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Everything posted by JukaForever

  1. JukaForever

    Oh I just buy what I can
  2. JukaForever

    This just shipped, just waiting now KAMIJO - Yamiyo no Lion [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Type A] KAMIJO - Yamiyo no Lion [Regular Edition] DESTROSE - Destrose DESTROSE - 2013.11.14 DESTROSE ONE-MAN LIVE!! at Shibuya O-WEST SCANDAL - Yoake no Ryuseigun [Regular Edition]
  3. JukaForever

    Please read your post again, it seems you are the one that doesn't understand the very post you are accusing me of not understanding. Maybe you were too lazy to read my rebuttal or got overwhelmed seeing proper counter arguments that you say it is irrelevant? I mean just read the first sentence (the string of letters and spaces that ends with a period) you wrote. You have no proof of me proclaiming superiority in musical taste nor do you have proof of me saying CQ is more interesting than MUCC. You used this argument to prove than I listen to generic bands but where have I written that I don't listen to generic bands/music in the first place? Along with purposefully misconstruing what I posted, you are also taking part in a Straw-Man argument. ... maybe not your English but your grammar overall is absolutely awful and susceptible to misinterpretations to ones reading it and it seems to you as well.
  4. JukaForever

    Nothing proves a person more delusional than them trying to put words in another person's mouth and use it as an argument.
  5. JukaForever

    It's kind of useless at my point. I can't take one seriously since they won't be able to understand what I post anyway. No matter how legible I try to make an argument. I might as well debate philosophical scientific theories to a cat, at least I get a soothing purr or two as a response. The other seems to be just posting for the sake of posting. Plus I can't take anybody seriously if they are trying to convince me Symphony of a Vampire is power metal mini-album. THE FUCK!!
  6. JukaForever

    How in the flying fuck does "I don't see how any of the vocalists in those bands sound typical." = "any of the vocalists" ???????? Mind you, the post I replied to is you listing VK bands and you yourself excluded Gacharic Spin because they weren't VK. As I said JukaForever, on 06 Jul 2014 - 9:59 PM, said: The bands that reply was meant for was for the VK bands: Calmando Qual, sel'm, juka, kamijo jupiter . You are picking and choosing bits of my posts and putting meaning into them which I never intended to be taken as. If you don't understand your own posts nor have the intelligence to understand mine, why bother trying to reply to me at all?
  7. JukaForever

    I haven't tried many of those bands but Kamijo is rock. Megaramonia is quite a stretch to say that they are power metal, I consider them just metal same for D, Jupiter and Versailles. Even then, you listed less than a good sample size to actually determine what a certain genre would sound like. Jupiter, Versailles, D, Megaramonia don't sound like each other at all.
  8. JukaForever

    Like miyuu, you are purposely misconstrueing what I say. I find this quite rude. Show me the post where I wrote "any of the vocalists", hell I even quoted my own posts and highlighted VK in red in my previous reply to you to ensure we are on the same topic.
  9. JukaForever

    There is probably less than a handful of VK power-metal bands. Can you really define an expectaion of what VK power-metal sounds like vocally? I associate Visual Kei more with rock music and a certain vocal sound, just in general but not definite. I don't see the point of bringing up gacharic spin when my critique is based on VK vocals on my very first post.
  10. JukaForever

    I don't see how any of the vocalists in those bands sound typical. Similar (Kamijo and Juka) sure but not typical. I don't even listen to Jupiter anymore, I can't stand ZIN no matter how hard I try to focus on the instrumentals instead. when and where did I say that? No, I said I tried MUCC and I didn't find them interesting enough to follow: That is a sentence you made up unless you can actually find a quote from me that pretentious. For the records, I listen to what I like to listen to. I don't listen to bands for the sake of trying to prove to somebody that my taste is music is better than theirs. I don't know, you tell me. It is quite subjective to answer IMO. I agree
  11. JukaForever

    prove that I do
  12. JukaForever

    I don't listen to MUCC, I tried and wasn't interested. I can't name bands on the top of my head with a typical VK sounding vocalist as I obviously don't listen to them. I thought CQ wasn't VK until recently. Anyway I don't consider looks for attractiveness more than I care for how it relates to their music.
  13. JukaForever

    he is a typical sounding VK vocalist
  14. JukaForever

    I have tried Lycaon before and wasn't impressed enough to follow them. Tried them again today due to the thread, still not impressed. The singer seems to be the typical singer I come to expect in VK. The band itself is good but not special imo. I favor Calmando Qual. I only started listening to Calmando Qual since last year. After collecting pretty much all of their releases, I kept on being left impressed with each CD I got to listen to. There was a freshness listening from their oldest release to the newest one but it is also evident going from the newest to the oldest release. The songs, album structure, tone, everything about each release had a certain depth of thought put into them. Something you typically get from a really good indie band.
  15. JukaForever

