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    odrep reacted to Elazmus in #65: lynch. - D.A.R.K. -in the name of evil-   
    Artist: lynch. Album: D.A.R.K. -in the name of evil- 1. INTRODUCTION 8. FALLEN 2. D.A.R.K. 9. BEAST 3. ANTARES 10. INVADER 4. EVOKE 11. COSMOS 5. GHOST 12. MELANCHOLIC 6. ILLUMINATI 13. MOON 7. ETERNITY
    Rating: | DARK is a breath of fresh air for this great band!
    lynch.'s last studio album GALLOWS is what brought me back out looking for my VK renaissance. By falling so short of expectations creatively, it reminded me what made me so avid about listening to these bands almost ten years ago. Since then I have come to MH, and delved far deeper into the scene, creating healthy distance from such established names as lynch. and the GazettE. By late 2015 I was more than ready to get back into what lynch. had to offer, but following the EVOKE and ETERNITY singles I was concerned whether I would be even further disappointed by their strict, uniform sound.I was happily proven wrong as the new album is well laid out and shows commendable creative efforts. "INTRODUCTION", a piano based SE, serves to at least be stronger and more ominous than "GALLOWS". At less than one minute, it sets a suitable atmosphere but does little more than that.

    Deep, rhythmical guitars usher in a true example of what the album means by 'DARK'. Appropriately spooky synth sounds accompany the stark guitar/piano combination of "D.A.R.K". while Hazuki lays out safe but still impressive vocals. A decent chorus keeps this title track among my top played for this album. The first experiment on D.A.R.K. is "GHOST", which opens up very smooth and relaxed. The main guitar riff is energetic without losing a swing quality which is more playful than the band usually allows. Mostly for Hazuki, I see this is a bit out of the comfort zone of current lynch.. It's quite interesting and entertaining and I hope they do more with this influence in the future. The creepy, carnival sample at the beginning of "ILLUMINATI" was immediately one of my favourite sounds from the album. Sporting of course an eerie and topical title to live up to, it pops out another very standard lynch. riff. The harsh vocals here remind me much more of those heard on INFERIORITY COMPLEX, which is nice to have present on the album. I love that the song breaks back to the same sample from the opening and the subsequent breakdown section is reinvigorating. The chorus hampers the evil on this one, not to say it won't get stuck in your head.

    Our feature track and PV for the album itself, "BEAST" is high energy and old school lynch. harsh vocals. When the full version of the song was released prior to the album, I was underwhelmed. In the context of the full album however, it comes in at a welcome time following softer tracks. A heavier section before the final chorus provides a bit of garnish but nothing to drastically change the nature of the song.

    "FALLEN" is one of my immediate favorites on this album, it baffles me why they would choose to dwarf the impact of the previous song even more by following it with a much more emotionally impactful ballad. I got a little emotional with this one. It's among my most repeated songs on the album. Thundering bass drum and resonating signature guitar work with the vocals retaining the same or similar melody throughout the track giving it an intimate appeal. I appreciate the simplicity of "FALLEN" similarly to "BE STRONG" (from EXODUS), but surely even more so. "FALLEN" proves to be one of my favorite lynch. songs in recent memory (even recalling such former releases that "ETERNITY" failed to live up to). "INVADER" starts off with a quick, twangy bass line kicks off what is sure to be a live favourite in years to come. It also consists of mostly spoken lyrics and aggressive instrumentals one can liken to the revving engine of a muscle car. A very simplistic chorus is framed by shout-and-response energy and closes out as suddenly as it began. @Shir0 complained to me endlessly about the short track length of this one, and I feel her pain. However lynch. is known to include such short numbers in their full albums ("EXODUS" or "TIAMAT" being prime examples). The faded, far-off chorus preview effectively sets up the intensity of "COSMOS". Marching to the rhythm of a powerful breakdown. I was initially concerned that D.A.R.K. wouldn't feature anything dynamic enough to compare to title tracks "EXODUS" and "GALLOWS". "COSMOS" does so much more during the first harsh vocals, the instrumental stays relentless and offers varying riffs before returning to an admittedly powerful chorus. I do like and appreciate how the final chorus tapers out into something quite dainty with a falsetto note only to be followed by an uncompromising roar from Hazuki while once again blasting what is likely the band's strongest breakdown.

