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  1. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Seimeisen in Dir en grey   
    For me, I can't hear anything but "and in the sound of all the Chanseys"
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Asakusa in Dir en grey   
    I really really love audrey, it's so underrated though
    A couple of years ago some friends would look at me in a strange way because of this
    Man, audrey is fucking good
  3. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Asakusa in Dir en grey   
    Me too, think of a Vampillia-Endon-Merzbow thingie and PINK KILLER is just a glass of water lol
    Well, those bands ARE in fact from the noise genre and DEG is not
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Nowhere Girl in Dir en grey   
    Just listened to them back-to-back, and you're right. Actually, some (if not all) of the drums in the Red Soil remaster sound like they've been entirely re-recorded.
    As for PINK KILLER, well, I've always liked it. But I come from a background of Industrial, Noise, and other kinds of hard electronic music, so this sort of thing just appeals to me.
  5. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Pretsy in Dir en grey   
    Pink Killer is basically the VK parody of St. Anger before St. Anger came into existence.
    I don't care whether the extreme level of obnoxiousness was intentional here but the aural offense that die-hard fans call "raw" will definitely piss off anyone who's at least a bit of legitly concerned fan of music or a self-respecting musician.
  6. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Pretsy in Dir en grey   
    Give TMOAB another chance if you still happen to think of 'black wall of noise'.
    I understand people to whom this is not their cup of tea, but we cannot deny that instruments sound a lot punchier and "freer" here than elsewhere. To compare it to Kisou, however, is fascinating though. Kisou had quite shitty guitars and questionable EQ levels near the end which was not the thing on TMOAB - Pink Killer, to name one example.
    Experimentation or what people call "diversity", though, is not their forte and I fail to understand why people love MACABRE or UROBOROS so much. Especially the latter was not that novel of an approach from their usual delivery.
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to blacktooth in Dir en grey   
    Well that's because they're the best albums.
  8. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Still waiting for Kyo’s promise to fuck my parents. 
  9. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in Dir en grey   
    meh, TMOAB is only offensive because of all the Engrish xD I actually like Kisou a lot these days, couldn't stand it in the past bc of how "experimental" it sounds. But wall of sound? Na, can't hear it tbh. But then again, I fail to hear any remastering on VOS, so maybe my ears just suck^^
  10. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Chi in NoGoD bassist 華凛 (Karin) is leaving the band   
    you could say now... they are truly........NoGOD...
    *waiting for Rom's incoming BLOCK*
  11. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in NoGoD bassist 華凛 (Karin) is leaving the band   
    To be honest I thought they replaced him a while ago, but then I realized he just stopped wearing dresses. 
  12. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Pretsy in Dir en grey   
    Japanese Diru fans sharing our sentiments on single and album mixes?
    I could imagine there are like dozens of boards on Japanese internet like ours with similar, exquisite tastes.
    Do Japanese fans complain about mixing/mastering issues over there too?
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Just now listening to Vestige of Scratches, and honestly I wish they would just remaster their entire catalogue from Gauze to WtD. Being able to hear Toshiya and Shinya in Vulgar and WtD makes this shit so much more enjoyable. 
  14. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in Dir en grey   
    I tested it and holy shit, youre right @Asakusa It sounds so weird
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Pretsy in Dir en grey   
    What happened to @Asakusaalso happened to me with older android speakers when they filtered out Die's harmonic flicka-flickas during certain Vulgar tracks, like Drain Away's bridge part. Die plays that guitar intro on THE IIID, which pretty much confirms my previous observations.
    I guess mixers intentionally put Die below the mid-range frequencies while handling his guitar parts, since this does not happen to Toshiya's basslines which are audible in both cases.
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Seimeisen in Dir en grey   
    If the guitar was recorded in mono, it should have sounded through mono speakers. When playing audio through mono speakers, (or playing through headphones with mono audio selected), a lot of little things you can hear through stereo sound are gone, but anything mono still remains. I don't know what the science is behind it, I'm no audio engineering expert, and I don't feel like I'm doing a great job explaining this. Another thing to note, is that some smartphone speakers (and small size speakers in general) only have mono sound.
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to LIDL in NoGoD bassist 華凛 (Karin) is leaving the band   
    I kinda feel this is it for them tbh. He might not seem as important as a vocalist but you know, some Japanese bands are really into this "bros who ride together die together" stuffs. That they won't use the band name when one of them departing and regrouped with different name instead or disband altogether.
    I will see how this thing progress. This is a sad day tbh.
  18. Like
    nullmoon reacted to appl- in Show Yourself (again)   
    to all annoying people here who says that MEJIBRAY sucks ♡

  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in Show Yourself (again)   
    Since my instagram is public anyway~ (been to the barber since, tho)
    Well now it's not public anymore lolol
  20. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to geist in Dir en grey   
    That's why you need a 4th disc with nothing but Jealous on it
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in Dir en grey   
    Knew it Don't have the song list available atm. It's surprising, though. Should've been JEALOUS. First and latest release.
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in Dir en grey   
    Utafumi was included because it's their most recent single. Like a book-end, together with JEALOUS.
  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Pretsy in Dir en grey   
    Some days have passed by, and I still wonder why people jamming to new THE IIID pretend that the climax/bridge part in the middle is not awkward at all...
    I am seconding the comment on taking a break from severely dense production: why there's no raw, live MTV Unplugged-like release from these guys? 
  24. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
  25. Thanks
    nullmoon reacted to Seimeisen in Dir en grey   
    - Everything (other than the re-recordings) was remastered, but VULGAR/Wtd. aside, the differences are very subtle.
     - Using the single version of 脈 before 理由 was kind of strange, they should have just used the album version. Child prey is the album version, not single version
     - Disc 3 is problematic; only a handful of the songs are terrible, but only less than half I would have voted to include on a best-of album
    On Disc 1, 太陽の蒼 and ain't afraid to die could have just been replaced by MACABRE (the song), and if there was still room on the CD, add in the original 羅刹国.
    My problem with Disc 2 is that they tried to cram in songs from 4 different albums. What I think they should have done is use that disc for just VULGAR/Wtd./MARROW, and put UROBOROS tracks on Disc 3.
    I made alternative tracklists for each disc, and here's what I picked for Disc 3:
    I refuse to believe that anyone voted for utafumi, OBSCURE 2011, or Sustain the untruth.
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