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Posts posted by JukaForever

  1. marathoned Initial D and went to youtube to look for similar electronic dance music for riding...ended up watching Versailles and getting my mind blown that Hizaki was a guy. And there goes my intro into visual kei. 


    I think the earliest song that got me wanting to follow-up as to who the band was was from Dragonball Z during the goku-vegeta fight/screamfest. The transition to a screamy Linkin Park song was excellent and I ended being a fan of the band. Other than that, I haven't found or got interested in any other bands that came from anime OP/ED though, most them just tends to be bland and PG AF. But I do follow-up on really good OSTs especially for a character's theme that just stuck with me. Example: That one girl's theme during her romance with the main character of Parasyte.


  2. Finally watched Crimson Peak.


    Great progressive story and really beautiful outfits worn throughout the movie. Reminded me a lot of the Orphanage or Devil's Backbone in the use of the ghost. The sets were a little disappointing, I was expecting something along the lines of Hellboy II in intricacy of the mansion but at least they were well brought out in the final 10-20 mins. 

  3. Pick Your Artist/Band: Versailles

    Are you a male or female: Prince

    Describe yourself: Thantos

    How do you feel: Zombie

    Describe where you currently live: Edge of the World

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: God Palace

    Your favourite form of transportation: Vampire

    Your best friend is: Silent Knight

    You and your best friends are: Philia

    What’s the weather like: Flowery

    Favourite time of day: 愛と哀しみのノクターン (love and sorrow of Nocturne)

    If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: HISTORY OF THE OTHER SIDE

    What is life to you: Illusion

    Your Relationship: Love will be born again


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