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Everything posted by enyx

  1. enyx

    Everybody's posting selfies all of a sudden, so why not?
  2. What this thread has taught me: Start pirating. Start researching beni x beni fan-fiction and physics equations. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  3. http://www.last.fm/user/pho-enix I'm actually making an effort to use last.fm now, so feel free to add me if you wish.
  4. enyx

    I have seen warnings before saying something along the lines of "You are sending too many requests to the server. If this continues then you will be banned". Perhaps you experienced a similar issue. I'd suggest trying again when your ban expires (which will hopefully be soon).
  5. enyx

    What the? That's... strange. Plug isn't exactly intensive with regards to system specs, it's basically just watching Youtube videos. Did it perma-ban you or just temporarily?
  6. enyx

  7. Being mentioned in the 'Most fascinating user that makes the most interesting posts' and 'Best plug.dj DJ' categories were both very nice surprises. The results overall don't surprise me too much, though there were some interesting results here and there.
  8. enyx

    This topic confuses me a little. If we're defining 'vocals' in a way that includes vocal melody and timbre, then I don't see them as being in a separate category to instrumentals whatsoever. A voice is an instrument in exactly the same sense that a guitar, piano, or whatever else is an instrument. If we're more specifically referring to lyrics, however, then I generally don't care much for them very much at all.
  9. You actually did it! Seriously though, you have no idea how tempted I am. Must... maintain... self-control...
  10. enyx

    My (much older) brother was a big fan of a lot of rock and grunge bands such as Nirvana and The Wildhearts when I was a little kid. Most of my earliest memories are of me holding my ear up to my bedroom wall so I could listen to the songs he was playing in his room. Funnily enough, my Mom would often yell at him for playing his music too loud while I supposed to be sleeping, and then I'd yell back at her because I was trying to listen xD. So yeah, that's what got me into rock music. My first album was of my own was Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory. When I was in school, the group of kids that I wanted to hang out with started getting into metal/metalcore bands such as Trivium, Chimaera, Children of Bodom, etc, so I followed suit. The ironic thing is that most of them moved on to whatever the new 'cool' thing was after a year or so, but I kept listening to that type of music for quite a while. Eventually I started getting more into progressive stuff - Dream Theater and the like - around 2007 or so. I also started playing bass around that time; I went through a 'Cliff Burton is god' phase that served as my introduction to Metallica. I didn't start listening to Japanese music until late 2008/early 2009 when I stumbled across DIR EN GREY purely by chance, and basically fell in love pretty much immediately. This was around the time that UROBOROS was still new and its mix of progressive elements along with their heavier/darker sound was pretty much perfect for me at the time. It took me a while to warm up to their earlier releases, but I slowly started developing an interest in Visual Kei in general and started checking out bands like the GazettE and D'espairsRay. I'm not entirely sure what prompted my sudden foray into indie and IDM. I think I just got tired of what I perceived to be a lot of repetitiveness in the VK scene and wanted to try out new things in the Japanese scene. I stumbled across bands like 凛として時雨, school food punishment and toe as well as producers like Ametsub and haven't really looked back since. Looking back on it now, it's really interesting how my brother playing his music loudly in his room while I was supposed to be sleeping ended up shaping my music taste in a way that's still somewhat apparent today.
  11. enyx

    Every year this tour comes along and I get ridiculously envious. Their organiser seems to have a great ear for music and an uncanny ability to pick out some real gems in the Japanese indie scene. Unfortunately, living in the UK, my ability to attend either the Canadian or Japanese shows is minimal
  12. enyx

