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Posts posted by JukaForever

  1. Point 1: Czarface is a group for seasoned hip-hop listeners and the underground scene. Regular-casual listeners to hip-hop will not fully appreciate what is being made and presented to them.

    Point 2: that's what happens when you sample old AF vinyls, up the volume, leaving little room for dynamic compression and then mix it all together with modern samples.

    Also beats are not really the main point, especially when you have Inspectah Deck in the group.

  2. 1) ask for an advance at your workplace - just try and see if they allow that


    2) increase or double your workload - best advice IMO if your 38+ hr work doesn't cover your rent and living expenses and you really want to live in a complex.


    3) move out and rent a room - this is honestly how you should've started out, not in a complex. Save up, get better work then move to a complex.


    4) invest in a bike - this should be a cheap option for transport, if you don't mind the work out and travel light to work.


    5) simplify your meals -  if you don't do this already, avoid eating out and focus on simple meals at home. When I was living on my own with a FT job, I was eating like 1-2 times a day. I got skinny and lost plenty of muscle by the end of my term but it isn't like I died. 




    get a loan - terrible choice, last resort


    sell some stuff - if you have rarez or whatever has substantial value, sell em now


    also you are a bit too lenient, a tenant should not be allowed to just walk out. Either demand a "last month rent" upfront (before letting them live with you) or a 2-week notice upfront (she pays half a months rent for the last month but you get a half-month rent upfront).

  3. I remember my mind being totally blown off upon a realization that Hizaki was not a woman (I think that was the moment when I took liking to androgynous musicians ._.;; ). 


    This topic deserves its own thread but that is also the time I appreciated VKs artistic visuals and started liking androgyny. 

  4. I wish they asked questions related to puzzle games or puzzles in games.


    I think that is covered under creativity. Some puzzles require thinking out-of-the-box which IMO is creativity.



    Gamers with high Creativity scores are constantly experimenting with their game worlds and tailoring them with their own designs and customizations. Gamers with low Creativity scores are more practical in their gaming style and accept their game worlds as they are.

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