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  1. wow
    YuyoDrift reacted to Lestat in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    I am quite sure I am about to offend @YuyoDrift with this, but I absolutely loathed FLCL. If one anime was ever the cause for anxiety attacks due to sensory overload, it would be this one. What a nonsensical, ugly and ill-conceived piece of garbage. Whoever today still claims this to be a 'coming-of-age' masterpiece needs to straighten themselves out; there is absolutely no story, no plot and no secretive and underlying hidden meaning in this whatsoever.
  2. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to The Bread Wolf in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    This has done me a heckin surprise.
    Spyro 2 was literally the first game I ever played. I think I was 9 or something, maybe 10. I have such fond memories of playing the game and watching my dad complete the game for me because I couldn't do it. I loved it. I played it so many times afterwards. And now it's gonna be part of my life again, in HD remastered graphics. Even the games that I wanted to play and never did, which are 1 and 3. 
    Just hope that they keep the original soundtrack and maybe just remaster the tracks too, because especially Spyro 3 had some kickass tunes (Fireworks factory anyone?)
  3. I feel ya..
    YuyoDrift reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Piracy is still a necessary evil   
    The "not selling to overseas fans because it will end up online 99% of the time" just seems like rampant xenophobia tbh, and they don't deserve money if that's the case.
  4. Interesting
    YuyoDrift reacted to nekkichi in Piracy is still a necessary evil   
    there're numerous reasons VK acts won't get signed and distributed through major western labels, and they are slowly catching up with the streaming trend, but this scene never relied on an equation of 1 fan purchasing 1 CD per release,
    the moment we stop downloading shit for free you and your kind will jump ahead screaming it's imperative for the REAL fans to purchase checki and merch, covering the overseas purchasing fees.
    are you going to imply that the other outlets in the dying scene (i.e. SHOXX) are also leaving the market due to our lack of support?
    ironically starwave produces the cheapest, shittiest, most derivative music/looks in the scene as of now, and I want to see the receipts that bands themselves get the coin from itunes purchases.
    you should consider a social media diet (just a suggestion.)
  5. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from DeadlyClaris in Piracy's role in visual kei   
    As someone who joined the file-sharing scene in the late 90's when Gnutella and P2P (centralized networks for file sharing) were at it's infancy, I have so many questions that I'd like to ask the users.
    I just want to understand, so please forgive the ignorance.
    I'm looking at all this from the outside in, and I'm simply perplexed at what became of file-sharing.
    Wtf happened?
    Such a simple idea to create exposure and salvage media that would otherwise be lost if not archived, to this?
    I've heard of people becoming entitled, but to what degree?
    I've always been an advocate for "sharing is caring" but after talking to people online, that saying is now a toxic ideal.
  6. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to The Reverend in A Brief History of Visual Kei: Unnecessary Symbols & Punctuation in Band Names   
    One of the small joys of being a VK fan is the unique phenomenon of enjoying a band while having absolutely no idea how to say their name. And I don’t mean because a band’s name is in Japanese, I’m talking those band names that are ostensibly written in English but because of weird characters or punctuation you just have no idea how to properly pronounce or verbalize their moniker correctly (although most of the time the pronunciation just completely ignores the extraneous symbols).
    Let’s try and trace the history of these unnecessary symbols and letters in VK bands’ names and highlight the influence (or lack thereof) of these punctuation provocateurs.

    The band: One of the proto-visual kei bands that began in the ‘80s and had an outsize influence on the first generation of post-X visual bands.
    The name: D’erlanger kinda makes sense as a French word, so they themselves are forgiven, but it is apparent a lot of teenagers in the 80s who would go on to become players in the golden age of visual kei saw that apostrophe and thought “oh cool!” for entirely unintended reasons.
    I said D’erlanger makes sense as a French word… but it’s not a very ‘band name’ kind of word. Can’t imagine throwing up the metal horns to a band called ‘from Erlangen’.
    See also: L’Arc~en~Ciel, La’Cryma Cristi, La’Mule