    Then there are tracks that didn't resonate with me as well as I wished. "ANTARES" is a song which I, for some reason, was expecting to be heavier - perhaps due to a misleading preview. The guitar work is strong, but the progression lacks the punch I was truly hoping for out of the faster songs lynch. produces and a decidedly weak chorus shows itself within 30 seconds. The latter half of this song features a pleasing heavy section but nothing lynch.'s followers haven't already heard. Thus far, it still hasn't called for repeat plays and is usually skipped. Upon its release, I was quite apathetic toward the album's first single "EVOKE". However, placed next to a similarly mid-range song like "ANTARES", it has a chance to shine as a strong example of typical lynch. On the flip side of these featured singles, we have "ETERNITY", a song that I literally forgot to type in the track list of this review. There's a little insight into my experience with the second featured single on D.A.R.K.. There is nothing technical to critique, only that it seems like a strained effort. The solo Hazuki PV was not what one expects from lynch., I have followed the band through similar featured singles like "MIRRORS". There is just very little to talk about. It's a song I may have appreciated more had I not already been an avid listener.

    The intensity of "COSMOS" warranted the most relaxing ballad track possible, making "MELANCHOLIC" a success. Soft, chiming guitar strokes create a cascading sound akin to the visual of falling water. It comes off very well written, but in comparison to "FALLEN" it does not endear itself so soon. In the third minute, the melodies become emotionally deeper, certainly worth waiting for by the track length. Surprisingly, despite being longer than either one, this song seems to come and go more quickly than "FALLEN" or "ETERNITY". This is not entirely a bad thing as I chalk this up to its position on the album and purpose in its progression. It's an honest, fun but disdainfully lighthearted finale to the album. I hear a lot being packed into the sound of the intro of "MOON" but everything subsequent feels quite basic in its catchiness. Like many of the mid-range songs on this, there is a banging heavy section late in the track but at this point in the album there is unfortunately nothing new here. It's not a bad song by any means, but as a memorable album closer, I see "MOON" as a misfire.

    Coming out of D.A.R.K., I find myself far more satisfied than with my experiences with the band's last few albums. It offers the dynamic focus of GALLOWS while providing enough intrigue per song to make them distinct, something that's infinitely valuable to lynch. who sport waning Nagoya visuals and often seem far removed from the Visual Kei fan base in which they were born. I would certainly recommend D.A.R.K. not only to those looking for renewed hope in the potential of lynch. but even to those open-minded metal fans in an effort to show something agreeable, interesting and undeniably talented. Being exactly a month old to this date, it has already proven its shelf life beyond my personal expectations.

    Support the band! Purchase D.A.R.K. on CDJapan!
  2. Like
    odrep reacted to CAT5 in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    English downy interview!!!!   

  3. Like
    odrep got a reaction from CAT5 in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    @saishuu I absolutely FUCKING LOVE Sufjan Stevens. I discovered him while I was in my last year of high school, so, there's a really special place in my heart. Illinoise is easily one of the most beautiful records i've listened. John Wayne Gacy Jr really touchs me in a deep level.
    Since CAT cited THE NOVEMBERS, I remembered a few songs by them I really love. 
  4. Like
    odrep got a reaction from saishuu in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    @saishuu I absolutely FUCKING LOVE Sufjan Stevens. I discovered him while I was in my last year of high school, so, there's a really special place in my heart. Illinoise is easily one of the most beautiful records i've listened. John Wayne Gacy Jr really touchs me in a deep level.
    Since CAT cited THE NOVEMBERS, I remembered a few songs by them I really love. 
  5. Like
    odrep reacted to plastic_rainbow in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    Plastic Tree for me, ALWAYS.  They were the band of my teens and basically the band that saved me through my dark days.  Andro Metamorphose is all too beautiful, both musically and lyrically, but tracks like Dona Dona, Sanatorium, Thirteenth Friday, Yume no shima, 37C, Spica also move me very deeply.  But obviously, I'm missing a good number of their songs here.
    In my later high school years I found bands like THE NOVEMBERS, envy, and Mono.  For THE NOVEMBERS I love their whole To (melt into) album and my favorite is はじまりの教会, but when 今日も生きたね came out I lay down and listened to it forever and it was the song I went to when I needed it.

