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Everything posted by enyx

  1. enyx

    HOLY SHIT, YESSSSSS! Edit: Okay, fanboy-hype aside; I've really enjoyed this band's last few releases. Their more 'raw' sound since the Ghostly Me / House of Wafers single just seems to work really well. Core is one of my favourite songs of the year so far and this new song sounds really good too. Really looking forward to this.
  2. I have no idea who or what this band is, but that teaser has me at least a little interested.
  3. I just realised that there's a daily limit to how often you can give people rep. Sadface.

    1. beni


      I think it's eight? Des had counted how many times you can like each day.

    2. togz


      I thought it was 10

    3. Tokage


      But i have to like every post in THE CAT FILES!!! FIX THIS, MODS

  4. enyx

    Loving the Japanese vibe in Seimeisen's room. Ito's house makes me question my own life choices xD
  5. enyx

    Well, I'm down for it regardless. I really need to find some new VK bands to listen to since I only tend to listen to sukekiyo, 9GOATS, and HOLLOWGRAM with any regularity these days (and DIR EN GREY if you still count them, idk). See you all at the usual time
  6. enyx

    I think we're going with the Visual Kei theme today. I guess it wasn't really made 'official', but everybody that posted yesterday seemed to be in favour of that theme (and didn't we decide that theme had to be agreed at least a day in advance?). To be honest, considering how many of the members on this site enjoy (even if only casually, in some cases) VK, it's surprising that there hasn't been a theme like this before xD
  7. downy + THE NOVEMBERS gig. Oh my. http://downy-web.com/news/live20150518.html

    1. beni


      Waiting for an excited kitty to appear.

    2. CAT5


      bruh *___*

  8. enyx

    Pretty much this. I'm glad to see Japanese music promoted overseas in general, but if I was asked to choose a band to promote internationally, tricot wouldn't be particularly high on my list. Still, I guess it's nice for the scene as a whole.
  9. Well that was... different to the original, aha. I enjoyed it for what it was, though.
  10. enyx

    Emotions suck.
  11. enyx

    ハイスイノナサ - 変身 I already gave my thoughts on this one here. österreich - 無能 Another single and one that's actually not too dissimilar stylistically from the previous one. Piano-driven math with soft female vocals makes for an awesome combination and this single has me interested to see where this project goes in the future. If I had to recommend one track in particular, it would be the title track. LLLL - Faithful Pretty decent IDM album with some fantastic individual tracks. I'm not as familiar with LLLL as I am with other PROGRESSIVE FOrM artists but this album has made me take note. Ironically I'm actually listening to Blue as I type this xD
  12. enyx

    "The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right." Colonel (Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty) "Everyone is disappointing, the more you know someone." Adele (Synecdoche, New York)
  13. enyx

    Listened through the album on Spotify only an hour or so ago and I can barely remember a thing about it; it all just seemed to blur together into one long generic song. I'm all for Miyavi doing what he wants, but I think I can comfortably say that his recent material really isn't my thing.
  14. I've always had a soft spot for dark ambient; the type of music that makes me feel as though I'm walking through a cold, wet, neon-soaked street in some Gibson-esque dystopia. This track catches that type of atmosphere really well.
  15. enyx

    I got a new phone that actually has a semi-decent front-facing camera so I took a selfie. Enjoy my giant forehead, stupid nose, and slowly emerging bags under my eyes
  16. Geskia! has released his new EP "Remains Domain" through ARKTEKT RECORDS. The EP is available digitally on Bandcamp (name your price!) 1. Remains Domain 2. Static Classic 3. Numb Thumb 4. Fact Sect 5. Altered Standard He will also release his 7th full-length album "SFIMT" through PROGRESSIVE FOrM on 2015.5.17. 1. Ghost Coast 2. Afterhours 3. Priority Minority 4. Daze Base 5. Croak Stroke 6. Ray Delay 7. Odd Cloud 8. Fate Rate 9. Frozen Horizon 10. Crack Stack
  17. enyx

    Whilst I don't want to pick on an easy target, and as much as I'm already aware that a lot of people already accuse Yohio of being an imitator (and that people have already noticed how the single cover looks a lot like BEFORE I DECAY's), I still feel compelled to point out the fact that that preview sounded a hell of a lot like 2008-2009 era GazettE.
  18. It's an old song from their previous album. The PV has existed for a while but for some reason SMEJ only uploaded it to their channel today.
  19. enyx

    How can there be a WTF-inducing vocals thread without miya?
  20. Sigure's YT channel just got opened up to Europe (NA too?) again, I wonder if its because of the upcoming live?

  21. enyx

    Well the early Resident Evils (pre-4) were designed to be difficult in they sense that the actually tried to be survival horror games designed around making you feel unequipped and unprepared at all times. Whereas the later ones are more just about giving you as much shit as possible to go blow up massive amounts of enemies with. Ironically I'm replaying REmake right now.
  22. I'd like to hear Kana Otsubo (Spangle call Lilli line) and Yumi Uchimura (la la larks, ex-school food punishment) make a 'proper' collab together. I say 'proper' because Yumi did previously provide vocals for a SCLL pseudo-cover not too long ago, but that track didn't feature any of Otsubo's vocals. I reckon Robin Aoki (downy) could work really well as a guest-vocalist for THE NOVEMBERS. I know he already worked with them as a producer on zeitgeist (and co-wrote the title track too, I believe, which is probably why Kobayashi's vocal delivery is so downy-esque in that song), but I'd imagine his and Kobayashi's voices could mix together really well while still fitting THE NOVEMBERS' sound quite easily. Other than that, there are quite a few people that I'd like to hear collaborate more despite not having a specific person in mind. Kyo (DIR EN GREY, sukekiyo), TK ( 凛として時雨), miya (375, ex-BLEACH), and Masayuki Hasuo (385, ex-school food punishment) could all benefit a lot from taking part in some experimental collabs in my opinion. I also think Miyavi's best work as of late has come whenever he's collaborated with others.
  23. enyx

    Typically 8pm GMT on a Sunday. I'm down for comedy, but it's not really my strong point.
  24. enyx

    Have we settled on a theme for this Sunday or are we just doing a free for all?
  25. Sigure are playing in London in July http://www.japannight.jp/. Well then...

    1. enyx


      Do eeeet

    2. doombox


      Yeah, I wish. ;; One day I'll make it back there, though.

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