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Everything posted by JukaForever

  1. JukaForever

    My dark souls 2 is already preloaded in my laptop, I am just waiting now to see if I can run it. So far specs is telling me no but I have to test it myself if it is still playable. If it can't then I'm getting a new computer.
  2. JukaForever

    lol I use my student allowance as well. I didn't during an internship in which case I was using money I earned. Priority for me is apartment 1st then music 2nd which is why my parents are always mystified as to why I don't have much money for food but I keep getting packages from Japan lol. They actually thought I had a girl bringing me presents from Japan 0.0 ... I wish -.-
  3. JukaForever

    That's ok, unpacking CDs imo is one of the most awesomest feeling in the world. I was in the same boat as you a few weeks ago and I had over 10 CDs to unpack and open....OH MY! That excitement, that wonder of the contents, one of the best feelings ever!
  4. Oh if you didn't like Chain then you may not like the rest of the releases since I consider them all similar in quality.
  5. Oh yeah, that helps a lot, thanks! It really sounds like a promising band. BTW, the newer Signal releases sounds just as good as the earlier works except for a couple of songs.
  6. Can you please give some description in how they sound overall? Metal/rock ish? Hard rock? Similar to Signal?
  7. JukaForever

    Aww, no actual band centered around alice in wonderland. I haven't read the actual book myself but just recalling the scenes from the cartoon, there are easily so many deeper meaning themes in that story. They look VK though? and sound nice, I am going to try and check them out later. I guess certain themes just allows for easier song making and to sing about poetically that can come in various interpretations which make them popular.
  8. JukaForever

    I am not a hundred percent sure about alice in wonderland stuff. My best guess is probably have to due with the concept of an innocent girl in an unknown mysterious world...but that depends on the bands though. What band actually heavily relies on this concept? The vampire thing has to do with never ending life and how shitty that is especially when you have developed some meaningful relationships with other mortals. The thought of continually losing a loved one, and you can't do anything about it, makes it a curse. Turn them into a vampire themselves? But that only leads them to the same path as the vampire and would only mean they would have to go through the same ordeal as the vampire. Out of this is the appreciation of mortal life which ties in to the rose. Like a rose, mortals will have a bloom during their lifespan and eventually die away after. This thought is much more noble way to have had an existence and brings about longing to eventually join the people they have loved in the afterlife. But that is wishful thinking as they are vampires and are immortal. Lastly, all these concepts lead to one thing and that is the appreciation of life and those that you love while you are still alive. Also, possibly just a Japanese way of thinking, it is better to just have an ending in life and be content with everything you have gone through than to continue without a sense of fulfillment until you die away. I am only speaking from my experience (and probably over thinking) of vampirism with Versailles which has more themes about undead. Edit: Can somebody possibly explain kiryu?
  9. JukaForever

    Is it really a present if we have to pay for it? Lol thanks for the news
  10. JukaForever

    AWW, I really liked her voice in a metal band. I wonder what the musical difference was.
  11. JukaForever

    Just Symphony of the Vampire so far, the flow of the songs on to next is quite exquisite. I keep listening to it during these exam times. Granted, I have not been trying much new stuff lately and keep buying older records.
  12. JukaForever

    the cdjapan description actually also says his first solo album will be released in autumn of 2014...
  13. JukaForever

    But Jasmine was part of the rhythm section, he's just as important in maintaining that part as the composer. I always felt something was off in Jubilee, I think it's due to Hizaki taking over the bass and gave the rhythm section a different sound compare to Noble and Lyrical Sympathy. I don't think full credit is given in the liner notes, instead, they probably have an easy-going credit system. If you guys listened to the Vampire Stories soundtrack, one where Asagi dies, there's a track called "False Face". That track is basically a piano version of "Holy Grail -Amoroso-" which Hizaki takes sole credit for in "Versailles". Vampire Stories came out before "Versailles" album so Kamijo should've have been partly credited. On another note, I am still on the look for a decent quality stream or DL link for Vampire Stories with subs. Anybody?
  14. JukaForever

    cool, a Killing Me MV, it is one of the most played song in my iPod
  15. JukaForever

    For producers of instrumentals, I don't really care as long as there is credits so I can track down some of their work later on with other artists. This is how I manage some of my KPOP bands. For ghostwriters of lyrics, since I grew up with hip-hop, this is a bigger thing I take seriously. The lyrics is often a reflection of your thoughts of the world around you, if you miscredit them as your own, then you are basically dishonest about yourself. Granted, a producer and a ghostwriter can be the same person so for people that don't have much to say, I don't mind as long as the singer doesn't try to own it for themselves.
  16. JukaForever

