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Status Replies posted by YuyoDrift

  1. It's one thing to go on my front lawn to catch Pokemon, but don't go into my fucking backyard, and then expect me to NOT let my dog out. Had a good laugh watching my dog chase this PokeDumbass, who felt the need to trespass for a shit starter.

  2. best $1 i ever spent

  3. So I've heard conflicting opinions... Should I do the free update to Windows 10 or not?

  4. Sooo I got my first YT strike in about a year because some dickhead named "Charles W" took copyright of an ACID LOVE song. I would challenge it, but the YT copyright thing makes me queasy thinking about it. So thanks Mr. W, you special lil' douchebag.

  5. Must.Catch.Them.All
    (Got a Horsea, Kakuna, and a Squirtle so far)

  6. Must.Catch.Them.All
    (Got a Horsea, Kakuna, and a Squirtle so far)

  7. 2D Beat 'em up games are boring as fuck goddamn

  8. 2D Beat 'em up games are boring as fuck goddamn

  9. Any blink-182 fans out there listening 'California' and willing to share a thought?

  10. Fuuuuuuck I need caffeine.

  11. Fuuuuuuck I need caffeine.

  12. Fuuuuuuck I need caffeine.

  13. Someone knows a software for mac where I can flip through pictures fast? I want to read manga that I downloaded but it doesnt work as on windows pc

  14. Someone knows a software for mac where I can flip through pictures fast? I want to read manga that I downloaded but it doesnt work as on windows pc

  15. ok a quick poll; what is your favorite upcoming single and why is it panic panic by purple stone?

  16. ok a quick poll; what is your favorite upcoming single and why is it panic panic by purple stone?

  17. ok a quick poll; what is your favorite upcoming single and why is it panic panic by purple stone?

  18. Don't let your friends talk you into shit you don't want to do, even if you haven't seen them in awhile. They might suggest something like drinking for 3 days straight. :D

  19. Better download your favorite YouTube vids now before they're taken down cuz taylor swift fuggin' it up 'fer 'errbody

  20. You're already living in purgatory. The pain of feeling a lack of direction, a lack of meaning, a lack of self worth, a lack of love. Hell comes when you give up, and start to feel like 'it is too late'. Luckily, the World is full of possibilities and it isn't too late. It's hard and the road is full of pain, but when you devote yourself anything is possible, and even utter failure is more satisfying than never having tried.

  21. Fuki just needs to settle down with me already. I'm getting tired of waiting.

  22. Where did Trombe's purple go?

  23. Did not know LEVIS changed the design of their 510 skinny, with more room for my crotch. Yay, looks l'll pick up a pair.

  24. Did not know LEVIS changed the design of their 510 skinny, with more room for my crotch. Yay, looks l'll pick up a pair.

  25. Did not know LEVIS changed the design of their 510 skinny, with more room for my crotch. Yay, looks l'll pick up a pair.

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