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Everything posted by JukaForever

  1. JukaForever

    good find as the vocals are not overly childlike for an idol group
  2. JukaForever

    Yeah....no, rioting doesn't do much justice for one death. Definitely not, if it means losing thousands of dollars for business which now jeopardizes the livelihoods of business owners. Also, the city will probably have to spend more money on repairs which will take money away from potentially more useful use of the money. While you can feel a sense of empowerment, the consequences won't justify it.
  3. JukaForever

    I went with henessey this week plus a bottle of wild turkey
  4. JukaForever

    Needs moar random
  5. JukaForever

    do it, fun band if I remember correctly
  6. Damn, that is hard a life. Hope it gets better for you.
  7. Not to be offensive but that would be like less than $5/hr ???!!! Where do you live? That's low enough to warrant a workers union to lobby for a fixed hourly pay or something. My first job was picking berries at a of rate 40 cents/pound, I could roughly do $40 in like 6 hrs, I would be too tired to do more than that since harvest season is in the middle of the summer and it gets hot. 10 yrs ago, album CDs costed like $20 +/- 5 so I could do like 2 CDs/day if I was super motivated and worked extra hard. Lol, the only reason I worked under the legal age was to buy CD or movies. By the time, I was legal, I could do full time(8hr/day) in the summer and part time(~4hrs/day) during school time with a fixed hourly pay of at least $8.50, FINALLY.
  8. JukaForever

    wtf, i had hopes for this band -.-
  9. JukaForever

    How about for job security?
  10. JukaForever

    also got a 6
  11. I was going to say hip-hop at first, as I am a big hip-hop head, but the whole reason I got into Japanese music in the first place was due to me trying to distance myself from it since it was super shit around 09 ish....still is shit now though -.- I would say I would've delved deeper into old Soul, RnB and Blues music. As it is the basis of hip-hop and I probably would've bought a crap ton of box sets to get me started too. I would still be introduced to KPOP though as I watched quite a bit of foreign movies and korean ones take up a majority of them. It would be natural for me to follow up on the music and see what they are about. So financially, it wouldn't be better as I am a music lover in the first place and would still be buying music on the regular. Japanese music just brings more diversity to my music collection. I probably wouldn't get into rock/metal if it wasn't for it. Other than that, it isn't that big part of my life. I live in Canada so it doesn't have much of a cultural impact for me to start "seeing the world differently." I already did before I got into it.
  12. JukaForever

    Saw Guardians of the Galaxy a while ago as well, now i'm pumped for the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy collab to beat probably...Thanos. I just finished watching, a couple months back, the anime series but they were taking down Galactua in that one. I would love for it to translate to the big screen.
  13. JukaForever

    Whaling was part of a culture from my understanding. That there is a good point in bringing up culture and how you can't change it so quick.
  14. JukaForever

    For the love of god, paraphrase the point of the article you are using as well as its arguments. Your 1st paragraph makes me think you are in the defense of allowing child pornography. That is a first for me to see as I have yet to encounter anybody that actually does defend it. I do agree that banning child pornography is based on morals (not sure about self-righteousness though) as most laws are based on collective morals. However the moral is to not harm children and protect them from sexual preds. I don't how fucking/sexualizing a child is ok for people at all. In terms of animation, good point in that no harm done on a child. Obviously you can't stop anybody's thoughts but still, I don't how fucking/sexualizing a child is ok for people at all. On your last paragraph, if it deals with a persons infatuation of minor, then is the book delving on the psyche of the man with the infatuation or is it a sexualization of a minor? The 2 are different mind you, one is explaining why the man finds sexual urges on a minor and the other is making a child fuckable.
  15. JukaForever

    Sexualizing of minors and child abuse is not the same thing. One is for market, the other is action on a minor. So what if it took until the 1980s to ban child pornography? In the end, it is rightfully banned. Laws takes a long time to properly develope. It doesn't matter if it was ok back then, what matters is that the majority of society have it ingrained in their heads that what is wrong is justifiably wrong. Similar issues can be found every where whether it be homophobia, racial inequality, or gender fairness etc. In many countries, laws are yet to be developed that address this issue. It is horrifyong to know that there is public assault on gays in Jamaica, sexual mobs on women in the public in Egypt, raping as a form of punishment in India. All the while the attackers aren't accounted for or they simply get a pass because it is something that is still seen as ok societal wise. Please don't just mention a book and not actually use that oppurtunity to justify whatever point it is you are trying to make. It makes me think you haven't read the book yourself.
  16. JukaForever

    Ok so it is about as famous as it get for people that actually reads books. What about it? I have heard about it myself but never read it.
  17. JukaForever

    Are you sure it is famous?
  18. JukaForever

    I don't think being sexual repression justifies sexualizing minors though.
  19. JukaForever

    Found it: also his channel has quite a lot of discussion of things about Japan, some bad stuff, some good but do take note that it is from a point of view of an Australian married to a Japanese woman living in a small prefecture. I would suppress the hell out of sexual urges on a minor....unless it can be a proven mental illness in which case it should try to be treated.
  20. JukaForever

    Nah, those mangas and stuff are available on comicstands and such, anime is buyable. It is freely available, they wouldn't be allowed in us/can or at least face heavy restriction. I will post a link of a vid discussing it if I can find it.
  21. JukaForever

    in manga and anime, i think it is unique
  22. JukaForever

    also the sexualization of young girls like less than 10 yrs old
  23. JukaForever

    You can always try to sleeve the cable and see if that would improve the microphonics..also you should have spare connectors that comes with your headphones. HifiMan sort of knows their cable is going to be replaced (it's a rich-audiophile thing). They are also encouraging of the DIY community which is why the included spare connectors. I might be wrong, I didn't buy the HE-400s but connectors definitely did come with my he-500s Dark involves the area around 10kHz. If that is considerably lower than than the response on 1kHz, then it is dark (LCD-2). And if it is really high, it can be harsh which grado's are typically described as. You can have a suck out in the 2-8 kHz region but still sound trebley like the UM3X, which I use. I am not sure where the ear is most sensitive though, I thought it is in 1-2.5 kHz *shrugs* I suggest you stay away from headfonia, they add an extreme amount fluff in their reviews. They are great for product introductions but terrible for sound impressions. Also, the reason the graphs vary from one source to another is because they don't all use the same method to measure their headphones. There isn't a standard way to measure headphones yet.
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