    The band: No introduction necessary really. Almost certainly on the Mount Rushmore of VK bands, whether or not you like what they’ve done since the start of the new millennium (and I don’t). Pretty and melodious songs with just enough edge to appeal to a wide swath of fans. Not to mention a sexy frontman.
    The name: Another word that makes sense if you’re French, but L’Arc~en~Ciel up the ante by adding some tildes for no reason other than young Tetsuya and Hyde probably thought they added an even more magical feeling to the word ‘rainbow’.
    L’Arc~en~Ciel’s (making their name possessive *does* add a certain balance to the word…) popularity in both VK circles and a mainstream audience meant that adding dumb punctuation in the middle of your name for no reason was now completely tolerated.
    Tetsuya has specifically denied he got the L’Arc~en~Ciel moniker from a cafe near where he worked as a teenager with the same name. It may have also been stolen from the D.H. Lawrence book ‘Rainbow’, but even that story is tainted because it includes the *movie* version.
    See also: a million song and album titles with tildes in them, E’m ~grief~

    The band: Either groundbreaking, experimental rock that revolutionized and kick-started the ‘eroguro kei’ genre, or dissonant-sounding weirdos; depending on your tastes.
    The name: Obviously lifted from the groundbreaking German silent horror film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”; an admittedly cool source of inspiration for an art-y VK band. The name even has a cool rhyme and visual symmetry when written/pronounced in Japanese (カリガリ).
    See also: a ton of also-ran bands that have stuck unnecessary equals signs in their names: Loz'a≠Veria, D≒sire, Kar+te=zyAnose, Eyes≒Mirrorge, PARANOID≠CIRCUS

    The band: Early VK rockers that burned out too quickly to be mentioned among the all-timers.
    The name: Originally formed as G:KILL, which doesn’t shed any light onto the inspiration for the name, but is an interesting fact. G/Zi:Kill both *kinda* sound like Jekyll when katakan-ized, and Visual Kei has no lack of love for that story.
    You may be noticing a trend so far; early VK bands apparently hated having blank spaces in their names.
    See also: La:Sadie’s, ru:natic,【_Vani;lla】, ha;qch, DAS:VASSER, L'yse:nore
    Aliene Maφriage

    The band: One of the harbingers of VK starting to get really dark and almost certainly offending the middle-aged parents of the teenagers listening to it. Lots of leather and hair... and in Aliene’s case; some good songwriting to back it up.
    The name: In the book Freakonomics the authors cite a study that shows, all other things being equal, people are more likely to be asked to interview for jobs if the interviewer/hiring manager can pronounce their name. I have to believe this is why even Kyoka & Co. started writing their name simply Aliene Ma’riage eventually; they were probably tired of having to pitch things to record label execs who looked at their name and thought “pass” before they even heard the banshee wails.
    I couldn’t find anything about the origins of their name. It is a vast improvement over their original moniker Autism though.
    See also: √eight, ∋elf gravity∈, ZETSURIN⚡HAGUKI

    The band: The undisputed kings of beautiful neo-japonisme in VK.
    The name: Even Kagrra,, who peddled a very classic Japanese aesthetic, weren’t immune to an unnecessary flourish such as a comma at the end of their name which, when spoken, led to a kind of hesitant mumble as if you were supposed to continue a train of thought which was still at the station. I mean, revisit that previous sentence I wrote, should it really have been written “Even Kagrra,,”? Kagrra,’s name certainly gave the editing staff at Shoxx a headache.
    Kagrra,, originally called Crow, took their name from 神楽 (Kagura), a Shinto music and dance tradition.
    See also: Thankfully the comma didn’t catch on much.

    The band: One of the rare examples of a band who can pull off unabashed zetsubou unironically and follow it up with soaring choruses and catchy melodies without sounding disjointed.
    The name: Another band that dropped some of the more superfluous parts of their name as soon as they started to gain some popularity. If I had to guess, their name is probably one of the most mistagged in VK. I know for sure if I opened iTunes right now I’d have songs by +DéspairsRay+, DéspairsRay, D’espairs Ray, Despairs Ray and probably more in my artist lineup.
    The members of the band haven’t commented specifically on how they chose the name, with Zero even saying “It's nothing special.” I interpret this as ‘we know it’s dumb, don’t ask about it please’.
    See also: VAL+IX+LIA, MARRY+AN+BLOOD, Ti+Dee

