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Everything posted by JukaForever

  1. JukaForever

    Depends on what portable amp is used, an O2 is pretty good.
  2. JukaForever

    The HE-400 is not supposed to be dark at all. From my experience and reading others as well, its response is more V-shaped north of neutral. V shaped due to to its uneven presentation of the mids and slightly harsh treble. Also the bass, is not like other headphone's bass. It is acclaimed for its flat bass, this kind of bass doesn't have a wow factor at all unless you are into neutrality then these are boss like. I disagree the Grado's have an overaccentuated bass, it has a bass hump and it doesn't have low end extension the HE-400 has. Have you tried using a ambient/electronic or something similar type of music with the HE-400? It becomes more apparent then. In terms of the iPod driveability, it is more of a technical thing. It is sensitive enough to be driven by an iPod but it doesn't mean it benefits from being driven by one. Plus the iPod starts to have trouble around 90%, its amp is not very good to drive orthos. Lol goodluck trying to sell those cables, there are plenty of reviews like yours that don't speak too highly of the cable. The cable connector is only found in a hifiman from what I know. Your only market now are those that already have a hifiman and need a replacement cable for cheap. The cable is really the only thing I didn't like when I got my HE-500.
  3. JukaForever

    It is not meant for portability. The fact that it is an open headphone already tells you that you shouldn't walk around with it unless you really want to let other people hear your music. Also since outside noise is entering your headphones, it is going to affect the sound that you hear, you wont be able to have a proper listen to its actual sound quality. Write a review it would be interesting to read your thoughts on it.
  4. JukaForever

    peanut butter and sriracha actually works deliciously with noodles
  5. JukaForever

    defo on my to-buy list
  6. JukaForever

    I am not part of the fangirl fandom but they are just enjoyable to listen to. Reminds me of a harder sounding Linkin Park with the screaming and vk singing. The members themselves are quite unique on their own and have a somewhat defined "character". Their characters mesh well for a varied yet good looking visual. The music is just the fun type *shrugs*
  7. JukaForever

    http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858754203/#73016046079 have you tried this?
  8. JukaForever

  9. lol that is because that practice of "try all the songs before you buy" is a newer one. I am assuming, with the insistence of Japan to still be CD driven, the intent for you to buy the whole thing is to get access to all its songs. I used to get burned by terrible releases before this internet sharing thing, I had to eat the reality of working 3hrs (8dollars/hr) was for nothing. I get your point though, it does makes sense.
  10. pre-orders? the typical price range of an album from my experience is $30....ok minus 2 dollars since I am using CAD
  11. some of the more popular bands can get 3000+ DLs http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/26224-uploaders-caf%C3%A9/?hl=uploader that is roughly $100k assuming an album is ~$30, that figure is one that is tracked though. It is probably more with the untracked ones. You can imagine it would add up.
  12. JukaForever

    Sakura Spirit because of the plot line What do you mainly use to browse this site in?
  13. JukaForever

  14. JukaForever

    10/10 loved that song and my favourite line in that song plus yoru tumblr name is pretty cool
  15. Oh cool, another album to look forward to in the month sept
  16. JukaForever

    It is only logical for emulators on modern pcs to have a better look than a 20 yr old system. I personally love the speed-up boost for some games that drag. I never had to look forward to a bicycle in pokemon for example, just keep my finger pressed on a key and I can move faster than a bike could.
  17. JukaForever

    I have always had a hard time figuring out how big a person is by kg or how tall in cm
  18. JukaForever

    Suppose to ask a question after answering one...
  19. JukaForever

    It's been a couple years since the last time I tried Mantenrou, I was only interested since they were tied to versailles somehow. After listening to their live in full, I came to conclude Sono would be the reason I won't listen to Mantenrou anymore. Something about his sound vocally doesn't jive with me. The rest of the band sounded great though. Anyway, cool review.
  20. JukaForever

    This idea always horrified me and I have seen it happen on some of the tamest bands to ever play. This is why I avoid most rock concerts unless it is held in a theatre. I am too frail for that stuff, I much rather prefer synchronized headbanging.
  21. JukaForever

    Cool catch
  22. JukaForever

    Playing Dark Souls 2 again after a 1 month break, gonna try and finish the 1st DLC tonight. Also re-started Path of Exile, still having mixed feelings about it as it is mostly clicking :S
  23. JukaForever

    By definition, the 2 words are the same thing. As long as the sounds that comes out from their mouths are somehow melodic, it counts as singing subjectively. The only reason it wouldn't be is because "singer/singing" is associated more, by majority, to the typical way of singing in soul, RnB, pop and such genres. That is just one way of singing but that style is quite predominant. Rapping, growling, screaming and others that are defined is just a style IMO used by a vocalist to sing. It is just to avoid confusion that we properly defined vocalists that use these styles as a rapper, growler, screamer , etc. No, they are synonymous terms. I don't see how talent can be objectively be better just by using a different term to describe what is they do. It is almost akin to saying a football player is better at football than a soccer player. No respect is lost being called a singer, again, I don't see how a synonymous term can allude to something different. Vocalist singing at their specialized genre is more respected by those fans of the genre and less so than those not interested in the genre in the first place.
  24. JukaForever

    That song is so bad that the Weird Al parody isn't even enjoyable to listen to.
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