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    nullmoon reacted to Karma’s Hat in Show Yourself (again)   
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to YuyoDrift in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    Shit, this song takes you for a ride alright.
    Place me into the group that would call this Vanitas 2.0, as that artistic approach has been kicked up a notch, making the entire track sporadic.
    It's hard to put it into words but the song is so close to not being listenable due to the amount of ideas thrown into it. I agree with many others here that they need to take it easy considering how well they are doing right now in the VK scene. If its a rival thing with NAZARE then please let us know.
    I really feel my thoughts have already been mentioned by others but their work really does make everything else out in the VK world right now pale in comparison.
    There, I said it.
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Floogurt in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    Reminds me of new Kiyoharu I’m down, although I agree there is a little bit too much going on it kind of seems like a mess but it’s still amazing.
  4. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from platy in Show Yourself (again)   
    I coloured my hair and wore glasses today. Am I K-Pop ready yet? XD 

  5. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Delkmiroph in Show Yourself (again)   
    I bought a jumper. It's huge. We're friends now. 

  6. LOVE!
    nullmoon got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Show Yourself (again)   
    (yay! It works!) 
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Karma’s Hat in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    When the A-side came out I thought I was already tired of the blessthefall riffs with the tapping gimmick and all that having gotten tired quick of their last album, but the B-side got me back. The vocals are sick on the entire single, and even if the wank didn't win me on the first track the funny one second long heavy chug around the 1.49 mark is fucking sick and the chorus hook is something else. The technically most able band in vk hands down if they only flaunted it just a bit less 
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    New combat system has me excited. Went from not really caring to preordering it last night. 
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    I'm in love with the visuals so far, everyone looks snatched and it's legit on advent children levels of detail except all realtime now;
    the dubbing so far is a choice
  10. I feel ya..
    nullmoon got a reaction from violetchain in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Currently watching Seven Deadly Sins on Netflix and I'm so conflicted. The story, music, and action are all awesome but the constant ecchi is SO offputting. I'm up for butts and boobs but come on =.=
  11. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Licio123 in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    I'm attracted to my therapist. Brilliant XD 
  12. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Tell you what, if Final Fantasy VII Remake features brooding emo Cloud from Advent Children instead of the weird ass dork that he was originally, I’m out. 
  13. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to Monochromelove in Am I a bad person?   
    I read this today, and I wanted add something.
    There's need the right measure in everything. It's good to help people and listen to people that need to speak with someone. Even if sometimes it can be annoying to listen to over and over again the same problems, it's always charitable to listen  to also who is not so funny or it's  annoying. If we are kind only with those who gives just pleasures, we don't make nothing special. But of course , if we see a person thatbecame too much 'dependent' on us, it's not good either.  We don't have to became dependent on any creature/human beings. Maybe they  need more help from professionals, I would suggest them to go to a professional (even if at the end they can't really help ... Professionals can only help in 'surface'.   There's more 'strong' people, (that hide their deep sadness) and more weak people, that can be hurted most. There's a solution for all these things, but it's not a solution that can be told. It's up to each of who need it,  to find it.
    Also, don't feel upset . You said "Aren't friends supposed to do that, and to get upset when someone leaves them for whatever reason?". no, friends should not feel that way, but we are humans and feelings get upset easily , so we can  hurts others very easily . We have to understand that people are not perfect and full of faults. Just  try  understanding/commiserate them,  because it's due to this human weakness's condition that make us this way, but  do not feel embittered, but just feel a charitable  'pity' for all these  human "miseries". Your friends would not really upset you, but this human condition make us do many things that we never wanted say but due to this weakness we can say.

    "Maybe I'm just too cold-hearted to gauge that. I suppose I haven't exactly proven to be the most understanding person in the world."
    No, don't feel that way. You can't save all the people and they should not give all this "burden" to you. But, remember, the human heart is in a weakness condition, so in this awareness, you can feel more calm and without too many thoughts , just commiserate the human heart, be patient and now you can  understand why such things happens, so it's more easy to forgive them, knowing the weakness of hearts. Just try to be friendly but also when see they became too much dependent on you, do some steps back, but don't totally leave all at once, trying  to not upset them ... Don't worry, and do the best you can,  Tell them you wish you could help them, but you are just human, and they are humans and don't have to be too much dependent on creatures. They need to find the real Light and not being dependent too much on creatures. Take care!