    The band: Nobodies.
    The name: I honestly was pronouncing this “nuv-ka-goo” until I heard @Biopanda say “New vogue” in a Rarezhut stream and the lightbulb went off. I almost want to give them credit for using the *shape* of punctuation to emulate letters, but then I realize that’s incredibly stupid unless you’re working with some seriously custom fonts.
    See also: VΩID, k@mikaze, SHAD∞W, XOVER

    The band: Probably the most successful all-girl-kei band ever (which unfortunately isn’t saying much). Started out very gothy and have gradually transitioned to a more mainstream sound. They let the pretty one sing and it makes me sad because Jyou has come up with some flat out beautiful, haunting vocal melodies.
    The name: Miko said in an interview that,
    And let’s be honest, that explanation makes no sense. It sounds cool though, and really that’s what you need in a band name (and something unique that can be Googled).
    My biggest problem with their cross symbol is that it probably shows up as a question mark or some other placeholder punctuation 20% of the time because who the hell has the time to look up the unicode symbols? (although I’m sure people who write about Witch-house bands have the code for the cross symbol memorized.)
    See also: Serpentine†Ghost, Jail†Breaker, Vice†risk

    The band: A surprisingly endearing mix of oshare kei and numetal.
    The name: Weirdly, I always pronounce the first ‘x’ in xTripx’s name but not the last one (ecks-trip). I actually think more bands need to come to terms with the fact that eventually the world will run out of new band names and everyone will have to resort to having a moniker that looks like a circa-2002 emo fan’s AIM screenname.
    See also: xジハードx, 【TRiANGLE▼SONiX】, Noi’X

    The band: Undercode stalwarts that started out lo-fi and disjointed and nu-metal influenced but very charming, and graduated to poppier fare when they decided to take a stab at becoming famous.
    The name: ‘Ichi ni zero ichi ni’ if you’re Japanese, ‘twelve-o’-twelve’ if you’re me. Allegedly named after a section of the California penal code that deals with illegal weapons… and that actually kind of tracks. It’s an extremely boring section though (besides we know Wataru prefers hand-to-hand combat):
    Not a cool law for a band name. I think we’ve got a retconned term a la 420 and 311.
    See also: Plenty of other band names that need a pronunciation guide:  0801弐209XX6* (zero hachi), …。(silence), 6→7 (upper)
    *The guitarist of zero hachi should get an unnecessary punctuation in band names lifetime achievement award. He was in all these bands according to vkdb: †Zaide†,  Diod'honneur,  カレヰド, re:Make, 0801弐209XX6.
    Be sure to add your favorite band name with unnecessary punctuation!
  7. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Original Saku in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    We have similar taste @Original Sakulol

  8. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Zeus in Piracy's role in visual kei   
    Thanks everyone for taking the time to vote and share your thoughts. We had 69 people submit a vote for this poll, which has to make this one of our most popular polls of all time! It is intriguing how little the hive mind opinion of our scene has changed within the last ten years. Over 75% of us believe that piracy is still a necessary evil, 72% of us cite piracy as one of the main factors of engagement retention, and that a whopping 60% of members believe Monochrome Heaven would get worse if downloads and piracy were to disappear overnight. I tend to agree with the majority, but I also agree with the minority. Things haven't gotten any easier to acquire legitimately as a sailor of the high seas since the turn of the century, and it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon, but I'm reluctant to force sweeping changes that I don't fully understand to an ecosystem which is one of the few remaining and active ties to the scene. On the other hand, we provide a valuable service through piracy that record companies couldn't throw enough money at to replicate, and the answers you all gave to the poll show that.
    So this is what I propose we do next, just to see how things play out. The GazettE is releasing a new album, "NINTH", on 2018-06-13. Let us not share this album here until 2018-06-27. Ideally, as a scene we wouldn't share it at all, but I have no control over anything not posted here. If you purchase it on your own, please refrain from sharing here, but you can write reviews and openly talk about it. If you never planned on buying it, you may have to wait an additional two weeks. What I am interested in seeing is just how much our piracy impacts sales, and how much higher CD sales are if we don't immediately put it on the internet for free the day it comes out. Maybe Ruki will even make a twitter comment about it so we can get some deeper perspective. We can do this with two or three more hot releases, and then come back to discuss this again with some more information. I have some thoughts about how this will go, but I will save them until after the experiment is complete.

