band with ex-members of Portrait. Yeah, this has that nice dark, occult vibe to it. Very Mercyful Fate-ish



    Legendary band that only released some demos back in the 80's, but these gaind cult status and the band reformed in 2008 and have so far given us two modern classics. One which is mostly older tracks and one that's newly written, which is very impressive. The production is a bit iffy on the debut, though. It sounds too modern. But amazing album nontheless.

  10. Keanu Reeves is no good actor. Good actors can do different roles, portray different types of humans/machines/monsters and whatnot. A good actor is versatile, and Keanu Reeves is not. But he can do certain roles, and roles that does not demand him to show much emotion or versatility fits him a lot, much like many other actors. Sylvester Stallone, a fuckinggod,bit is amother example of that. That is something shown throughout his time as ann actor. John Wick is his masterpiece. It's a role he handled perfectly. He was excellent in the film. Not a grat actor, but a brilliant performance!

  11. Speaking of Bolt Thrower:



    Today would have been Kiddie’s 40th Birthday, it’s a day of sadness, but also of great memories, and we hope you’ll join us and raise a glass to an absent friend. 
    We take comfort in the knowledge that his bloodline, and legacy as a father, will live on through his sons Leon and Max, his legacy as a man lives on in the hearts and minds of everyone who had the honour and privilege to call him their friend, and his legacy as an amazing drummer will live on through his music.
    But sadly due to various circumstances, Kiddie only ever got to release 2 albums with Bolt Thrower, despite being in the band for 20 years and playing hundreds of shows, and we owe his unswerving loyalty and drumming legacy so much more.
    This is a debt we’ll start to pay off soon...

    Here’s to you Kiddie!


    I don't expect anything new, but someone mentioned a while ago that the band were raising funds to buy back some drum tracks Kiddie tracked some years ago. Perhaps they will release something new after all?

  12. I'm checking out Dementia as we speak. A sort of progressive melodic death metal band. They sound very original, mostly because of the unusual keyboard work that pops up quite frequently on their latest album, Dreaming in Monochrome. They formed all the way back in 1989 and released their first demo in 95 and debut album in 96, and they have five albums to their name. I haven't heard their earlier albums, but this sounds really good. I love the 70's prog vibe this album had going for itself.


    I can hear elements of Opeth, Edge of Sanity, Ayreon and lots of 70's prog rock. Highly recommended. I'll play this quite a lot in the coming time, especially the 18 minute closer. That song has a lot to offer and it's a lot to get into, but that is 18 sweet minutes for sure. I recommend the entire album, but if you only bother one song, make sure it's the last track of the album, Dreaming in Monochrome.



  13. Should be noted that they get more and more brutal the further back into their discography you dig, to where their debut is a grindcore album. Sloppy, downtuned and grinding as fuck. Got more melodic with a bigger focus on groove, melodies and leads as the years went on, and they are often called the Iron Maiden of death metal. Quiye fittingly too, if you ask me.


    Be sure you don't miss their Peel Sessions, too. Peel Session releases are always of great quality, and Bolt Throwet's may be the finest of them all.

  14. What this word needs is a few bands to walk into the footsteps of Samhain. I want more albums similar to Initium, Unholy Passion and Samhain III: November-Coming-Fire. Three very different and unique albums. Nothing come close to these as far as deathrock goes.


    But I've read some good things about Son of Sam and how their early stuff sounds a bit like Samhain. They have some members and ex-members of Samhain and Danzig as well.


    I'd also love to hear more bands similar to Sixx. They took the evil, stripped down sounds of black metal cult Von and turned it into deathrock. Such a cool release.

  15. https://dmrbooks.bandcamp.com/track/hellwell-lightwave

    Lightwave from the upcoming Hellwell album



    It‘s Alive, also from the new Hellwell album, is streaming around the 42.25 minute mark.


    Mark "The Shark" Shelton calls this band "progressive epic horror doom metal", and that's not too far off actually. Imagine Manilla Road doing more progressive and doom influenced music, inspired by horror stories/films or something. I think both tracks are good, especially It's Alive. Mark Shelton hasn't sounded this good in years. His clean vocals are fantastic here.

  16. I'm with you, Zeus. Nowadays I consider 4 hours of sleep a successful night, as the majority of my nights range between 0 and 3 hours sleep. But I'm back to being used to it and I'm very functional, unlike the first few months when I was like a zombie.


    Have delt with this shit several times during the past 10-15 years though, often a year+ at the time before I get back to a normal 5-6 hours sleep. Don't get why it is like this again.

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