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Posts posted by JukaForever

  1. ^ How is Rise of the Tomb Raider puzzle-wise? I played the previous game that came out and finished it in twelve or so hours because it was so very easy and didn't present a challenge at all. I didn't get this one out of pre-caution. I am rather bummed about how they treated the series because they essentially just turned into single-player shooter-survival games without the need for insight. In the first three or so games you could literally spend days upon days on figuring out certain puzzles or orders in which you had to progress through a room.


    Sorry I didn't see this sooner. To answer your question, the major puzzles only comes when you find a tomb to raid, so like 10ish actual puzzles. I only got stumped twice, both times it was just a gameplay mechanic that wasn't obvious. Since you played the previous one, think of this one as a bloated version of the previous one with a less compelling storyline. I finished the previous one as well in less than 12 hours mainly due to the pacing of the game and the story. This one doesn't have that as they had to focus in allowing the player to explore areas to scavenge and hunt. The game isn't a survival game at all, scavenging and hunting only allows you to gain XP and items to craft weapon upgrades. I played the game on normal and it was too easy but it might be due to me using a mouse so headshots are extremely easy and also there are bunch of skills that allows you to breeze past almost all of the action. The action is quite underwhelming tbh, most of my time is spent exploring. 


    I wouldn't recommend it unless it's on sale. Although the first DLC "Yaga Baba" was actually really good. 

  2. I still love/adore SCANDAL even though they are not in the direction musically that I had hoped for. Yet I still find the charm in their music in that they are just now getting full reigns in song compositions. I think their next albums will be fully produced by the members so it is quite intriguing to hear what they can come up with as individuals.


    I have fallen out with ViViD. I was making my trade-off mix and there was a particular year where I had a crap ton of music from them but none in the next. They had a nice boyband feel to their music but their major stuff just didn't stuck with me and I barely listen to them now

  3. firstly "your"


    secondly, I want Versailles to comeback and do a tour through North America, preferably stopping by Canada or a west coast state in the US

    I wish Kamijo would do a tour through North America, preferably stopping by Canada or a west coast state in the US

    I wish Juka would comeback and make music again.

    I wish SCANDAL would go back to their garage-band sound

    I wish Calmando Qual are together in their better line-up

    I wish Signal would just release their final song out to the public (I am starting to wonder if that song is even real at this point)

    I wish X would get their shit together (No pun intended with respect to Pata's complications)

    I wish Fuki and Gacharic Spin would make music together again

    I wish for a countless other bands that have disbanded to re-band again

  4. I could be wrong on this one, but I know I grew up listening to a lot of boy/girl group pop like Backstreet Boys and Destiny's Child. Even though I'm not a K-pop fan, I could see K-pop being really welcoming and nostalgic of those sorts of times, even if as an adult you might have gravitated towards heavier music. 


    That's my main reason for listening to following, it just felt natural to just like boyband/girlgroups. I'd like to add N'Sync, TLC, Spice Girls and S Club 7 to the list of groups that influenced me during childhood.


    Other than that, the contrast in Hard/Artsy Rock and Cutesy/Lovable Pop is just a pleasing listening experience.

  5. Dope

    Too much cheeky dialogue and very uninspiring with the way it pushes hip-hop as a theme. The film tries too hard to be edgy with its social commentary. Quite disappointed with this as this was the same director directed Brown Sugar which was a movie that had one of the best uses of hip-hop as an underlying theme.

  6. 510vpLcKsNL._AC_UL160_SR160,160_.jpgth_LyrycalCover.pngbilly-talent-39746-billy-talent-iii.jpg
    Wu-Tang Clan - Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
    Versailles - Lyrical Sympathy
    Billy Talent - Billy Talent III
    DMX - It's Dark And Hell Is Hot
    Souls of Mischief and Adrian Younge - There Is Only Now
    Ka - Grief Pedigree
    T-ARA - Breaking Heart


    too lazy to link songs, it was a PITA already to find those images in the right dimensions

  7. Huh, didn't know M of Beauty was 2010, played the hell out of it for 2 years. It still held up when I revisited Megamasso's discog a few months ago


    For the list with at least ~2 years listening:


    Megamasso - M of Beauty

    Versailles - Holy Grail

    Yazzmad - Yazzmad

    Calmando Qual - Black Sheep

    VII-Sense - The Reminiscence Of War

    Sel'm - Illegal Other Side

    Kamijo - Symphony of the Vampire

    Signal - CHAIN

    Galneryus - RESURRECTION

    Anthem - Burning Oath

    Yeti - 家庭の事情

    Cyntia -Lady Made

    Destrose - Destrose


    DOLL$BOXX - Doll's Apartment

    Gacharic Spin - Delicious

    SCANDAL - Temptation Box (2010 OMG)


    Making this list, I am surprised no MEJIBRAY even thought they are in my top 5 fave VK bands for the 2010s. Well this list was pretty easy, I only started listening to Japanese music after 2010 began after all.

  8. From a tumblr post:




    FLiP To End All Activities

    This morning (9th Jan), all-girl band, FLiP has announced the end for all their band activities. The band had just welcomed their 10th Anniversary since formation on 6th October last year. The band has cited that they’ve arrived at this decision after much deliberation, as they’ve noticed that their fuel necessary for moving towards the “future” is depleting.

    They will end their activities on 5th March 2016, with a final live titled『WonderLand』, to be held at Tokyo’s TSUTAYA O-West.

    SCANDAL and FLiP are bands that share a good relationship with each other, and are also personal friends. FliP has also previously played alongside SCANDAL at SCANDAL’s Band Yarou Yo!! event. Last year, SCANDAL have also left messages to congratulate FLiP on their 10th anniversary (here).

    Official announcement on FLiP’s website HERE.


    OHP: http://www.flip-4.com/ with official letter


    One of the 1st girl bands I listened to while getting into J-Rock, sad to hear they are ending it all

  9. Modern hairdressers are so scared of cutting out of the "norm" it is better to just spend more and get a stylist that can do out of the norm hairstyles. My long hair has been ruined at least 4 times which always took like a year to grow out again. Hella frustrating

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