    Thanks for reading.
  9. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Zeus in the GazettE   
    バレッタ is one of the least discussed NIL tracks for some reason, and I think its one of the best ones! That and Nausea and Shudder. N&S was the song that really "got" me into the band.
  10. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Zeus in the GazettE   
    I just want to take a moment once again and thank the GazettE for creating the marvel that is バレッタ.
    You ask me to choose one song to represent why I enjoy listening to them, and it will probably be this.
  11. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Zeus in the GazettE   
    This is information I was seeking.
    First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well.
    It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE.
    Read my signature.
    There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE.
    Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid?
    There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to.
    Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly.
    This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail.
    As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own?
    I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.
  12. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from togz in the GazettE   
    I just want to take a moment once again and thank the GazettE for creating the marvel that is バレッタ.
    You ask me to choose one song to represent why I enjoy listening to them, and it will probably be this.
  13. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Ozileras10 in the GazettE   
    I just want to take a moment once again and thank the GazettE for creating the marvel that is バレッタ.
    You ask me to choose one song to represent why I enjoy listening to them, and it will probably be this.
  14. Interesting
    YuyoDrift reacted to nekkichi in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    fun fact: someone got tired of triggered mouthbreathers and made not one but TWO urban dictionary entires
    https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sixth Guns
    it's literally not different from Katy Kats, Little Monsters, or bebe rexhars, except that other fandoms don't seem to trigger u in the same way.
  15. Thanks
    YuyoDrift reacted to TheZigzagoon in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    Although it's complete rumours that he was beaten etc, Ruki actually did an interview back in 2004 which stated that his relationship with his parents used to be pretty bad.
    https://sammo6661deth.livejournal.com/4411.html  - Here's a link to the full interview translated
  16. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from AyaRukiA in the GazettE   
    I just want to take a moment once again and thank the GazettE for creating the marvel that is バレッタ.
    You ask me to choose one song to represent why I enjoy listening to them, and it will probably be this.
  17. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Komorebi in the GazettE   
    I just want to take a moment once again and thank the GazettE for creating the marvel that is バレッタ.
    You ask me to choose one song to represent why I enjoy listening to them, and it will probably be this.
  18. I feel ya..
    YuyoDrift reacted to Axius in SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^   
    Amazing song right there i wish Ronny didnt leave the band
  19. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Axius in SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^   
    Song made me feel a certain way that I didn't know I needed on my drive to work this morning.
  20. Thanks
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from rekzer in the GazettE   
    This is information I was seeking.
    First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well.
    It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE.
    Read my signature.
    There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE.
    Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid?
    There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to.
    Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly.
    This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail.
    As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own?
    I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.
  21. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from suji in the GazettE   
    This is information I was seeking.
    First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well.
    It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE.
    Read my signature.
    There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE.
    Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid?
    There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to.
    Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly.
    This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail.
    As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own?
    I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.
  22. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in the GazettE   
    This is information I was seeking.
    First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well.
    It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE.
    Read my signature.
    There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE.
    Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid?
    There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to.
    Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly.
    This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail.
    As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own?
    I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.
  23. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from EvilHippy in the GazettE   
    This is information I was seeking.
    First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well.
    It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE.
    Read my signature.
    There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE.
    Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid?
    There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to.
    Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly.
    This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail.
    As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own?
    I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.
  24. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Mamo in the GazettE   
    This is information I was seeking.
    First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well.
    It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE.
    Read my signature.
    There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE.
    Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid?
    There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to.
    Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly.
    This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail.
    As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own?
    I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.
  25. Thanks
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Komorebi in the GazettE   
    This is information I was seeking.
    First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well.
    It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE.
    Read my signature.
    There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE.
    Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid?
    There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to.
    Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly.
    This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail.
    As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own?
    I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.
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