    For a sec there, I thought that was Kwang Soo and he is to be the lead. Unfortunately just a co-star. Will try it though once I find some subs for it.
  16. JukaForever

    I don't know much about SCREW but there are times where Mejibray has solos and it seems like it is there for no reason other than to have solos. Or when the solo doesn't add anything to the song or just doesn't vibe well with the rest of the song. I think that is when it can come off as "showing off" but the burden of proof goes to the person making those claims whether or not it is just part of the song the band chose to put on.
  17. JukaForever

    lol then just let pewdie scream the scream that nobody else would. Let him scream for you or in my case scream together.
  18. JukaForever

    Which game are you referring to? I haven't watched anything from him in a while. My last one was the baby game. From the one's I watched, I was just as scared as he was. So I commend him for playing the games I wouldn't play at all.
  19. JukaForever

    I actually like pewdie as long as he is playing a horror game. The others are overly forced. I only follow LPs with games I am familiar with or need an introduction. I kind of rely on TotalBiscuit for the second one as well as Pewdie to an extent and Gamefront. I have watched multiple LPs/playthroughs from beginning to end for Dark Souls: EpicNameBro - very chill player plus is able to do Japanese translation for extra tidbits about the game such as developer interview, lost-in-translation item descriptions. I believe his work in Dark Souls is what allowed him to participate in the guide book for Dark Souls 2 Vageta311 - The guy to watch for hard mode LP... and he just demolishes the game. Gamefroint/Gamefront Walkthrough - I have watched these guys ever since dark souls 1 came out. The success of the first playthrough of dark souls spawned the entire staff to basically take part in the whole souls series including Demon Souls. They do walkthrough/playthroughs of pretty much all the games but theirs is pretty much laid back and easy to just watch. There is only 2 guys nowadays, one is the average chill player that takes the game as is and the other is part time stand-up comedian that is willing to do extra challenges while playing the game. At the moment I am following their Dark Souls 2 *expert* walkthrough and it has guests from other stand-up comedians.
  20. JukaForever

    But that is true for pretty much all closed headphones. If you want even more isolation, IEMs is the way to go. I have stopped considering using closed headphones on the go. The full sized ones will give the best sound quality but will be too big to store. While the smaller ones will skimp out on the sound but will truly be portable. The best solution I have found are IEMs for portability and sound quality.
  21. JukaForever

    Started Trot Lovers today. Super impressed by Jung Euji, I liked her in Reply 1997 and I think this drama is a good transition from high school girl to a young adult role. Plus I get to hear her singing and listen to some trot. I am kind of intrigued by that genre which seems to be unique to Korea.
  22. JukaForever

    M50/X: Good choice, if you are going for some thing well balanced. I don't like the fit of these but it may be "form-fitting" for your ears. DT770: will be the most comfy, whole cups will surround you ear. It will have more treble presence than the M50s though. Some people don't like these for that reason but in my experience, it wasn't too big of a deal listening to metal. Momentums: Not sure which ones you are going for. The on-ear version are not worth it IMO as it is just a typical bass headphone. The circumaural version lacks treble, IMO, not good if you are wanting to hear a sense of clarity. K550: I wouldn't bother with these unless you are using them strictly at home and with minimal head movement ( no head banging). The clamping on these are crap and will fall off easy. Also due to the crap clamp, you lose seal which means you lose bass. The only other recommendation I could recommend is the Mad Dogs by Mr. Speakers, they are well balanced sound wise and are super comfy. Perfect for trance but especially rock/metal.
  23. JukaForever

    you may want to describe what you want. Like what about the 428 you liked/ want to improve/ don't want in to hear in your next pair. need details
  24. JukaForever

    From Kamijo's facebook, it is Versailles 7th year anniversary today. Pretty cool for him to still recognize the band.
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