    I like a lot of songs by envy.  A cage it falls into, Incomplete, the split they did with Jesu, and basically their Recitation and Insomniac Daze album.  I can listen to them passively, but still feel something emotional from them every time.  I can say the same for Mono too.  But for sure, completely healing music from two great bands. 
    edit: goddammit, i'm missing a lot of other good bands, but whatever those are my tops.
  6. Like
    odrep reacted to leafwork in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    Ulver's album Shadows of the Sun has helped me through some really difficult times, so it holds a special place for me.

  7. Like
    odrep reacted to Crube in Dir en grey   
    Kyo's reaction is priceless.

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    odrep reacted to saishuu in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    oh boy, I needed to stay away from this thread because sometimes I get -way- too sentimental about certain bands and I might end up posting something extremely embarassing, but I couldn't avoid posting here.
    I think this covers it all. lol
  10. Like
    odrep reacted to CAT5 in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    I've never been one to really pay attention to lyrics, so everything I mention below is based purely on feelings and sound. 
    THE NOVEMBERS have a good amount of songs like this for me. This one in particular tends to tug at the heart strings:
    But other than a good chunk of their songs, I usually consult a playlist I made for whenever i'm feeling down or depressed. Some of the Japanese stuff on that playlist include:
    My favorite song by wooderd chiarie, which is unapologetically 'radiohead-kei', and a sound that I've always been fond of:
    Some early sleepy.ab (more 'radiohead-kei', haha)
    number0, downy, and eksperimentoj  also have a few that I tend to spin
    Also 'am:3:45' by ling tosite sigure is hands down one of my fav. songs by the band, and I've always found it highly therapeutic for these kinds of moods:

    Unfortunately, I have too many songs too talk about for this topic ^^;
  11. Like
    odrep reacted to beni in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    When I need a good cry, let off some steam, or just feel emotional in any way even if I have no reason to be, Plastic Tree and PLASTICZOOMS are, essentially, my "go to" emotional bands. The other bands I like to listen to who also bring this out of me are BUMP OF CHICKEN, Radwimps and Galileo Galilei. I find lyrics extremely appealing. I am drawn to lyrics most when it comes to music. I remember them easily and can connect to them, this also includes the vocal delivery of them. As well as heartfelt screams as already mentioned above. AWOI comes to mind, who I felt really delivered in every way. 9GOATS BLACK OUT was even more amazing when evoking an emotional response, imo.

  12. Like
    odrep got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    Mono song are extremely powerful and cathartic for me, without even having a single word they put me in a very emotional mood. Especially the ones in " Hymns to the Immortal Wind." Ashes in the Snow and Follow the Map, as a example.
    And I seconded your thoughts on envy, Tetsuya screams are extremely emotinal in a way that I really can't remain indifferent to it. One specific song that touches me in a deep levell is "A Far-Off Reason" from the split with Yaphet Kotto and this Machine Kills. The building crescent intro just kills me.
    Not being the proper band themselves, but some FAKE? and Oblivion Dust songs are really beautiful.


    This'll sound cliche as hell but let me the first to say Dir en grey. Akuro no Oka, Zakuro, Hotarubi, Mushi, Undecided, Glass Skin, Namamekashiki, Ware, Yame Tote, Vanitas... is really redundant citing them but fuck.
    Merry's Gekisei, also.
    And outside of Japan there's Sigur Rós and Elliott Smith.
    EDIT: Kagerou really put me in a STRONG emotional mood for you all know the reasons ;/
    And I forget Plastic Tree, really sweet and beautiful slow songs since the beginning. Spica, Yuki Hotaru, Harusaki Sentimetal, Aoi Tori, Kuuchuu Buranko, Hello, Sanatorium, Saishuu Densha...God damn, there's so many! But the most touching for me is Andro Metamorphose.
  13. Like
    odrep reacted to emmny in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    nah u understood it perfectly, thanks for sharing!
    dir en grey do ballads like nobody else...and i mean NOBODY else. theres no touching the acoustic break in undecided, the bassline in zakuro, the drumming in ware yami tote and the solo in vanitas & mushi.
  14. Like
    odrep got a reaction from emmny in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    Mono song are extremely powerful and cathartic for me, without even having a single word they put me in a very emotional mood. Especially the ones in " Hymns to the Immortal Wind." Ashes in the Snow and Follow the Map, as a example.
    And I seconded your thoughts on envy, Tetsuya screams are extremely emotinal in a way that I really can't remain indifferent to it. One specific song that touches me in a deep levell is "A Far-Off Reason" from the split with Yaphet Kotto and this Machine Kills. The building crescent intro just kills me.
    Not being the proper band themselves, but some FAKE? and Oblivion Dust songs are really beautiful.


