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Everything posted by JukaForever

  1. JukaForever

    Shit, I just noticed the limited ed doesn't include Divergence -.- Damn marketing ploys X(
  2. JukaForever

    I see you are quite excited
  3. JukaForever

    I wonder if the theme has to do with his character's sexcapades.
  4. JukaForever

    Well, the thing is, it is fine on some cases and terrible on others. To put it simply Lag: DkS < DkS2 Connectivity: DkS < DkS2 I can say the summons(including red soapstones and dragon remants) are much more reliable on DkS2 and not a problem at all but the lag is a hit or miss in terms of severity. I can't speak much on invasions as it seems like NG players are given less invasions, I will have to see what its like in NG+.
  5. JukaForever

    I am almost done my first playthrough with Dark Souls 2. Since people are saying NG+ is different, I will have to do it as well but with a different playthrough since I am not fully happy with my first build. I also have to do a solo runthrough as I keep summoning NPCs since I don't want to miss any storylines. I can't say for sure I have beaten the game unless a full on solo playthrough (with no shield and using minimal armor) is done. I am also already prepping new builds for PVP which I have a bit of mixed feelings with. Lag stabs are still around and my win streaks are a little random due to lag. I thought since it is now a proper PC game, lag should be minimal and better than DkS1 but it isn't the case so far. Multiple builds and mastery is still at hand so it looks like I will probably last another 3 years till I get bored and done everything with it ^.^
  6. Finally checked the PV out, it a nice light song. The VK aspect doesn't make much sense though with the guitarist, bass and drummer at least.
  7. JukaForever

    that supply and demand though
  8. JukaForever

    Yes, I would get multiple and outfit them as my fave VK artists then see how sex would work with them. Bring fan fiction to the next level. Except I probably can't do them cuz the work already sounds tedious just by making up that scenarios....If somebody has the dedication, I shall provide the funds. Relating, what VK artists actually would look good together as couple?
  9. JukaForever

    Canada is actually pretty comfortable, I can't imagine any other place with a chill government and where multiculturalism is favored. I had to google "tanuki" and it says that is a raccoon dog. It would be interesting to know what J-Rocker is actually a raccoon dog in disguise. What was the most memorable toy you played with as a child?
  10. 1st song sounds awesome and the 2nd one is fun. Hopefully the project turns out well.
  11. JukaForever

    where is the album already
  12. JukaForever

    Well you can avoid the techno stuff as I do it myself. Like I said, it really depends on how the songs are produced. Even if is electro dance, it will be very listenable as long as it is produced well. From producers like Brave Brothers or Shinsadong Tiger, you get some good quality production. I am into this song by Kiss&Cry right now, sounds like a mellower BEG. I hope they continue that route. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yJ3qZYFC8g I used to be a big fan of 2NE1, now they just sound weird and try too hard with the americanized sound. I still like some songs but my interested has came down hard the last few years.
  13. There seems to be a lot of individual threads for specific KPOP/K-artist, why not one where you can discuss all to anything KPOP related? I am mostly into girl groups and less than a handful of boy bands but my interest only spans as far as how good the music production is. Current fave songs ATM: AFTERSCHOOL - HEAVEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vud2PRhmKSM ORANGE CARAMEL - Catallena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYDVHj4Rda8 I typically go to KPOP for bluesy-dancy songs and the chance to listen to bouncy-club songs without the overly sexual feel to them that I keep hearing from NA pop. I find it helps me balance the rock and hip-hop I typically listen to as I tend to listen to those more critically.
  14. JukaForever

    Gentlemen are good to go though
  15. JukaForever

    How can you be sure re-recordings are going to be shitty though? Kurenai is a recording, it's just as good as the original but with a smoother production. The other rerecording is "unfinished" although properly finished* in Blue Blood. I disagree that Vanishing Vision was recorded well. It has quite the strong treble presence and Toshi's voice was much more screechy and hollow-sounding than it is in Blue Blood. Access to better equipment will always sound better than using equipment of lesser quality. Beside, there is very little you can do with source material to remaster, you might as well just rerecord.
  16. JukaForever

    I am willing to buy especially if Art of Life has added warmth of musicality like the live versions offer. That just about justifies about half the cost IMO. I just can't stand the studio version after hearing it live. I don't really agree that is the Best Of list. I would like to add Say Anything, unfinished, phantom of guilt, sadistic desire or something else more. I can't take it seriously with 4 songs from Dahlia and just 5 from the first 3 albums -.-
  17. JukaForever

    They do seem to be quite friendly. If I am not wrong, that was supposed to be one of their attributes.
  18. JukaForever

    [CD] Sel'm / illegal other side [CD] Sel'm / brave [CD] Sel'm / violations [CD] MEJIBRAY / SM [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] [CD] Gacharic Spin / Boku Dake no Cinderella [CD] Gacharic Spin / Winner can't wait to get em
  19. JukaForever

    song is rerecorded for some extra craziness in vocals, sounds nice
  20. JukaForever

    Like Bear said, Cabin in the Woods is a satire so it can come off as a joke. I personally liked it for the monster collage as I love monsters or supernatural monsters including sci-fi types. I loved the chaos during the breakout, I think it would have benefited more with a guy like Guillermo del Toro on helm for character creation so the monsters can have more details. Much like Hellboy 2 or Pan's Labrynith. I literally watched Hellboy 2 like 10-15 times in the month I got the dvd. There is just too many details that can easily be overlooked and if you try hard enough to look for extra tidbits, you are rewarded with something interesting.
  21. JukaForever

    using chocolate milk as substitute for regular milk on KD, that's as adventurous as I get What is something you plan on buying let's say 5 years from now?
  22. JukaForever

    Happy to report Dark Souls 2 runs similarly to Dark Souls with just integrated graphics from an i5 2450M. I was mystified as to why Dark Souls 2 had a bump in minimum specs when it was designed for a PS3. My speculation is answered, my laptop runs it fine on medium settings and more than happy with its performance. So far a few hours in, I definitely like the difficulty (or maybe the enemies are just new) and the graphics is a step up from DkS. Also happy to report gravity is still OP as fuck DX
  23. JukaForever

    I don't think I can recommend ramen everyday. I tried it for 3 weeks since my parents got me basically a bulk of shin ramyun and had that to eat with various veggies and some meats for a month. I got fat quick in that small time, I now go for all organic foods and only get ramen or actual noodles every other month or so.
  24. JukaForever

    I don't really intend to play on full settings to be honest, I just need it playable (NPCs should not be lag-stabbing me!) so I will have to try what I can. The things is I don't play too much AAA games, with a mild interest on Crysis 3, and I use my computer more on media than anything else hence why I opted for a laptop. I am not sold on gaming laptops as well and will defo go for a desktop if my laptop won't work.
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