    This is a discussion forum where people express their opinions. Some people will like a band/release/whatever, some people wont. They all have their right to express that opinion regardless of whether it's negative or positive. So long and people don't go out of their way to deliberately provoke or insult those of a different persuasion, then it's all good. On a less serious note: Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
  13. The new format works a lot better than the old one in my opinion. Whilst it's nice to know which writer chose which song, grouping them stylistically just makes a lot more sense. I couldn't second ATLANTIS AIRPORT enough if I tried. Despite only having discovered them a couple of days ago (courtesy of @CAT5), my mind is quickly being taken over by their brilliant mix of catchy pop, mathy rhythmical passages and piano-driven instrumentals. They really seem to fill the void that school food punishment left after they disbanded, except they bring a progressive flair that tended to be missing from sfp's later releases. I'm keeping a close eye on this band and hoping that they don't pull an 宇宙コンビニ on me. I'm also glad to see that Geskia got a shout from . I tend to enjoy most of his releases and Remains Domain is no exception. I don't necessarily consider the title track to be my personal favourite on the EP, but that's basically the equivalent of me saying "of these 5 tracks that I love, this is the one that I love slightly less than the others" rather than reflecting any particular sense of dislike. Also, it's likely to be the most reflective of his upcoming album, which is also supposed to feature a prominent use of vocals. Anyway, there are a lot of songs on this list that I'm not familiar with, so I'm going to start working through those and see how it goes. Nice job as always!
  14. enyx

    A k-pop theme may actually cause my death via aneurysm, but I'm down for it regardless.
  15. enyx

    Oooh, you listed some good bands there! 9GOATS, THE NOVEMBERS and toe are three of my personal favourites. Hope you enjoy yourself here
  16. Welcome to hell Monochome Heaven! I'm also rather fond of DIR EN GREY and (to a slightly-lesser extent) the GazettE. I'm sure you'll fit right in here
  17. enyx

    I haven't listened to the きのこ帝国 single, but your impressions of it don't particularly surprise me after the preview and their previous album. I really want to like that band but... eh. The Menoz song sounds pretty good. I'll definitely give the mini shot when it comes out (exactly one week from now ).
  18. Not sure if any of you guys are familiar with GUNSHIP. It's the side project of two of the members of Fightstar. They've only release two tracks so far but they're supposed to have an album coming out some time this year. I've both of them in plug.dj before so some of you might have heard them there already.
  19. enyx

    Eh, I just needed a place to vent. I know one post on a Japanese music forum wont exactly accomplish anything, but I was feeling particularly Sisyphean today so why not?
  20. enyx

    Hmm. Obviously a shame for their fans, but that seems like a rather 'mature' disbanding to me. That message came across as a simple case of the band feeling ready to move on after a long and successful career, which is the 'best' type of disbandment you can ask for really (as opposed to breaking up early on in their career or in more dubious circumstances, etc). Still, I didn't listen to them much but it's a shame to see them go.
  21. enyx

    Treating concepts such as skin colour and gender as primary identifiers gives way to prejudice. Prejudice is the main precursor to discrimination. Discrimination leads to inequality. So could somebody explain to me how fundamentally separating everybody into different categories such as 'black', 'white', 'male' and 'female' as the basis of an equality movement is, in any way whatsoever, supposed to tackle the issue of inequality? Newsflash: if you're treating people differently based on the thing that you're supposed to be fighting for equality in, then you're enforcing discrimination based on that particular factor. It doesn't matter if you're fighting for the 'minority', because you're simultaneously enforcing the concept that that 'minority' is somehow fundamentally different to the 'majority'; you're enforcing the concept of separation based upon the factor that you're trying to eliminate separation in. I’m seeing a lot of talk about “a policeman killing a black man” but nothing about “a person killing a person”, even though the way to get rid of social constructions is to de-construct them, not to reinforce them whilst simply 'fighting for the other side’. You're supposed to be removing the concept of 'sides' altogether, right?
  22. The song Afterhours has been uploaded to Youtube. Strangely, the PV for the track seems to be recycled from the recent LLLL PV (although I think it suits this song more than it did that one).
  23. enyx

    On the subject of potential themes, how about a remix theme? There are some pretty awesome but also rather obscure remixes out there so it would be interesting to see what people come up with. EDIT: Alternatively, OST Vol.2 sounds good too.
  24. enyx

    I think most of the Sunday plugs lately have had themes, so perhaps a nice big free-for-all is in order?
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