    This'll sound cliche as hell but let me the first to say Dir en grey. Akuro no Oka, Zakuro, Hotarubi, Mushi, Undecided, Glass Skin, Namamekashiki, Ware, Yame Tote, Vanitas... is really redundant citing them but fuck.
    Merry's Gekisei, also.
    And outside of Japan there's Sigur Rós and Elliott Smith.
    EDIT: Kagerou really put me in a STRONG emotional mood for you all know the reasons ;/
    And I forget Plastic Tree, really sweet and beautiful slow songs since the beginning. Spica, Yuki Hotaru, Harusaki Sentimetal, Aoi Tori, Kuuchuu Buranko, Hello, Sanatorium, Saishuu Densha...God damn, there's so many! But the most touching for me is Andro Metamorphose.
  15. Like
    odrep reacted to emmny in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    sorry for the gross title, i couldn't think of another way to sum up the topic. there's a thread similar to this for songs but bands are a different matter imo!
    personal anecdotes and sentimental cheese aside, im curious as to what bands that you feel a strong emotional connection to?  is there a band thats helped you get through some difficult moments in ur life or some shit? this thread is kind of dumb and mopey but its always fascinating what a personal connection we make to the music that matters to us so i wont judge ya hehe
  16. Like
    odrep reacted to enyx in Boris and Merzbow new collaborative album "Gensho" release   
    Trailer uploaded:

  17. Like
    odrep reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #36: How many unopened CDs/DVDs do you have?   
    Poll suggested by: @kyoselflove! How many unopened CDs/DVDs do you have?


    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  18. Like
    odrep reacted to RoseOfHizaki in What are you listening to?   
  19. Like
    odrep reacted to Kaleidoscope in Closer To Ideal (New Band)   
    Hey guys, we finished another song via homerecording and I thought I might share it again. We tried to improve some of the points that were criticised before, which for me was mainly emotion - hope you can hear the difference, would appreciate any feedback

  20. Like
    odrep reacted to Kaleidoscope in Closer To Ideal (New Band)   
    Hey guys, I'd like to introduce my newly formed band, Closer To Ideal! We draw inspiration from bands like D'espairsRay, girugamesh, lynch and ALSDEAD, but also several Metalcore and Power Metal bands. The other two band members of CTI are quite experienced, however, for me, this is my first proper band experience. 
    You can listen to our first song on YT and SoundCloud:
    Any feedback is appreciated
    Oh and if you like our stuff, check out our FB:
  21. Like
    odrep reacted to rekzer in DIR EN GREY - North America tour 2015   
    idk if you guys will be able to see it but i uploaded the videos i took
    Sustain the Untruth : https://www.facebook.com/jorge.morales.752487/videos/1074878865879069/
    Chain Repulsion: https://www.facebook.com/jorge.morales.752487/videos/1074872219213067/
    Revelation of Mankind: https://www.facebook.com/jorge.morales.752487/videos/1074868202546802/
    Tousei (intro) : https://www.facebook.com/jorge.morales.752487/videos/1074875185879437/?l=4917480342132604693
    Vinushka: https://www.facebook.com/jorge.morales.752487/videos/1075292265837729/
  22. Like
    odrep got a reaction from Reiko in Does VK do it for you anymore?   
    Well, to be honest, I have been totally indifferent if the band I listen is VK or isn't since I started to listen to japanese music back in 06.
    I just like rock music, never really care how the band look like. I mean, I don't mind if is Sug or Boris, envy or Plastic tree and so on. I really don't make any kind of distinction in my musical taste at all. Not sure if this is what this topic is about, anyway.
  23. Like
    odrep reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY - North America tour 2015   
    photos by Sherry Lee via captl-r @tumblr.

    photos by C. Lynn @Twitter.

  24. Like
    odrep reacted to ghost in DIR EN GREY - North America tour 2015   
    Some footage for you fools
  25. Like
    odrep reacted to allisapp in Live performance(s) that made you cry   
    MUCC - Yasashii Uta @ Live Chronicle III
    X Japan's songs (where audience sings too)

    and this, I cry because of this EVERY time. I love this so much ♥)

    Yeah, I've always been a big weeber for a live performances, where audience sings with or without the singer.
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