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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    I listened to Macabre for the first time in ages today. Such an amazing album Also, I like how Arche sounds. I think it has a lot of punch to it which gives it a sense of immediacy to me. This is probably why the tracks transferred so well to live performances in comparison to tracks from DSS.
  2. nullmoon

    So the Straight Outta Compton film was awesome
  3. nullmoon

    Personally I find it to be one of the weakest tracks they've done, man. It's just eh. The riff is nom though
  4. nullmoon

    The Fatal Believer? Ewww.
  5. nullmoon

    Agreed, it definitely feels way closer to their old stuff at least. Live To Labor is a tasty bastard.
  6. nullmoon

    I had no idea there was an Atreyu thread here! i've only checked out the first half of the album so far but it seems awesome so far. Definitely not old Atreyu but it seems like their best release since A Deathgrip On Yesterday
  7. nullmoon

    Still listening to Dogma because I actually love it
  8. My 19 year old brother, who simply doesn't understand my love for VK, is now fervently listening to Meghan Trainor. Discuss.
  9. nullmoon

    I'm going speed dating very soon. Eeeep >_<
  10. nullmoon

    Jaegerbomb - Crossfaith What weapon will you use to hold back the zombies?
  11. nullmoon

  12. nullmoon

    It could be 'the end' of their hiatus
  13. nullmoon

    This is awesome. I love the use of old clips...NOSTALGIA! So stoked for this
  14. nullmoon

    BOOBS! Are they the new Lycaon now or something? As much as I like the song, they need more heavy material!
  15. You know, I didn't even realise that the new album is devoid of their signature sound until you mentioned it! I totally get what you mean though. Like most of their albums I REALLY liked some songs but I just can't sit through the whole thing. I don't think I could get past any of the songs on Temper Temper XD
  16. nullmoon

    I dunno, I usually love SEs but even I can admit NIHIL is a waste of time. Their SEs are usually awesome (to me)
  17. nullmoon

    I still don't understand the DEUX love.
  18. nullmoon

    I'm concerned that Meto's calves are larger than his thighs. I know he's a drummer, but WTF XD
  19. nullmoon

    Slipknot - People=Shit What's your ideal date?
  20. nullmoon

    Do it! Do it!
  21. Thoughts on BFMV's new album? I thought it was ass yet everyone else thinks it's a return to form.
  22. nullmoon

    I haven't listened to any of this yet. Seeing these comments makes things 10 x harder. In both senses.
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