    Had to put it in notepad as I know this was going to take more than an hour. Thanks for the questionnaire, I think I rediscovered as well as discovered stuff about myself by answering them.
  17. JukaForever

    you are way to eloquent in your writing to not be good company
  18. JukaForever

    Not once during the Quiet Family was I horrified but more so interested to see what happens next. Here is my list 00 to 09, unless otherwise stated, it is determined by my horror or terror for the characters and less so for my scare or shock. A warning of possible spoilers ahead but I tried to limit them. 10) Shutter This is the movie that gave me ultimate respect for Thai horror. It is a typical ghost plot but IMO, it displays the full range of horror possible such as mood, tempo, atmosphere, false safety... 9) One Missed Call The beauty of this film is the imminent doom from something simple such as a ringtone. I especially like how Miike was able to twist a simple and innocent ringtone to something sinister. Saw The main trait, I particularly like about this are the decisions proposed to the characters. They are horrible but still teaches you the lesson life is worth living even with the suffering. It is a simple film but the plot is something I have never seen or experienced before. 7) The Descent Darkness is a bitch and what is scarier is knowing there are unknowns that lies within it. Well a reason to watch "six chicks with picks" is not bad too. 6) Dumplings This is the type of film that builds up to an eventual horrific reveal. What is especially discerning is the possibility of this actually happening in the black market. The ending stare is especially sickening as it shows the unapologetic nature of the actions of some people and their desires outweighing morals and ethics. 5) Ju-On the Grudge This is essentially the white-gowned girl fucking up my heartbeat movie. Many things have been said about this film already from reviews and such. It is an essential j-horror film only recommended if you haven't been desensitized by other harsher horror movies. 4) The Hills Have Eyes This is the first movie that made me uncomfortable at a very young age. The rape is scene was especially what I detest the most. Of all crimes possible, rape will always be the one I detest the most and this one shows one where help was possible. As well, other atrocities are shown just as horrific. 3) 28 Days Later As stated before, running-aggressive zombies is just not a thought I particularly like to have. Secondary to this is the study of the male psyche or behaviour when faced with the dystopia of limited women. 2) Funny Games This is a film where the viewer gets to explore the feeling of helplessness and demeaning to an ultimate level at least in my opinion. There is very little bloodshed and the main villains are "normal" looking people. This movie ends with some loud grunge rock movie leaving me with an even rougher feeling in my stomach from what I have just witnessed and viewed. 1) The Chaser This is quite a thrilling and suspenseful ride of a movie that had me down right immersed in the movie emotionally for the first time ever. The main suspense is the use of my favourite Hitchcock technique where the audience knows what the villain is up to but unknown to the main hero. This technique often creates frustration for the viewer and this becomes especially frustrating by the pre-climax as a victim nearly escapes from the villain. Think Taion but there being hope even though it was only a sliver. What sets this a part from Hills Have Eyes is that the hope is held throughout the film making me constantly attached to the character. The final result is not final until the climax ends but with the Hills, the family has nothing to lose after everything they have gone through and their still desolate position set the ending even before the movie ends.
  19. JukaForever

    If there is just one zombie film for the top 10 list, it is the "28 days later" hands down. A slow-moving-brain-dead zombie is cool and manageable but a running-aggressive is just a no-no-no-NO! It is going to take a while to compose a list just for 00-09, I don't particularly remember every movie by their title. I have seen the Quiet Family, I don't think of it as horror than black comedy.
  20. Damn Yuuko, you got basically some of the worst possible outcomes for trying to do good. It is verbal abuse and can be demeaning to a person as a human being.
  21. Well "when necessary" as in when you see obvious physical violence. If you truly think you would do the same even with more training, then you need more training, maybe proper training. Some Sifus apparently ease the difficulty in training to keep the business running. Particularly, physical training is very important where you get punched in the face, your nose is numb for a week and your arms tremble from the strikes and blocking...then you see your sparring partner is an average built Asian and you have at least 20-40 lbs on him -.- I don't want to delve deep into the philosophy but you could assert yourself with words and not physical violence. Idk where the event exactly that took place, at least it was a Chinese dude and not other else you could have been cited for physical harm as you instigated contact. Just take precaution when you do physical contact even if it is justifiable. I agree with Archaic as it somewhat resembles my experience with Chinese people as well studying in a university that is about 60% Chinese and maybe about half of those are FOBs. I don't have a firm grasp on what part of China they are from if I just met them but, for FOBs, some are terrible to uncivilized and some are cool to friendly.
  22. It's a nice act and you clearly had good intentions but you shouldn't have laid hands-on first. If you really did train from martial artists then you should know physical violence should be the last resort, not the first. BTW, it is normal for Chinese people to have such loud conversations, for foreigners it can sound aggressive and when it actually isn't.
  23. JukaForever

    HE400s are meant to be driven using an iPod. It works well with most genres and is my first recommendation for open backs. I can't recommend any other unless you can say what want out of your headphones. Bright, neutral, bass-heavy or to make it easier, what part of the grado sound do you want to upgrade apart from padding?
  24. I see, I found a listing in Brand-X for the new single, can't find the mini-album though. I guess it is about time I start using a service other than cdjapan.
  25. anybody know where their music is available? Almost all the songs I have tried have been great
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