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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. 1 minute ago, Saishu said:

    I’m not going to argue. That’s why I put it right above Wtd. 

    Completely overlooked that, sorry! I keep forgetting you're one of the few people on this earth who agrees with me regarding Kisou XD 

  2. Mine is ever-changing but at the moment it's (from best to worst) 







    Withering To Death

    Dum Spiro Spero

    The Marrow Of A Bone















    The Insulated World



  3. 14 minutes ago, platy said:

    @nullmoon that's ridiculous. Sounds like she has no filter.


    Headphones are great, but I'm starting to get sick of listening to music or podcasts. It's no longer for enjoyment but for the sake of my sanity. Why should I have to be plugged in for 8 hours a day when others are being a nuisance? 


    That could be something to bring up with your manager if you ever get one on one meetings with them. This woman is disrupting your work and sharing overly personal details. Sounds like a  justified complaint. 


    Wishing you lots of patience to get through this Friday 😛


    Totally get you, I don't want to ever use music like this to the point where I don't even enjoy it anymore! 


    We're hoping to move offices next year so I'll request that she be out in the car park or something 😋 


    Hahaha thank you, right back at you :3

  4. 1 hour ago, platy said:

    He isn't, when we get a few moments of quiet he'll be humming, etc. Anyway, he talks a lot too and contributes to the noise. 

    Dude, there are little advantages to open space offices but I'd rather be isolated in a cubicle at this point. My brain is so fried by the bullshit I gotta put up with daily lol. 

    I can relate to this so much. The office is generally harmonious but one woman feels the need to talk incessantly, overshare, one-up everyone, and generally annoy the crap out of me. I found out recently a colleague feels the same way yet we're not the confrontational type. Thank god for headphones; I don't want to listen to what underwear she has at home, how big her partners piece is, how amazing yet annoying her kids are, or about her annoying her mom is. Ugh. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Ultra Silvam said:

    I don't know if this is because I've never been with the right people for me or if I'm just unfit to be in a relationship. 

    I hear you and can totally empathise with what you're going through. To be fair I would argue it's the former; being with the right person makes you feel a lot more comfortable in your own skin. Having that certainty and security from someone really makes a difference. If I'm in a relationship without attention/affection, I feel so anxious about myself, about the relationship etc. I've had those crying fits and felt that frustration and despair both in and out of relationships and know how oppressive it is. 


    While you're single, try to work on yourself as much as possible. I suffer from social anxiety but I've been doing my best to get out there, talk to randomers (even saying hello is a huge effort), and become less self conscious. Not saying this will work for everyone but it's calming to just blend into the hum of society; it helps to remind me that everyone has their own crap to deal with and that the world doesn't revolve around me. 


    Be comfortable in yourself, work on what you want from life, and wait for the right person to step into your life. I know it sounds cliche but I don't know, I just feel more hopeful as a result of it :)

  6. Can anyone point me in the direction of their heavier back catalogue please? I've tried a couple of albums but they seem so inconsistent even for a VK band 🤣


    I love Dokumoru and Doku Mawaru but haven't really found anything similar 😕

  7. 6 hours ago, v3rmillion said:

    I didn't find out about them until last year (lol so late) but I probably had them on repeat for a good week or two.

    The single released earlier this year wasn't as exciting for me, but it's pretty cool that their management put english subs on the video

    If you need another fix, I'd recommend checking out DAMY. They're much better and more consistent in my opinion :)

  8. @Gesu @ghost From experience, sex is important in a relationship but it shouldn't be put on the ridiculous pedestal it's on. 


    Being physically, intellectually, emotionally, and sexually compatible with a person is key to a successful relationship. If one of those pillars erodes, the whole thing comes down eventually; they all need to prop each other up to keep the structure standing.


    Being super physically and sexually attracted to someone is all well and good but if they don't stimulate you in other ways, there's no substance to the relationship. Likewise if you can have intellectual, deep conversations but you don't have any inkling of lust towards them, it won't work in certain ways.


    I think it's about finding a balance really. All of the aspects above are crucial to long term happiness. The reason why we're in this thread is because either we, our previous partners, or our prospective partners haven't quite fulfilled all of those needs to keep my metaphorical Greek structure standing. 

  9. Just now, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Imma convince them otherwise by showing them pictures of some hot bandmen and convince them to join us! Hahahahaha!!! 


    Yeah K-Pop maybe good for you guys but do they dress up like sexy goth queens and talk about society’s problems? Didn’t think so bitch


    Once I show them Ruki, they will DIE for VK music

    Bribery through sexy bandmen, I like it XD 

  10. 3 minutes ago, platy said:

    Seeing as dir en grey are coming down to London in February 2020, I think it'd be a good opportunity for a meet up before the gig :) what better reason for everyone to come together? (here's hoping more exciting vk acts come over too) 


    I thought this too but didn't know if they were to everyones taste (they should be ;)). Good shout :3

  11. 2 hours ago, CAT5 said:


    Porn is bad enough as is, but if you're watching it and you're in a relationship with someone, then something is VERY wrong. I'll never understand ppl that do that.

    Agreed. Something is very wrong if you're getting off to someone else 🤦🏻‍♂️

  12. (Not sure where to put this topic exactly but here we are!) 


    I was recently on meetup.com in a bid to get out the damn house and socialise but the groups look boring and OF COURSE there aren't any VK groups. It's a disgrace XD 


    Any fellow UK dwellers here? Anyone fancy some kind of meetup/outing thing to meet new people, make new friends, and all that jazz? (jazz may or may not be included). I'm not great at this kind of thing but I thought it might be a fun idea :)









    (Please be my friend XD) 

  13. 6 hours ago, Bunny-Usagii said:

    My ex boyfriend hated VK and had no interest in music what so ever, so whenever I was working on sheetmusic or practicing the violin he didn't bother to have a look/listen to what I was working for hours on and instead played LoL.

    Also, I was only allowed to like Monyo from Babykingdom because he isn't conventionally attractive, meanwhile he kept bitching about my petite body and tomboy-ish personality, we met at an anime convention both cosplaying a dude, the same dude even.

    Not to mention, he watched a lot of porn and somehow was very up-to-date with Belle Delphine-like things (and the girl herself), but I wasn't allowed to check Twitter and look at pictures of bands every once in a while, because that made him feel like I didn't like him enough. :)))))))))))))


    Not dating a guy again that has no interest in music, or is easily jealous.

    I'm probably out of place but your ex sounds like a real douche. It sucks that he belitted you and your interests :( (But more importantly, HOW DARE HE HATE VK! T_T XD). Here's to a brighter future with better people though ^^ Use all your waking hours looking at dudes on Twitter to make up for lost time 😛


    It's disappointing when a partner doesn't share the same interests, especially with music. I don't have anyone in my circle who listens to VK and it's bloody lonely! 

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