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Everything posted by enyx

  1. Although I'm not too fond of Ruki's songwriting abilties these days, I have to admit that his fashion sense and overall appreciation for aesthetics is absolutely on point.
  2. enyx

    If so then I nominate Kenny vs Spenny
  3. If it's a 'proper' song then it'll probably end up on their next album anyway. If it's just remixes, live audio, etc, then who cares
  4. Okay, GazettE, you have my attention again.
  5. enyx

    Recently finished José Saramagos The Double which I wrote my thoughts on here. In short, it's okay but lacking in any real story outside of its core plot and some occasional philosophical musings. Currently reading Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, which is proving to be a surprisingly enjoyable book so far. I should be done with it by the end of the weekend and following that I'm going to move on to either Nabokov's Lolita or Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment.
  6. I found the D.I.D., Diawolf, Lament., mouse on the keys, toe tracks all particularly enjoyable. Some of the other VK ones sounded promising before descending into really generic territory, such as the UNiTE. and My Fairytale tracks. On the whole, though, a decent list.
  7. I'm not as fond of Wagakki Band as other users on here, but I found that PV very enjoyable. I think the atypical song structure helps it to stand out a bit from the other stuff of their's that I've heard, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just shortened as Zeus suggests.
  8. I actually find the a-side on this single much more enjoyable than ego-izm, which I found unbearably generic. I'd even go so far as to say that one of my favourite Yumi-penned single a-sides; though to be honest the only other ones I've particularly enjoyed were futuristic imagination and to a lesser extent How to go. I didn't find the b-sides as enjoyable as usual, though. They're both okay but neither stood out to me as much as earworm and end of refrain did.
  9. Sounds like what you'd get if you took シークレットG and mixed it with TK's new-found writing sensibilities - basically painting by numbers. That riff at 0:06 is cool though, but I feel like I've heard the rest of the song many times before. Hoping for better from the rest of the EP.
  10. I have the opposite problem; I can barely distinguish Die's vocals from Koba's. Sure he doesn't sound exactly the same as he does in THE NOVEMBERS, but he's clearly the most prominent voice in the song. Are we sure that Die isn't the "guest vocalist" here? Anyway, I didn't have enough confidence to say what I expected this project to sound like, but I did have "super radio-friendly alt-rock" down as a possibility. Admittedly I didn't expected it to turn out as radio-friendly as it did, but oh well. I kind of understand what they mean by "live-oriented" now too; this is the type of thing that I could enjoy in a live setting but probably wont listen to very much otherwise.
  11. enyx

    Some really nice sounding samples on there in my opinion. 8, and 10 in particular sound really cool to me. Also, as I expected, Song Silly seems like a much more appreciable song in the context of the album than it does standing alone.
  12. enyx

    Some nice stuff in this thread. I need to dive more into the Korean indie scene, so this thread is rather helpful. I did go to a random indie concert when I was in Korea for a month last summer at the recommendation of a friend. I wasn't familiar with any of the bands, but I do remember the audience being pretty fond of this one. They didn't do much for me personally but I figured it would be worth sharing here. I also remember this band, whose single I bought on a whim since they were selling it at the venue for practically nothing. They ended up signing it for me too, which was nice. Nothing amazing, but I do remember finding their guitar work rather enjoyable at times (such as at 2:00). Whether this next band can be considered K-Indie or not might be a little debatable, since the band was based in Daegu but featured a Canadian/American/Iranian lineup. Really good math rock either way. Their album is free on bandcamp for those that are interested.
  13. enyx


    Senpai wai ;_;
  14. 凛として時雨 will release their new mini-album「es or s」on 2015.9.2. The Regular Edition will contain the main CD only, whereas the Limited Edition will also contain a 7 inch vinyl. Disc 1 1. SOSOS 2. Mirror Frustration 3. Karma Siren 4. Tornado Mystery 5. end roll fiction Disc 2 (7inch) Side A: SOSOS Side B: Mirror Frustration OHP Facebook Twitter
  15. enyx

    I knew they weren't going to go a year without releasing something, though my guess is that this one may be an EP.
  16. I think it's a bit too early to be saying stuff like that considering we haven't even heard how he sounds yet aside from some backing screams/shouts at DEG lives. At least wait until we've heard something from the band before deciding whether you'd rather have him singing or not.
  17. Trying to control my hype levels. Failing miserably.
  18. I hope they reach 9,999 followers.
  19. Spangle call Lilli line have announced that they will be recommencing activities with their new album (title not yet finalised) set to be released sometime in Autumn. A PV for the song "azure" has been released on Youtube. They will also be holding their one man live "evoke spirits from the other world" on 2015.10.10 at Tokyo Ebisu Liquid room. OHP Facebook felicity
  20. Anime covers must be eradicated from existence. Destroy them all. Upvote Downvote
  21. Most of those are more publishers than they are developers exactly. Many of them own multiple development studios that make the games they publish, but nevertheless are distinct studios that I feel should be judged individually rather than altogether. EA for example owns Bioware, DICE, Criterion, etc, which are all pretty distinct from each other than should be judged individually in my opinion. The same could be said for a company like Square Enix which has about 10 Japanese development teams, plus foreign studios such as Eidos Montreal, Crystal Dynamics, and IO Interactive. As publishers, most of those companies listed are pretty poor in my opinion. Other than Street Fighter V and Deep Down (which seems to be stuck in development hell), Capcom doesn't seem to be working on anything other than ports and remasters. Square's Japanese studios have been an absolute mess for the last decade; repeatedly wasting resources on failed engines (Crystal Tools, Luminous Studio) and taking forever to release games that aren't simple asset rehashes like the XIII sequels (case in point, FFXII, XIII, Type 0 and XV all having insanely long development times). EA and Ubi do a decent job of actually releasing a decent amount of games without much of a fuss, but neither of them publish much stuff that interests me (though DICE's Mirror's Edge sequel and Battlefront reboot both interest me somewhat at the moment). I'd say the two developers that stand out to me the most at the moment are CD Projekt RED (The Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077), and Platinum Games (Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising). The former I consider to be the best RPG developer in the world right now. Considering the fact that they only have three games under their belt and aren't owned by a major publisher it's astonishing how much they're making studios like Bioware and Bethesda look like amateurs in terms of world design, quest design, writing, and so on. The latter is just an excellent studio when it comes to developing games with really solid gameplay foundations and depth; the type of games that allow you to keep playing for hours and hours without hitting any sort of skill peak. In that respect they're like a modern version of Amusement Vision.
  22. The chorus sounds very similar to Yumi's other anime choruses, but otherwise it sounds interesting. Still mostly looking forward to the b-sides.
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