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Everything posted by enyx

  1. enyx

    Pretty much this. Just go with whatever the mood calls for.
  2. enyx

    Guitar solos that only exist for the sake of having a guitar solo. There's nothing I find more annoying than having 10-30 seconds of a song just awkwardly derailing itself so that the composer could check off the "obligatory guitar solo" section of their songwriting checklist. It's fine when the song calls for it, but the majority of the time it comes across as a force of habit more than anything.
  3. IX -NINE- I've heard about this band but didn't check them out until now. Stylistically I found them rather enjoyable, but their vocalist really leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion. I'll give them more of a chance though and see if it grows on me a bit more. 湯川潮音 This track was really cool. I'm assuming that it's not particularly representative of her discography as a whole, but it's a really enjoyable track nonetheless. nego Found this album in general to be rather good, though not necessarily a favourite. I do consider Ants to be one of the better tracks on the album so I'm cool with its selection here. Generally speaking I'm cool with the large quantity of tracks. In my opinion it's just a by-product of the fact that people enjoyed a lot of music this month. Nothing wrong with that.
  4. D'espairsRay - Always had such a soft spot for Hizumi's voice, and I don't think their post Coll:set work is anywhere near as bad as people often suggest. In fact, songs like PARADOX 5 are some of their best in my opinion. school food punishment - Particularly their earlier material, when Hasuo was an active songwriter alongside (to a lesser extent) their original bassist. The Yumi/Ryou connection was (and still is, in la la larks) an enjoyable combo but I found Yumi/Hasuo's mix of styles to be such a perfect blend of pop and prog. 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Another one of those bands that have yet to feel successfully imitated. UTA's writing tendencies tend to come out at times in sukekiyo, but that band is nevertheless on a different wavelength stylistically. HOLLOWGRAM feels like it's trying to be 9GOATS 2.0 but doesn't have the same degree of intricate songwriting and quality instrumentals to pull it off. 宇宙コンビニ - A more recent one, but I felt that they had so much more potential than they ever delivered on. Admittedly their guitarist/main songwriter was pretty much the core and soul of the band in my opinion, so if he ever finds a new project than maybe this one won't sting as much.
  5. enyx

    So I've been experiencing hearing loss in my right ear for the last week. Originally it seemed like it may have just been clogged up but now it's looking like I might have a perforated eardrum. Hope it heals sooner rather than later; not being able to hear music properly is driving me insane.
  6. The Witcher 3 is taking over my life.

    1. yakihiko


      It's a cool game, but I don't like Geralt

  7. enyx

    I don't tend to listen to as many releases as a lot of people here, plus I've been catching up on a lot of stuff from previous years, but here's my list so far. Love österreich - 無能 ハイスイノナサ - 変身 ATLANTIS AIRPORT - a [360°] Cosmic Flight Like sukekiyo - VITIUM LLLL - Faithful Geskia - Remains Domain Serph - Hyperion Suites nego - THE WORLD Indifferent 凛として時雨 - Who What Who What イツエ - 今夜絶対 Lycaon - Camera Obscura tricot - E tricot - A N D fox capture plan - UNDERGROUND そこに鳴る - I'm NOT a pirolian MIYAVI - The Others クウチュウ戦 - コンパクト
  8. enyx

    Yes please. This band's music translates so well into a live setting.
  9. toe, mouse on the keys, and now la la larks. July is shaping up rather nicely.

  10. "hallelujah" is also the sound that I just made after reading this news. This band has been strangely quiet for the last year or so, so I'm happy to see that they're finally releasing something again. EDIT: Apparently it's being used as another anime opening; this time for whatever this is. Slightly less enthused about that because I find that Yumi's anime songs always tend to follow the same formula and sound rather repetitive. Looking forward to the b-sides though!
  11. enyx

    My singing voice is so bad that it would probably cause that poor staff member to either go deaf or insane. I'd be up for voting, though.
  12. enyx

    I'm surprised I haven't seen this thread before. Seconding M-Koda, Ametsub, lycoriscoris. I'd also like to add: mergrim Geskia
  13. And here's yet another PV. Half of the album is going to end up having them at this rate.
  14. Wow. Between this and toe's album July is shaping up rather nicely.
  15. enyx

    Brilliant news! It's been too long.
  16. enyx

    Usual time (approx 20:00 UTC) sounds good to me. As for themes, I'm cool with anything really.
  17. enyx

    Anyone up for a FFA later today?
  18. So the acoustic version of TK's 'unravel' is rather nice. Never cared for the original track, but the softer rearrangement just seems to suit the song more.

    1. beni


      Damn right! Glad you can dig the acoustic version. ^^

    2. enyx


      Aye. Although some of my gripes with its overall structure still remain, mostly with the chorus.

  19. enyx

    Damn, your Siamese twin is hawt.
  20. enyx

    I want to see that 烏有の空 performance so much.
  21. enyx

    I can make it, but I won't really have anything to provide in terms of music.
  22. Sorry for the double-post, but Ray Delay has a PV now (albeit for a shorter edit of the song).
  23. My family doesn't really care about my music taste. My mother openly admits that she just doesn't 'get' my taste in music (or my personality in general, to be honest). She's one of those people that only cares about the sound of a vocalist's voice, and even then only cares about how "pleasant" it sounds. Anything to do with instrumental composition/complexity, or anything that doesn't centre around being "pleasant" just doesn't seem to have any appeal to her, so that cuts out about 95% of my music taste, including pretty much all of the VK I listen to. My brother is the one that got me into rock music at a very young age, and he probably hears my music so I'm sure he's at least somewhat aware of VK. He's never spoken to me about it though, and he tends to be specifically into early 90's grunge and whatnot. He did buy me a GazettE CD from Japan when he visited there once, but that's probably the closest to VK he's come to my knowledge xD. My sister's very similar to my mom and we almost never speak about anything aside from casual "How are you?"s and the like; I highly doubt she'd enjoy any of the music that I listen to, including VK. That's about it really, there isn't anybody else in my family that I have any contact with aside from my uncle, who also doesn't know anything about it.
  24. enyx

    I hadn't even noticed that! One day I'll dye my hair red, buy a microphone and the transformation will be complete. Illuminati confirmed.
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