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Everything posted by JukaForever

  1. JukaForever

    forgot to turn off my iPod and now I registered 200 plays from an artist I seldom listen to -.-
  2. JukaForever

    "Reverse racism" is still racism
  3. JukaForever

    I couldn't understand anything being said so I skipped it even though I had a pass for it. The quality of the stream was also quite crap last time, hard to watch.
  4. JukaForever

    They did that last year as well
  5. JukaForever

    yazzmad / niche Cyntia / Shouri no Hanataba wo - Gonna Gonna Be Hot! - [Regular Edition] (*First Press Bonus) KAMIJO / Heart [Regular Edition] KAMIJO / Heart [w/ DVD, Limited Edition]
  6. JukaForever

    woah this thread started in 07
  7. JukaForever

    Conctruct FTW
  8. JukaForever

    conk-truct a world, easy, no clue what it means though
  9. If it suits my taste and I can't get the same sound anywhere else, then there is a chance of me liking it. Soft-energetic vocals in power metal bands. Warm-poppy energetic rock. Deep-heavy vocals in chaotic or clean rock. I think that is really the only three things I look for now in Japanese music.
  10. JukaForever

    I simply copy and pasted that code into that media BBCode, glitch maybe? I was just messing around, pasting it every BBCode option there is. It worked for that moment so i was just curious if it was possible. Thanks for the info, I will just link the playlist instead.
  11. JukaForever

    <iframe src="http://8tracks.com/mixes/4662526/player_v3_universal" width="300" height="250" style="border: 0px none;"></iframe> <p class="_8t_embed_p" style="font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px;"><a href="">10' to Hip-Hop</a> from <a href="">iLLete</a> on <a href="http://8tracks.com">8tracks Radio</a>.</p> I see you have it done in your siggy. I wasn't actually trying to put into my siggy. I was going to try to embed it to my review so people can listen to the playlist while they read my review for the MH trade-off.
  12. JukaForever

    agree, it's been too long since
  13. JukaForever

    His face is too gold-like colored, almost matching his hair 0.o and it really weird's me out whenever the face make up doesn't match the skin tone of their arms WTH
  14. JukaForever

    I have been playing around with my sig to try and embed a sample playlist. It plays fine if I press play. Other than the text, the player disappears when I press save. Is this possible to embed? The code I pasted on the "Media" thing was an html FYI
  15. JukaForever

    I guess I really did gain a considerable enough mass that I could feel things move up and down as I did a morning run for the first time in 2 years.
  16. JukaForever

    The confusion could be changed if they describe the video as an MV and short clips as PVs. English lost in translation I guess.
  17. JukaForever

    That is probably to protect the incentive for fans to buy the edition of the release with the PV included. Why would anybody buy a PV when it is already available? A short preview is good enough IMO.
  18. JukaForever

    I wonder what is the rate at which I consume alcohol that it is not considered AA level.
  19. I miss her harder, I keep replaying the live DVD of Destrose
  20. JukaForever

    I don't think anybody here is defending the police, if so, point out the post.
  21. JukaForever

    I would master it till I can have only one weak spot like pai mei. Also grow 2 foot long eyebrows cuz that screams boss. Do you like the idea of having robot maids like in "I,Robot"?
  22. JukaForever

    Yea and my point was it was a bad idea to riot and try to tear up the police station as they have the guns. They have the right to defend to themselves....the irony
  23. JukaForever

    The cops don't have guns? Amazing
  24. JukaForever

    I was going to recommend this as well but they got guns down there.
  25. JukaForever

    thoughts need to be as random as this: https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/7DFED66C6E1091278730841702400_17d4a8d0ef2.3.2.mp4?versionId=oTXbP3R.gUAIVhGciYftdwFH3ieZM0Xs
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