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YuyoDrift last won the day on July 3 2019

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About YuyoDrift

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    Hybrid Rainbow Feeler
  • Birthday August 22

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    The City of Mountains, CO
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  1. And here come the nerfs.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lestat


      It's a fictional world, it does not relate to reality whatsoever. No one was even aware of this issue until Bungie tweeted it out. Doing this for a 'business model' means that games like Wolfenstein or television shows like The Man In The High Castle should be banned too. Both do incredibly well for their subject matter, in fact, perhaps because the second world war's history is incredibly interesting. 

    3. chemicalpictures


      Imo it's not really the same thing. What you mentioned are both basically stories of resistance and fight for freedom, based on historical happenings. Wolfenstein (GREAT GAME btw) is a fictional power fantasy of a one man army against dystopian nazi robots and genetically enhanced soldiers, the typical USA saves the world story trope we've all seen many times already. It vilanizes nazi powers, as it should be. In their context, they make sense. They are not apologists or supporters, it's just storytelling.


      The glove symbol thing is just unfortunate to resemble something directly related to politics going on right now, and on these days one can never be too careful. They were probably warned somehow and ensured it wouldn't become something in the future. I can eeeeeasily see kids using it to their dumbass antics and somehow dragging Destiny to something it isn't.


      It's all about sending a message, and if they won't stay apolitical, they better be on the side that will probably generate more revenue.

    4. YuyoDrift


      After all the shit D1 had changed to it, I'm no longer surprised by any decision Bungie decides to make.


      lol @chemicalpicturesI agree.

      We shoot ourselves in the foot most of the time with whiny shit like this.

      You'd think the players continuing to bitch about Destiny, would stop after seeing that it ends up being worse for us in the long run.


      Silent nerfs can be done @Lestatlike they always have (and should have done in this case) been, but when things aren't addressed, do people still bitch about it.

      They want blood, plain and simple. Fucking makes me hate the world sometimes.

      I just wanted to enjoy the game they created, but it's gonna be something else in the coming months because of fucking bullshit like this.

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