    PS: very important thing: (!) In general, for this and anything else that may happen in your life, remember always,  Never allow those thoughts that are discouraging to tell you that you are 'hypocrit'  (you wrote this too), never listen to this feeling  "am I  a bad person?".. and so on... and all those negative things that sometimes you think. Ignore them totally.  (I dont want to say that we have to think we are perfect or without faults, as everyone have faults, but when we commit a faults, never feel too much upset upon yourself. That 'charitable ' feeling I speak above, it's not valid just for others, but also for yourself, you have to be patient also with yourself. This don't mean one is perfect, i mean, i want to say that even if we also can commit a mistake, we don't have to feel hurts or be too much upset with ourself. We just have to say 'ok, I did a  mistake, but I will stand up and next time I will do better. " Something like this. That mean, to recognize that we are weak heart too, but not feel upset upon ourself. be patient upon youself is the first thing too) , Remember... Never consent the  negative thoughts you heard inside. . I can't add more for now... But never listen to depressive thoughts, these motions you feel ...  I repeat, never listen to these  negative thoughts. Even if you think these comes from your thoughts... 
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Tanishi in NAZARE   
    Honestly this bands pretty bad but for some reason I can't stop listening to them everyday because I have bad taste. If they had a better vocalist and dropped the shitty rave-kei songs they'd be one of the best vk bands around imo. I like the songwriting much more than early dimlim.
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    A Quiet Place - Well-directed, superbly-acted and with loads of story and heart. A Quiet Place has been seen as really original and fresh, taking new twists and turns to a familiar genre. Then comes Bird Box with a similar plot, although based on a book written long before this was thought off, and shit was off the hook with people moaning about this and that. Fair enough, as the world is full of idiots anyway. It's a good film and all, and I can see where the hype comes from and why. I do. But I was left disappointed. And the main reason why is the aliens that looked like shit, acted like shit and just didn't make much sense overall.
    A Quiet Place has got the drama and heart, but Bird Box has the horror and suspense and being a horror fans, horror always wins over drama. And the main reason why Bird Box is so much more intense and scary than A Quiet Place, is because you don't get to see the monster. You only get to see a few drawings which are all way, way different. Such a simple thing. But as well all know, the unknown is much scarier than the known.
    Not a bad film. In fact, it was really good. Just not quite Bird Box. Fuck the Bird Box haters btw.
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    @nekkichi @Lestat alright settle down ladies, or at least take it to pms
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    Quite certain that you do not know my doctor as we're from entirely different continents. Quite certain you do not know me as anything else but whatever your assertation of me is and therefore cannot ascertain anything about my lasting mental improvements while taking Prozac. Quite certain that two to three weeks of feeling miserable from sudden and invasive drug-intake and your body being bombarded by chemicals does not equal to 'lasting negative side effects'. You read what you wish to read. 
  18. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    The side effects are entirely normal. Anti-depressants are essentially harddrugs and are an invasive subject to your body and your body will fight them at first, you'll have to get used to them. When I first started Prozac I suffered from terrible migraines which I normally never had, fever-like convulsions, sweating excessively and generally feeling physically dreadful for three weeks or so. I don't generally understand the States' idea of prescription medicine since it seems like just about everyone can get them feeling the slighest cough coming up, but here anti-depressants are only prescribed by certified psychiatrists who know what they're talking about, and know the consequences of first time usage. If your doctor prepared you properly for what it's going to take to ride it out you should go with the process. It's not pretty at first but you should start feeling results after about two months or so. 
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in random thoughts thread   
    that's its generic name, and those are some brutal side-effects tbh (zoloft does the "brain zap" thing if you're dropping it without easing out/replacing it with something else, but it happens months or like years into being on it, not during the early adjustment stage  - that's absolutely not normal),
    which is also an example of how powerful this stuff is in a negative way when for some reason your brain chemistry doesn't agree with what the pills are producing.
    I hope you found a better alternative for it, there're newer (and for some people way better) alternatives too.
    there's no real benefit in sticking to something that makes you feel awful while you still have options - however your dr might not be too inclined to offer them for like their own personal reasons, which was my point. it's not immediately obvious that sometimes you will be better off just talking to a dr that takes your complaints more seriously, given the amount of various biases that potentially contribute to their assessment.
  20. Like
    nullmoon reacted to CAT5 in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    And I'm %100 cool with this. I mean, I was never HUGE on certain kinds of harsh vocals to begin with, but in many cases I just find them pretty frivolous.  And it's kinda like the older I get, the less inclined i am to listen to other grown-ass men impersonate the boogey man.
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    I feel like Sho is one of the rare vocalists that uses growls when they’re appropriate for the lyrics
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to The Piass in ヌリエ(Nurié) new band have formed   
    Their first live will be at Ikebukuro EDGE on 2019.07.29. During that live, they will release their first single called 「モノローグ」(Monologue). (1500 yen)
    Members :
    Singer : 大角龍太朗(Oosumi Ryuutarou)
    Guitarist : 廣瀬彩人(Hirose Ayato)
    Bassist : 小鳥遊やひろ(Takanashi Yahiro)
    Drummer : 染谷悠太(Sometani Yuuta)
    Tracklist :
    2.透明に混ざる。(Toumei ni mazuru)
    3.【ばいばい】(Bye bye)
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/nurie_official
    Website : https://nurie-web.jp/






  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Kiryu999 in ヌリエ(Nurié) new band have formed   
    Wow, this sounds super good ! Between all the metalcore and kira kira bands out there, having a band playing this genre is refreshing 
  24. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    I've been on antidepressants for 9 days and GHYLGADLGAJIODLKGL i just wanna quit. Happy pills sure make me feel like crap physically.
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to patientZERO in DADAROMA new look !   
    Got bored. Felt cute. Might or might not release a CD later.
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