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Status Replies posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Happy Birthday Yuyo 

  2. the A/C in my office is broken............................................................................... can i go home early

  3. the A/C in my office is broken............................................................................... can i go home early

  4. the A/C in my office is broken............................................................................... can i go home early

  5. You're welcome, everybody. And if it doesn't work, Proxfree will fix it ;).

  6. touch screen has suddenly become unresponsive... no music at work today <//3

  7. offending mia stans is gonna be my new hobby

  8. Do you guys use anything to backup files / hard drives? I use Backblaze and it came in really handy when my old hard drive crashed when it got unplugged :( 

  9. SCREW Last Live or Re:MBHI??

    Hate clashes...

  10. Anybody still around for dub? I'll be chilling in the room for a little while if anybody wants to drop by and spin some tunes. https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434

  11. Can any UVERworld fans tell me if they have more songs like "優しさの雫" or is this one just a fluke? 


  12. Can any UVERworld fans tell me if they have more songs like "優しさの雫" or is this one just a fluke? 


  13. Can any UVERworld fans tell me if they have more songs like "優しさの雫" or is this one just a fluke? 


  14. Hey mods, @indigobrought up a good point just now. Is there section on the forum for us to share mixtapes freely? If not, can we make one?


  15. Sometimes I wonder where I would be without coffee...

  16. Cracked, an American humor website, did an article on visual kei, or, more specifically, bangya.



  17. Me and @CAT5 are kicking back in Dub right now. Feel free to come join us! https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434

  18. lost my fucking remote and i have no idea where it is...ughh just fucking great -_____- 



  19. Starting at $1. Limited edition of the Gazette - TOXIC, and comes in a larger book-like package. RSVP to the auction https://www.facebook.com/events/635005653331513


  20. Hoping to put out the list of items for the August $1 RarezHut live auction today... only like 200 more CDs to catalog! kill me

  21. Hoping to put out the list of items for the August $1 RarezHut live auction today... only like 200 more CDs to catalog! kill me

  22. Hoping to put out the list of items for the August $1 RarezHut live auction today... only like 200 more CDs to catalog! kill me

  23. All these years since loving J-music has passed and I am still facing the same problem that I can't find anyone to go to local Japanese musicians concerts with. :( This time it's world's end girlfriend coming to my city. :angel:

  24. I miss Cradle(´・∀・` )

  25. I miss Cradle(´・∀・` )

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