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Everything posted by JukaForever

  1. JukaForever

    can you explain your procedure to rip? I disabled WMP and everything Windows Media a long time ago, banished along with the various dead codes windows bundles in its OS...as it is evil.
  2. JukaForever

    Dark souls is about gameplay first and foremost, I never played the PC version with the fix applied and still able to log 180 hours on it. This is after roughly 8-900 hours on PS3 using a crap TV and monitor. I still loved every moment of my experience. I am currently waiting on the PC version of Dark Souls 2 which is a pain as my youtube feed is littered with various content and playthroughs of the game. Currently trying out indie games during the massive sales on steam right now, nothing too big.
  3. That preview sounded really good, interesting choice of a logo though.
  4. The narrator is only in the beginning. Can't wait for subs.
  5. I thought it was a press conference on nico, there were no performance pics. It would surely have been reposted like crazy if he did perform.
  6. JukaForever

    The instrumentals sound so good, ZIN sounds nice more so in some parts and less so in others. After 3 releases, I think it is easy to see what to expect from them now. This is honestly the first time I have seen Hizaki's head look bigger than his hair LOL. Yuki doesn't match that extension at all, he looks the oldest and somehow gets a shiny blonde extension -.- Masashi looks cool and Teru looks more like a 16-bit FF character now than he has ever been before. Hopefully next release, he will do 8-bits.
  7. JukaForever

    it's up for pre-order now
  8. JukaForever

    Anything at least 8 songs is an album to me. Although there is only 6 new songs in this one. Still waiting for it to pop up on darkestlabyrinth.
  9. JukaForever

    This is why I always look for live DVD or similar. I only listen to the live version of Noble and Lyrical Sympathy from Versailles, for example, and when I can, I listen to a live video in my ipod rather than a full playlist.
  10. JukaForever

    that bass work sounds noice
  11. JukaForever

    Not sure if you mean deserted island or an island that is only desert which can't exist so I am going with the latter. i would want a fine toothed comb or brush which I shall use as a way to control the cats and turn them into my minions. Have them fetch me food and lead me to a water supply as well as fine tune their purrs into a musical while I am bored and musicless. Do you like to listen to male vocals more or female vocals?
  12. JukaForever

    Forgot question
  13. JukaForever

    I got the same first 2 faves for the exact same reasons. I don't listen to the other 3 bands. I am incredibly picky in my tastes in vocals as it something that I will be hearing 95% of the time, I need to like after a few samples. Just for VK Kamijo, more so in Versailles post-Noble. I don't 100% like his Lareine voice unless the melody is just right. Juka...Forever Taa, LuLu. I really like how his voice sounds strained and be able to convey a certain emotion unique, at least to my experience, to LuLu's music. His techniques suits quit a range of rock styles but in the deeper(meaning?) songs, he really shines. Inzargi, Megamasso. Very good vocals rhythmically, and straddles a nice line between sounding deep and light at the same time. Ruki, the GazettE. I think his voice sounds perfect for their type of music. In my opinion, he can carry most of the songs by himself with his voice as his sense of rhythm is really good.
  14. JukaForever

    oh my, it sounds nice
  15. JukaForever

    those are some stylish shoes, looks good with your outfit
  16. JukaForever

    I thought he is still in his 20s, can't believe he is past 30 now. 0.0
  17. JukaForever

    AREA51: Ankh AREA51: Goddess AREA51: Daemonicus FLiP: mulu mole FLiP: Dear Girls Kamijo: Symphony of the Vampire Type B and Type C
  18. I am surprised not many follow an artists' page or activities. I use official or fan pages on fb and imo google translate is enough to get a gist of what is going on.
  19. JukaForever

    I did mention when comparing VK bands not regular metalcore bands. I go back to my corner now
  20. JukaForever

    What about sel'm do they sound indie to any of you guys? The guitar work is not typical for a VK band and this is the song that got me hooked onto them
  21. JukaForever

    ehhh, vocals sound so uninspired. Visually, looks nice though. Koichi is like hot again, yay!.
  22. JukaForever

    HQ youtube maxes out at 192 as far as I remember so it should(maybe) be better than 128 rips. However if the original audio was in 128 or any other lossy format, then it is a transcode to 192 0.0 ~90% of audible music should be represented in any of the lossy format but I guess only the OCD/audiophile will care about the other ~10% something sounding better is subjective and the lossed part of the music could be the reason for it to sound better
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